"Yes sur masta! I dun what you wanted. I dun broke dem Americans. I spent all thar money. I told you thats I wouldn't let my Muslims King down. Did I do good masta? Oh, and did you notice hows I bowed to you without dem folks knowin' a dang thang? I fooled dem! They so dum that they taughts I just was bendin' over 'cause I be so tall and all. Theys so dum alright. Right masta? I's gotz to say that you sure did has me worried 'bout tryin' to be da Prez and all, without even beein' a citizen. Yes sur, I was worried, but you tolds me datz you'd take care of it and youz did. Boy, you must have one big ol' pile a money to be able to pull dat un off, huh? I know dat I'm sure glad that I be Muslim and on your side. Like my daddy always told me, ""DA FOLKS WHAT GOTZ DA COIN, ARE DA FOLKS DAT GONNA EATZ DA SIRLOIN!" Boy dat was a good un alright! My ol' daddy mighta hitz da bottle now and than, but he sure could comes up withz a good un ever once in a while. So masta, letz me seez if I's understand whats we gonna do next. I's gonna push this healthcare stuff and when dat getz passed, well, that should break ol' America's back, huh? Just like you and dat ol' Bilderberg Bunch planned. Now not too long after dat ol' Amedenahoochie and Lil' Kim ought to have dat nuke stuff wrapped up. It was kinda neat how you had dem boys acts crazy soz no one would really take dem serious. Youz one smart cracker masta! Next thang is they gonna start a lil' mess with da nukes and I'm gonna just be forced, as da Prez and all, to send more troops to Koreaz, Araqz, andz Afganostanz. We also gonna spread out da Navy by watchin' Cuba and Venzulayer. Now letz see what weez got. We got Russia, China, North Koreaz, Aran, Venzulayer, and Cuba all with either dem nuke missles or dems dirty bombz. Oh, and I ain'tz forgetten that you gotz a whole bunch of dem dirty bombz right here in America, thanks to me masta, right? Thank you masta!
So we got da whole dang defenses of America spread out all over da dang place. We got America surrounded by nukes or dirty bombz. I'm bringin' over thousands of loyal Hamas boyz right under theez dumb crackers noses and we've got dem Islamics trainin' camps set up in fifteen states with more comin'. Oh, and these dummies gonna let me takes all there guns too. Dis gonna be likes takin' candy from a whinin' lil' ol' baby! Yeah, you and dem Bilderbergs gonna getz your NEW WORLD ORDER alright, JUST LIKE Y'ALL PLANNED! And you gonna put my smooth talkin' lil' butt in charge of da whole dang thang. Yes masta, I know I's gonna be for appearances sake only. Y'alls still gonna pull da strings. I won't forgetz dat again. I'm sorry masta. Yeah, when all this be done I's gonna grab ol' Michelle and say, "Baby, we have truly arrived!", and then we both gonna kneel down and bow to da west and pray. It's gonna be a heck of a day in da NEW WORLD. Yes sir, all dem dummies gonna be bowin' to me!"
Yes, I used some "slave slang" to make my point, so get over it. After all, Obama is a slave, to the folks with the money and the power. They bought and paid for him! You voted for an "Uncle Tom"! Can you really look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that Obama wasn't elected because he was black. The country was just salivating for either a black person or a woman or, even more, a black woman to be President. The money boys knew it too, so they rushed in someone that they had groomed since birth. No they couldn't get an HONEST black person. A black person with principles and integrity. There were plenty of those around, but they wouldn't PLAY their game. They needed a real player! One that liked the money and the power that came with the job. They put him on the market as the first black President and just about every black person in America bought the hype. They needed one that was smooth and had some "CON" and "GRIFT" in him! So they put OBAMA in the ACTION and he was drawn to it like a yellow jacket on a cantaloupe! The folks didn't study him! They did not investigate him! They ignored his background! And they voted with their hearts and not their minds! Oh, and the money boys "HEDGED" their bet by rounding up virtually every uninformed person they could find and made sure they voted just the way they wanted. Heck, they even PAID some of them! Just like cattle to the butcher house they went! And, as if that weren't enough, they got imaginary voters, through ACORN, to SEAL TH' DEAL!
CHANGE? Yeah, we are fixing to get some CHANGE alright! These money boys got us right where they want us! Folks it is REALLY TIME to rattle some cages! To STEP on some toes! To draw attention to ourselves! We have to pull out all the stops now! It's ACTION time. These cats are rushing because they know they do not have a lot of time. They are passing things left and right without studying or even reading them. We are right on the heels of Obama's CRIMES and he, and the money boys know it! Now is the time to STAND firm and do not take NO for an answer. The only way to be able to SEE THROUGH a window is to WASH it! We gotta a very DIRTY window in Washington!
These are ALL my opinions! Hope you get something out of 'em.
So we got da whole dang defenses of America spread out all over da dang place. We got America surrounded by nukes or dirty bombz. I'm bringin' over thousands of loyal Hamas boyz right under theez dumb crackers noses and we've got dem Islamics trainin' camps set up in fifteen states with more comin'. Oh, and these dummies gonna let me takes all there guns too. Dis gonna be likes takin' candy from a whinin' lil' ol' baby! Yeah, you and dem Bilderbergs gonna getz your NEW WORLD ORDER alright, JUST LIKE Y'ALL PLANNED! And you gonna put my smooth talkin' lil' butt in charge of da whole dang thang. Yes masta, I know I's gonna be for appearances sake only. Y'alls still gonna pull da strings. I won't forgetz dat again. I'm sorry masta. Yeah, when all this be done I's gonna grab ol' Michelle and say, "Baby, we have truly arrived!", and then we both gonna kneel down and bow to da west and pray. It's gonna be a heck of a day in da NEW WORLD. Yes sir, all dem dummies gonna be bowin' to me!"
Yes, I used some "slave slang" to make my point, so get over it. After all, Obama is a slave, to the folks with the money and the power. They bought and paid for him! You voted for an "Uncle Tom"! Can you really look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that Obama wasn't elected because he was black. The country was just salivating for either a black person or a woman or, even more, a black woman to be President. The money boys knew it too, so they rushed in someone that they had groomed since birth. No they couldn't get an HONEST black person. A black person with principles and integrity. There were plenty of those around, but they wouldn't PLAY their game. They needed a real player! One that liked the money and the power that came with the job. They put him on the market as the first black President and just about every black person in America bought the hype. They needed one that was smooth and had some "CON" and "GRIFT" in him! So they put OBAMA in the ACTION and he was drawn to it like a yellow jacket on a cantaloupe! The folks didn't study him! They did not investigate him! They ignored his background! And they voted with their hearts and not their minds! Oh, and the money boys "HEDGED" their bet by rounding up virtually every uninformed person they could find and made sure they voted just the way they wanted. Heck, they even PAID some of them! Just like cattle to the butcher house they went! And, as if that weren't enough, they got imaginary voters, through ACORN, to SEAL TH' DEAL!
CHANGE? Yeah, we are fixing to get some CHANGE alright! These money boys got us right where they want us! Folks it is REALLY TIME to rattle some cages! To STEP on some toes! To draw attention to ourselves! We have to pull out all the stops now! It's ACTION time. These cats are rushing because they know they do not have a lot of time. They are passing things left and right without studying or even reading them. We are right on the heels of Obama's CRIMES and he, and the money boys know it! Now is the time to STAND firm and do not take NO for an answer. The only way to be able to SEE THROUGH a window is to WASH it! We gotta a very DIRTY window in Washington!
These are ALL my opinions! Hope you get something out of 'em.
I really hope and pray that's not the plot these people have in mind. But I'm afraid it's playing out that way. Prayer, prayer, and more prayer!
ReplyDeleteI really hope people see the big picture before it's too late!
Yes, we need a lot of prayer! Thanks for staying involved.
ReplyDeletePrayer AND Faith!
ReplyDeleteBut personally I think "they"
want us to be so beaten down with all the BAD news and ALL the bad people we hear about and loss of MORALS, GOD, Family Togetherness,
that we will be taken over more easily...however, I will try to be strong and keep looking UP as hard as it is.
Thanks for posting and KEEP this up! WE all must be aware and keep our humor! This was hysterical.
Thanks KZ and keep up the good "tude"!