If you have ever experienced termites, then you should know what's going on with this current administration. You see these bugs, first send out some drones. Now, th' drone's only job is to find "accessible" wood. Kinda like lobbyists. Who can they buy and with what? Who is a player? Who will drop principles at th' smell of money? Which, by th' way, is just about every single one of them. Don't be fooled. Remember, they're SMOOTH! Now, once the "accessible" wood is found and reported back to th' nest, then the feast can begin, but not out in th' open. No siree, these lil' boogers eat from within, just under th' surface. The house still looks beautiful. Just like America! Nothin's changed! "We still got th' ol' roof over our heads. We gonna be alright sugar!"
Well, th' ol' bugs gotcha thinkin' just like they want! So they just keep on gorgin' on everything that holds that beautiful house up. Kinda like God, th' Constitution, th' Bill of Rights, th' Declaration of Independence, good morals, and th' right of th' average ol' Joe to be able to protect what is his. Then finally, the bugs eat all th' supportin' beams and th' house falls! The only thing left is the lot! Kinda like America without LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS! Then some ol' boy buys th' lot and rebuilds a very ugly house. Your dream home is gone! Kinda like Obama and his henchmen want! A nice clean BASE to build there NEW WORLD ORDER on! And the "savior" shall call it The Communistic Republic of American People or, as I would call it, CRAP! And so he did build it and looked upon what he had built and saw that it was good and so he rested. There ya go Bubba! Whatcha think?
Okay, I've been givin' a task. Yeah, I've been told that if I think this country is about to FOLD, then what can an average citizen do to change it. Especially, since all of our letters, protests, complaints, and suggestions are fallin' on COMPLETELY DEAF EARS! Well, first you have to BELIEVE that you are in the MAJORITY and that the majority is STRONG! VERY STRONG! If you can honestly believe that, then, believe this: YOU CAN CHANGE ANYTHING! Now here are my SEVEN AVERAGE STEPS TO CHANGE THE GOVERNMENT:
1. Do not re-elect or elect anyone that has been in The Federal Government for over three years. This includes anyone that receives a Government salary, owns, operates, supervises, or oversees a company and/or organization that has Government contract(s) and/or funding, serves on a board of a company that has Government contract(s) and/or funding is an officer of a company and/or organization that has Government contract(s) and/or funding.
2. Do not elect or re-elect anyone who's combined assets are over five million dollars, this would include any trusts and any kind of property owned or willed to own or that has been given to someone within the last ten years. This could be worded differently to CLOSE any loopholes.
3. Do not elect any attorneys, lawyers, or their staff. These are the folks that would write laws and/or show other folks how to get out of them. We do not need them in Government.
4. Do not go to the poles and say, "Well, I'm just gonna vote for the "better" of two evils." There is NO SUCH THING! We have got to find and SUPPORT folks that aren't evil! It is better NOT TO VOTE than to vote for the better of two evils! Just start to BELIEVE, things will go back to the Ol' America. Yeah, your side, or what you think is your side, might not get in there for the time being, but we gotta let these idiots "HIT BOTTOM" before we can get control again.
5. Do not buy ANYTHING that isn't made in America and do not buy from companies that took OUR money in the form of a BAILOUT and do not buy from companies that have UNREASONABLE union employees! Take the time to look at the labels and investigate the companies.
6. When you can, take part in and support the " REAL American" causes.
7. Do not vote "YES" on any new proposal, at any stage of government, no matter how "SWEET" it may sound. Remember, when you vote "YES" you are giving them more power. The idea is to ROB them of their power so they can't ROB you of yours, as the MAJORITY.
I think you will agree that ANYONE can do these seven things to REGAIN our America. They can be done without loosing your jobs, your community status, or not keepin' up with th' "JONES'S". And yeah, some smart whiz can probably doctor 'em up a bit, but you get the idea.
...............just sharin' my opinions again.
Good plan. The only concern I have would be no. 4. Not voting at all only gives these socialist/liberals more power. Voting for the lesser of two evils has to stop. But to really impact change, we, the majority, need to come together. I believe we are in a vast majority, but we are all over the place and that's why we are ineffective. Republicans, Independents, Libertarians, the Conservative Party, and the Constitution Party have divided us. We keep splitting up looking for a better solution. Everything you have laid out would be the ideal way to take back the country. I'm just not sure it can happen unless the majority is on one page.
ReplyDeleteThey already have th' power anyway. By not voting OR getting a REAL American on the ballot, we would send a very STRONG message to the SILENT majority, that we are serious! And there in, lies th' problem....THE SILENT MAJORITY! Just like you, and I mean absolutely no disrespect, signing off as "Anonymous". Get involved. Really involved! You make good points and you need to be heard, AS YOU!
ReplyDeleteOh, and I am not affiliated with any "political party". I stopped that about two years ago. The only thing I am "politically" is American! Anything that will get th' OLD AMERICAN VALUES back is what I support!!!!!