"In the crisis through which we are now passing, we have been fully warned. This has brought forth some criticism. There are some of us who do not want to hear the message. It embarrasses us. The things which are threatening our lives, our welfare, our freedoms are the very things some of us have been condoning. Many do not want to be disturbed as they continue to enjoy their comfortable complacency." .............Ezra Taft Benson 1973
............are the very things some of us have been condoning. That part of Ezra Benson's quote is so true of America today. Th' "keep your doors unlocked" America is gone. Th' "wave and say hello to your neighbors" America is gone. Th' "our neighbors have fallen on hard times, so let's pitch in and help them out" America is gone. Th' "here, let me get that for ya ma'am" America is gone. Yeah, even th' "yes ma'am" and "yes sir" America is gone. In fact, just about everyone under sixteen don't even know what I'm talkin' about. Yeah, we had it good. We, for th' most part, liked each other. Sure we had some "bad apples", but we knew how to handle 'em and we did. America definitely, "Spoke softly and carried a big stick." Then attorneys and Hollywood got in th' act. Th' "stick" was gone! Loose morals and lopsided justice took it's place! And America, like we knew and cherished, began to rot!
Let me share something with you. I was foolin' around on the Internet th' other day and discovered something that kinda put some emphasis on today's America. Anyway, you know how when you type something into one of them search engines, it gives you suggestions underneath? Yeah, well, you know, just for th' heck of it, I decided to type the word "America" into several of them search engines. Guess what it suggested? Th' Constitution? Nope. Th' Declaration of Independence? Naw. Th' American Flag? Uh, uh. Any of Our Founding Fathers? No sir. Not even George Washington? No siree! The first thing that came up under the suggestions was the American Idol. It was on ALL th' search engines. The American Idol. Boy that'll give you some info on America, huh? I mean, I typed in America, OUR country, and this is what I got. Th' friggin' American Idol! It ought to be called th' "American Idle" 'cause folks we been idle just too darn long! Here are the rest of th' suggestions:
There is not one single suggestion that even has anything to do with our country, except maybe American Revolution. You see, they have stolen, that's right STOLEN our priorities. Our brains have been slowly soaked with their tranquilizers. Think about it Folks! What used to be important to Americans? I'll tell you what it was. It was simply, God, Country, Family, and a way to provide for them. That was it! It was good too! And it was not that long ago. Today? Well today, it's all different! It's mixed up and confusing. Today it's FUN, that's number one, then it's MONEY, THINGS, SATISFACTION, GRATIFICATION, ANIMAL WORSHIP, HUMAN WORSHIP, IDOL WORSHIP, ENVY, JEALOUSY, And I can go on and on. No I am not no preacher! And I'm dang sure not talkin' to everyone out there, but "if th' ol' sandal fits............."!
Now y'all don't get me wrong. I like TV shows, animals and some fun now and then, but they should never and I mean NEVER take th' place of GOD, COUNTRY, AND FAMILY! No sir, those should be sacred. They should be placed high in th' order of things. And let me make this clear as a bell, so you fruit cakes out there can understand me. When I say GOD, I mean th' GOD of our founding fathers! The GOD referred to in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence! The GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and John. I do not mean some vision by a Hollywood entertainer, or some scientific rationalization of Apes, or some friggin' big ol' firecracker floatin' around in space that conceived us all. Everyone, and I mean everyone knows the GOD I mean. Okay, felt good to get that off my chest. Now where was I? Oh yeah, the preservation of OUR country.
Just do this for th' next few days. Listen to how many times you hear th' word FUN, MONEY, ANIMAL, PET, or FAMILY on TV. That's their tranquilizer! That's where they are soakin' ya! Don't let 'em. Just listen. Bet ya FUN, or things having to do with entertaining ourselves, will be number one. Wanna bet? Oh, and watch how celebrities and animals are worshipped. No I'm not a nut. They are. Really. Just watch. Did you know that most stores have over two isles of pet food, but only about a half for baby food? Did you know that folks spend more on pet food than on feeding the homeless? PRIORITIES! They're stealin' 'em. Hey, and I like to see a good lookin' gal, but Miss USA strutin' around in a bikini. Miss USA ought to be like Mother Theresa or somebody like similar. We're talkin' the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA folks! Is this how we picture it to be represented? I don't think so. Can you say Hollywood? Can you say PRIORITIES?
Now please don't shoot th' messenger, but this is part of th' "tearin' us down" plan. It is! Remember, keep us confused, complicated, and apart and they succeed. We STAND together and we succeed. We need to GET 'EM OUT OF OUR HOUSE! Oh, and click on that, under my RECOMMENDED SITES section. Tim's a good un and he's got a good plan.
Okay, once again, my opinions and there'll be more and more and more! Just like that rabbit, I ain't quittin' folks!
Another great article! We the people need to get back to basics! It starts with our own families in our own homes. Read the Bible together more, limit the TV, get outside, and learn to be more self sufficient instead of relying on the gov or the grocery stores for everything. Much of what I read online about taking America back is learning to rely on yourself more. Isn't that the way it used to be? Amazing what a simple garden can teach you and your children! Talk about reaping the fruits of your labor! Americans used to work hard (really really hard) and enjoy the benefits of their work. Now we work a little, play on the computer a lot, and whine about what our work has produced. And I'm just as guilty. But as for my household, that's starting to change. Break away from the "tranquilizers!"
ReplyDeleteIf only to get back to the days of old! When life was simple and God, our country, our family, and our freedom were valued and respected. Respect and honor really have been replaced with loose morals and entertainment. As a mother in a small town in Texas, even I can see it. Raising children these days is far harder than it used to be! I'm constantly explaining to the kids how important it is to stand up for what is right. Unfortunately, I have to also explain why they may have to except punishment for standing up because that's the way the world is today. But standing up for what you believe in or standing up against a bully at school is far more important than any detetion they may receive.
ReplyDeleteHey Jeanie and Bess! Got ya covered. Darn good comments. Thanks