So you really think you are represented in Washington? WRONG! Look at this FACT! Less than .04% of ALL Americans make over $500,000 per year. Let me state that just one more time: LESS THAN .04% OF ALL AMERICANS MAKE OVER $500,000 A YEAR! No, that is not four percent (4%)! It is point zero four percent (.04%)! Now there is about 350 million folks in the great USA, so let's do some simple math. If you take .04% of 350 million, you get 140,000. Now, if you take 350 million and subtract 140,000, you get 349,860,000 folks! That's right! NOW YOU GETTIN' TH' big picture FOLKS! Us, 349 million are being ruled by 140,000 folks! 349 million is a lot of people, right? It dang sure is! So why in the hell are we allowin' these 140,000 to get away with this junk? America wasn't set up that way, right? The MAJORITY is supposed to rule! 349 million is a heck of a lot bigger than 140,000! Wouldn't you consider 140,000 a MINORITY as opposed to 349 million? So what's up?
But wait! There's more! As Billy Mays might say! Of the 140,000, only about 25% are involved, or even give a hoot about politics. So, if you take 25% of 140,000, you get 35,000. Now these 35,000 are the "FAT CATS", that have bought and paid for the 600 or so politicians that make up the Federal Government. They are the ones that pay for the lobbyists! The lobbyists are the messengers! Here is how it works: Let's say that one of these FAT CATS lives in Chicago (funny how I just happened to pick Chicago, huh?). This FAT CAT spent (untraceable) millions for Obama to get elected. Now this FAT CAT owns a construction company and needs a little bit of VERY PROFITABLE business coming his way. Well, he puts the bug (his request) in a trusted, very well paid, employees ear. The trusted employee puts the bug in a contracted lobbyist's ear. The lobbyist goes to Washington and puts the bug in a staff members ear. The staff member puts the bug in one of Obama's staff members ear. Obama's staff member puts the bug into the ear of someone Obama trusts extremely (no, not Biden or Pelosi). You see, it is done this way because it is virtually undetectable and all involved know that folks have been eliminated for a lot less. Anyway, BAM! All of a sudden, Chicago's mayor decides that there needs to be a bridge, park, walkway, path, nature area, etc., in the middle of no where. He opens it up for SEALED BIDS. Guess who has the highest bid? Guess who's bid the mayor chooses? You got it partner! The FAT CAT'S construction company! And guess who pays for this OVER-PRICED and TOTALLY USELESS Federal project? Dang, y'all are way ahead of me!
"Like sands in the hour glass, so are the days of their lives"! So, when one of them G-MEN (Federal politicians and/or their staff) smiles at you and says, "We can do it! Yes we can!" What they REALLY mean is, "We can DO YOU Bubba! Yes we can, dummies! And we gonna DO YOU good!" Sad thing is...........THEY ARE ALREADY DOING IT!
"How fortunate for government, that the people they govern don't think." --- ADOLPH HITLER
"I have campaigned in all 57 states." ------- BARRACK OBAMA
"Life's tough........it's even tougher if you're stupid.'' -------- JOHN WAYNE
So, you got this mere 35 thousand trying to dictate to us, the HUGE 349 million! You got 35 thousand in the LEFT hand and 349 million in the RIGHT hand............hmmm, and you DON'T know how to change it? You cannot even imagine how to get these 35 thousand FLEAS off your back? It only takes TWO things! Just TWO! First, you've got to find a way to BREAK the FAT CATS and second, you've got to replace their PUPPETS in Washington. We don't just need to CUT the strings! We have to completely get rid of ANY STRINGS, THE PUPPETS, AND THE PUPPETEERS! Translated: Lobbyist, Federal Politicians, and Fat Cats! That's it!
We need to start grooming carpenters, roofers, mechanics, bakers, homemakers, secretaries, maids, brick layers, garbage men, plumbers, electricians, meter readers, yard men, ship builders, grocers, pipe fitters, truck drivers, steel workers, salesmen, and almost ANYONE that knows what rolling up their sleeves and working for a living is! We all know some pretty good folks in these type jobs. And in these kinds of jobs, we know folks that are outgoing, energetic, passionate, honest, with great love of country. Ask 'em if they'd like to represent. There are organizations that will help them get elected. We just need representatives out of the 349 million! We need folks that can REALLY represent the 349 million and not the 35 thousand!
DO NOT BUY from any company that took OUR money! I mean not one single one! None! They are the crooks! They are the robbers! They are the thieves in the night! This will begin the process of BREAKING the FAT CATS. DO NOT elect or re-elect anyone that approved one single cent of BAILOUT money! They DO NOT represent you! They are your ENEMY! Ask yourself this simple question: "If the bailout was legitimate, then why do we NOT have an accounting of it?" C'mon guys! It's not rocket science! It is staring you right in the face. The government audits EVERYTHING! They are AUDIT NUTS! I've been audited over fifty lousy bucks! You can actually sit there and tell me that this was all just a big oversight? We are talkin' almost a TRILLION DOLLARS and no accounting? The government? The "watch you like a hawk" guys? I mean, if you absolutely want to give them the benefit of the doubt on this, then I'm sorry, but you HAVE A FRIGGIN' NUT LOOSE SOMEWHERE!!!!! This was crooked! This was outright robbery! They stole from me and they stole from you! We need a new slogan:
Now, you REALLY have some of my opinions!
That was awesome and gives me a lot of hope! Thanks for breaking it down that way so we can see just how easily we could take America back! We've got the numbers, now to get our millions to get involved!
ReplyDeleteHey Susie - good to hear from you. Got more comin' so keep readin' and spreadin'!