Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Healthcare.  Obamacare.  Nobamacare.  Healthcare!  Healthcare!  Healthcare!  I hear it on the radio, while I'm driving!  I watch it on TV!  Change the channel?  Yeah right!  It's on every channel!  Whether on a sitcom, or the news, a commercial, or yes, even a stinkin' movie!  We are bombarded with HEALTHCARE!

Ya know what's funny?  Everybody, and I mean, everybody, that thinks this is about healthcare, is DEAD WRONG!  Oh, shut up!  You are wrong.  You see healthcare is what doctors and nurses do to get you well or, at the very least, make the rest of your days as comfortable as possible.  All this healthcare talk has nothing to do about getting you well or making you feel comfortable.  No sir!  All this talk is about HEALTH INSURANCE!  Health insurance or coverage is one way the doctors and nurses get paid for getting you well and comfortable.  Now why would someone call it healthcare, when it is health insurance? 

Well, it's really simple and very, very misleading.  You see, to the average American, you and me, health care sounds needed.  A must have!  You will die, if you do not get it!  Now, on the other hand, health insurance sounds like a piece of paper. A policy.  Something you may or may not have, but without it, you probably can still get some HEALTH CARE, somewhere.  So, them ol', "up in high places", politicians needed to MAKE A SALE.  A big ol' sale.  They needed to sell me and you and make it sound awfully important.  Something that needs to be done now!  Can't wait!  Don't even have time to read it!  And, they needed to sell some of there fellow, "lower down the line",  politicians, you know, the DUMB ones.  The ones that don't know their donkey from a hole in the ground.  And partner, there a bunch of those in DC, huh?

Now, you know what is really, really funny?  That stuff, Health Care, Health Insurance, Coverage, or what ever else you want to tag it with, well, none of that is about any of that because that is something that it ain't about.  Whew!  AFLAAAAAAAC!  No seriously, it is not about doctors and nurses getting you well and comfortable.  It is not about getting them doctors and nurses paid.  No!  Absolutely not!  Oh be quiet and let me finish!  Dang!

What is it about?  It is about ELITE control.  It has always been about ELITE control!  Get out of here with labeling me a nut!  Y'all liberals need to, put down them lattes and cappuccinos and sit up and pay attention.  We are about to loose The United States of America!  Oh, yes we are!  Now that is just a "plain ol' cup of Joe" fact!  Do you really believe that being a liberal will somehow guard you against what they are going to try to do?  Listen carefully:  IT WILL NOT!  If they succeed, and as bad as I hate to admit it, right now, the odds are in their favor, you will not be able to choose between Starbucks (Sevenbucks) and Seven-Eleven.  You will not be able to choose what college you want to attend or, much less, choose the "field" you'd like to go into.  Oh, and the artsy-fartsy wine and cheese?  HISTORY!  No siree!  You will do what they say, when they say it, and how they want it.  And, if you don't please them, then you get less of the little they already give you.  Yep, welcome to Communism, my friend.  Yeah, you thought Communism is where everybody gets EQUAL shares of everything, didn't you?  Poor baby.  EQUAL share of everything?  Boy howdy!  That's a real knee slapper, sunshine!  Hey, but you are right about the EQUAL shares.  It just doesn't include EVERYTHING!  Not by a long shot, sweetheart!  

You see, I know, that you really believe, that there are folks, that can make an ALICE IN WONDERLAND world really happen, but there ain't.  You guys are so busy with how to put more fun in your life, that you always forget about the one big thing, EVIL.  It is a given.  There will ALWAYS be EVIL in our world.  And, because of that, there will always be folks, who want someone else, meaning you and me, to do all the work, while they reap all the rewards.  Plain and simple!  The only way, which we can ever get the world even close to livable for everybody, is to learn that one simple thing.  EVIL EXISTS!  Then we all, the good folks, can fight it and keep it at bay.

"All history is one long story to this effect: men have struggled for power over their fellow men in order that they might win the joys of earth at the expense of others, might shift the burdens of life from their own shoulders upon those of others." --American professor William Graham Sumner (1840-1910)

Now, the picture above, shows the most corrupt, evil man on the planet, DAVID ROCKEFELLER.  He is the founder of THE TRILATERAL COMMISSION (http://www.libertyforlife.com/nwo/2009Chart.pdf).  All the little crooks, pretty much, beckon to his every whim.  He wants it all!  AND I MEAN ALL!  He has his hands on the three biggest, most corrupt, most sinister, most non-caring for mankind, groups in the world.  They are the EVIL, that we must fight and keep at bay!  All corruption in the world are tied in someway to these three groups.  Please, never, ever forget this.  ACORN, SEIU, FEDERAL RESERVE, SOROS, TIDES, ACLU, SOME ARMED FORCES, UNITED NATIONS, NATO, ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, CNN, MOST MAJOR NEWSPAPERS,  COMMUNISTS, MARXISTS, SOCIALISTS, (AND ALL THE OTHER BAD "...ISTS"), AND ALL THE GOVERNMENTS OF THE WORLD, are tied, in one form or another, to these three groups.

Now before you start saying to yourself, "They are so big, organized, and wide spread, that we cannot beat them!", let me stop you and say, BALONEY!  Look, without sounding too much like a southern preacher, I gotta tell ya, "YOU GOTTA KEEP THE FAITH BROTHER!"  I mean, our beliefs tell us that there is GOOD and EVIL, and no matter how big the EVIL appears, it ain't nothing!  Our beliefs taught us that too, right?  So, don't be giving up on me!  We have to keep fighting this junk at every turn and always!  24/7!  Day and night!  Seven days a week!  Compared to Almighty God, ROCKEFELLER is just a little dung beetle!  A mere bug!  Puny!  Weak!  He is a beaten man, if you have faith that he his, he is.

This is what I believe:  "There are evils all around us.  We need to fight them at every turn.  It makes no difference which evil is the greatest, whether the anti-Christ or whatever each evil calls its self.  The fact is, there is evil.  If we keep fighting all evil as God intended, then the anti-Christ WILL BE DEFEATED, along with the rest of it.  Like throwing out so much trash and washing your hands of it!"  -- JOHN L SULAK

....and that my friends are some very, very honest opinions from TH' DUMB OL' EAST TEXAS BOY.  Y'all keep on fightin' that ol' devil and throwing out the trash, okay?


  1. Evil is what it is all about! If only our liberal friends could see that. All of the issues (healthcare, bailouts, taxes, racism, gitmo, etc) are meant to keep us squabling and divided. They are but small battles intended to keep us distracted. But winning these battles is how we win the war. They (the evil Lords) underestimate our drive to win. It's because of our LOVE for God, our counrty, and our family that we will prevail!

    Thanks for all the info and for keeping us Patriots fired up!!

  2. Well, Susie Q you are more than welcomed and you made some good points, but some folks just gotta stick to the Starbuck coffee shop form of truth. There listening, they just ain't researchin'.

  3. Thanks John for showing me this Blog!!Great Insight..Love the Pea Picker..

  4. Great insite..Great TEF video!!
    Thanks John for pointing this blog out!!Good bird dogging!

  5. And, John, that is our biggest problem. We do have a lot of listeners and "posters" out there but not many are doing the hard work of researching, vetting their sources and comparing to other similar comments so that they are "posting" out there the "honest to God truth". That is why we few (you, Steve Cooper, myself and others) need to continue to do the hard work so that everyone else will have reliable news and comments that they can depend on.
    Your friend,
    Wild Bill Conant

  6. Thanks John. I love your writing style. And we will never give up.Because David did beat Goliath.
    And the same God that was on Davids'
    side is still in control.

  7. Hey Sctirusa! Thanks for reading. Hope you pass some info on. Thanks.

  8. Bill - We can always count on you and don't worry. I'm not shuting down by no means. Got to keep stirring the pot, partner. Thanks a bunch.

  9. That a great post! Yes we believe the same thing. They are leading us into Socialism and Communism.
    visit us at www.bearwitness.info


  10. Amen!!
    For once I will not add, you said it right.
    I.M.H.O. Keep preachin'! The choir can always learn somethin' new if they're listenin'.

  11. Thank you Jerry. Let's both "preach on", my friend!

  12. Yes, the left-right paradigm is still alive and well, John. It is the greatest tool of the evil elitists. As you stated, it keeps people busy fighting over whom is right on issues, or whom is in power, politically. The problem is that the sheeple just can't grasp the reality of the fact that no matter who is perceived to be in power, politically, (left or right) it is just a lie. The governments of the world, including ours here in the U.S., are mainly compromised of puppets that are doing the work of those with the "real power". The evil, greedy demons that control the masses through the media which they own, and the politicians and judges which they own, and elect with their massive propaganda machine. You see the plan. Keep us fighting amongst ourselves through the phony left-right paradigm, so nobody notices what is really happening. They own the banks. They create inflation, unemployment, and depressions of economies at will. They are always phony in the sense that they are ALWAYS artificially created by them. Again, they do these things to keep everybody off balance; to keep everybody competing or fighting. They keep people's minds occupied with strife by doing these things; all the while moving forward with their agenda. They control churches, school systems, governments, and economies. They do everything they can to remove God from our society. They need to. They need us to forget Him, or they can't win. They brainwash everyone through the media and entertainment, which they completely control. They have convinced nearly everyone to lust after money; to try and have more stuff than our neighbors. LUST FOR MONEY AND THE THINGS THAT IT CAN BUY. They brainwash everyone into believing that MONEY can buy you happiness. BRAINWASH EVERYONE!!!
    They believe that money is power, and do their best to brainwash mankind into believing that is true. When one buys into that ill-gotten belief, they got ya right where they want ya. Since they control all of the money, they control all people that bought into the "money equals power" lie. They best way to defeat them is to take away their power! We don't need to take away their money to achieve this. We just need to stop caring about worldly wealth. Once people do that, they will have no more power over the masses. Take away their power by not believing their lies! People need to stop lusting after money. If that happens, they are powerless! Money is their control. What they are doing is part of a massive conspiracy. They bought into a LIE; and now are selling it to everyone that will listen to them.
    It is a conspiracy that has been around for 6000 years; it has been going on since the Garden of Eden.
    It is a game of Good versus evil, and we are the prize, John. Believe in God, trust in God, as He always has, and always will deliver on His promises. Love your neighbors, fear NOTHING. There is nothing in the universe to fear, except falling from the Grace of God. PERIOD! Thank you, John, for working so hard to spread the truth. The truth is God's way, and anything less than the truth is not from Him. He tells us to be as sly as the serpent, and as gentil as The Lamb. Question all that comes from any other source than Him. Our obedience needs to be to Him, and Him alone. Obedience to man is just plain stupid; it is idol worship; it is obedience to the fallen one. No thanks! Besides, DISOBEDIENCE TO MAN CAN BE FUN; just so long as we remember to love our neighbors, and not arrogantly judge them. Sorry to ramble on and on, John. God has kept my soul for His family, and I want Him to keep all of the souls that he so generously created out of His love and His grace. Keep up the fight, brother, and thank you!

  13. Cary - once again, you covered the bases and you keep rambling my friend until folks get the big picture. Thanks.

  14. How funny. I found a really big beetle in my front yard. I was wondering what he would like to eat while I keep just til the kids get home from school. Upon doing the google thing I came across "A dung beetle and a big ol sale". I have found a friend. Gee mister you need to change your name. Why you arent dumb at all. We that see the true light of what is going on, we are the smart ones.This government is kinda like this. Its like dangling a piece of meat in front of a hungry dog.The smart dog sees the cage awaitng him. The dumb dog goes after the meat and winds up trapped.God bless you fine sir!



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