Guess what book "your" President is reading or has just finished? Is it War and Peace? Is it The First American Revolution? Is it Patriots? Is it The Revolution? No, none of these. The book he is reading is, "THE POST-AMERICAN WORLD". POST means after, folks. After America! After America is gone. The author of the book, no, "book" is too darn kind! The author of this piece of "JUNK" is Fareed Zakaria and I'm not even sure that he is an American citizen. Kinda like "your" President! We just don't know, do we? Anyway here is what Fareed has to say, "in every other dimension — industrial, financial, educational, social, cultural — the distribution of power is shifting, moving away from American dominance.” He also states this, “we are moving into a post-American world, one defined and directed from many places and by many people.” Defined and directed by many people! The United Nations maybe? You like that one? I think "your" President does. He goes on, to down play AMERICA as he says, “It is now clear that the current era can really have only one name, the unipolar world — an age with only one global power. America’s position today is unprecedented.” UNIPOLAR WORLD! ONE GLOBAL POWER! Are you listening to this JUNK folks? "YOUR" President is! Do you just want to ASSUME that you are untouchable? Quit puttin' these THUGS on pedestals. Do you LOVE your country or not? It is time for a RESURRECTION! A resurrection of OLD AMERICA and a "house cleaning" from the VERY HIGHEST member of Federal Government to the very lowest!
Will someone, IN POWER, have the "GUTS", the "COURAGE", and the LOVE of America, to EXPOSE, to all Americans, BARRACK HUSSEIN AND MICHELLE OBAMA? Please. This guy and his wife have completely pulled the wool over OUR eyes. The list of things that they have done is incredible! For example, they held one hundred and thirty job positions and not a one of them was reported on their tax returns. Barrack had a hundred different addresses in the United States with different Social Security numbers attached to those addresses. A renowned forgery expert stated that there are signs of forgery within Barrack's birth certificate. No, not the original. Supreme Court Justice John Roberts has been given a 164 page dossier on Barrack's illegal activity, along with a 3300 page 350,000 signature petition to investigate Barrack's dealings and eligibility to be President. The dossier went into depth about Barrack's criminal activity and that of his supporters. This thing described a whole network of computer based crimes, intimidation, harassment, defamation and assassination of folks character and the impersonation of Army Officer Scott Easterling. It showed screen photos of information being erased from the docket of the Supreme Court. It showed another instance where Barrack used an address in Somerville, Massachusetts which was attached to the Social Security number of a man who, if alive, would be 118 years old. This report goes on and on and in depth about his Selective Service, school, and law position, forgeries. He had many alias's like Barry Obama & Barry Soetoro. All through the report are countless entries suggesting tax fraud, corruption of public officials, and contribution fraud (which included contributions from Main-Stream Media outlets that exceeded the allowable limits).
Now folks I DO NOT want you to take my word on this. I repeat, DO NOT TAKE MY WORD on this. What I want you to do is get on the Internet and/or go to the Library and do just a little research. This is not hard and OUR COUNTRY is at stake! Let me repeat this too, OUR COUNTRY is at stake! So, for your country, look up Doctor Orly Taitz (http://www.drorly.blogspot.com/), Defend Our Freedoms (http://defendourfreedoms.org/flysheet.html), Bilderberg Group, the folks that JERK Obama's strings (many different sites on this and it is unbelievable), http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=9270, http://www.slate.com/id/2193220/, http://www.prisonplanet.com/archive_bilderberg.html. This is where I got most of what I stated above. Once you start this, your eyes will begin to open. You will see what REAL AMERICANS have been seeing for years. All of a sudden the PTA meetings, Country Club luncheons, Debutant Pageants, and the "Rose Colored Glasses" society functions, just will not seem that mandatory anymore. Folks these people have A PLAN! I'll repeat it again, "THEY HAVE A PLAN!" We don't! Who do you think will win? And if they do...........Th' cushy life gonna be gone folks! It's just gonna be gone!
"There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all its own power and authority are derived, and treats him accordingly." --American author and poet Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)
Dog gone it folks, don't be closed minded. America was born because men and women fought for our right to freedom. Now, Our America has been lost because we stopped fighting to keep it alive. Now you gonna fight or you gonna just accept the NEW WORLD ORDER? The shame of it all is that this opposition only has about 130 powerful members and, if we all come together, well, I think we will just slightly (tongue in cheek) be in the MAJORITY! So let's stop 'em, okay? I'm ready! I ain't no big rich fat cat, but I can talk, listen and learn and if the right folks guide me, well, I'll do what it takes!
So there you have TH' DUMB OL' EAST TEXAS BOY'S opinions. See ya on th' RIGHT side.
Wow....this is like, when you were a kid and thought, what IF anything you imagined could come true?
ReplyDeleteCould even be right out of a sci-fi movie.
All we need to top this is an alien invasion!
What an eye opener this is. I'm now trying to get my jaw back in place.
What DO we do? Anyone hearing this?
Where ARE the reporters?
We have to take back our country and stop letting them treat us like sheep.
Another good one!!!