Some of you may not know, that a fella by th' name of Michael Steele, is the chairman of the Republican Party. Now Ol' Mike appears to be a purdy good ol' boy. In fact, I believe that his heart may just be in th' right place, but Ol' Mike and the Federal Republican politicians are kinda a day late and a dollar short. Yep, I just listened to his speech in Maryland. Th' fella talked good. It was a rousin' speech and it gotta lot of attention. Yeah Ol' Mike did good, but all he's doin' is RIDIN'! Just like TRUE politicians they want to take CREDIT for other folks work! Let me put it this way. There was a farmer loadin' his goods for market and man, it was a lot to load. He worked and worked and finally got it all done, when some ol' boys showed up and said, "Dang Mr. Farmer, if we were just a little bit quicker we would've been here to help you with that load." The farmer just grinned and said, "Yep, that would've been nice." The boys then said, "Hey, if you are goin' to town with that load, we'd sure appreciate a ride." The farmer said, "Sure, hop on." Well, when they all got to town th' ol' boys was braggin' to all th' gals how they loaded that whole dang wagon all buy themselves, while that farmer just sat under a shade tree.
Yeah, if th' Republicans had been a little quicker, like about sixteen years quicker, maybe we wouldn't be in the mess we are now! They've been RIDIN'! You see, th' Tea Party folks, th' protesters, th' writers, th' folks sendin' letters to their deaf ears, th' folks that traveled to try to be heard, and all th' other REAL AMERICANS that started this unstoppable movement for savin' our country, did all th' work! They loaded th' AMERICAN WAGON! And Ol' Mike and his Republicans FINALLY took a look and saw what's been goin' on and now they want a RIDE? No sir! They don't jump on OUR WAGON and try and take credit for our hard work! You and the Republicans didn't have a dang thing to do with this. You could have! Yeah, you sure could have, but you were poutin' 'cause you lost. Actin' like a bunch of spoiled kids that got their toys taken away. So now Mike, if you want to JOIN US, you can go to work just like th' rest of us, but don't you dare try to say it was you or the Republicans idea! Don't you dare say "WE" when you talk about takin' OUR AMERICA back! We don't need no more SMOOTH TALKERS! We got plenty of those already! No sir, you and th' Republicans roll up your sleeves and start workin', FOR US! You know, like you were SUPPOSED to be doing all along!
Boy, do I feel better now that I got that off my mind. So let's move on. There is something that I have to share with you and it's something that you need to share with anyone that'll listen. Obama and his demolition crew (Hey, they're tearin' down America, ain't they?) are pullin' some sneaky stuff. Here is what I wrote my Government Rep about one:
"Okay guys, this American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, otherwise known as the Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill is a scam and you know it. We, REAL AMERICANS, are gettin' fed up with th' "bait and switch" tactics of th' government. You know, watch this hand while I take your dough with th' other! I am beggin' you to, STAND UP and oppose this bill! We are sick and tired of increases in energy costs! We are sick and tired of a government AGAINST TH' PEOPLE!
What this plan will do is force me to pay higher prices for electricity, gasoline, natural gas, and virtually every product I use! $1500 BUCKS A YEAR! You are gonna decrease my "take home pay" by $1500 bucks! Shame on ya! And that doesn't even count the new government agencies that will be connected to this JUNK! You and I both know that this RAG of a bill is going to HURT AMERICANS a heck of a lot more than help 'em. Don't ya? Now, you gonna fish or cut bait? Are you gonna STAND for Americans or are you gonna roll over and play dead? Help us out and stop this stuff now!
Americans aren't gonna buy th' stuff "you're" President is pedalin' much longer, then whatcha gonna do?"
Yeah, that's just one of 'em. Have you heard of House Resolution 1388? Didn't thinks so. Anyway, this has passed. Let me repeat. IT HAS ALREADY PASSED! Yeah, Obama's crew has, once again, done an injustice to us folks. This bill will allow thousands of Palestinian/Hamas refugees to re-settle in AMERICA! America? Yeah America! And it is already passed along with a price tag of TWENTY POINT THREE MILLION DOLLARS of your money! Sneeeeky! Hey, but that's their style, right? Folks, he is importing his "ready made" army! Check it out: www.thefederalregister.com/d.p/2009-02-04-E9-2488 .
Now here's another one. It's called the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board or RAT for short. No really, they call it that. This thing has to do with INDEPENDENT inspectors general. These are th' folks that investigate wrong doing in Washington. Note the word INDEPENDENT. Well not anymore. Nope here is the new language: “that an inspector general conduct or refrain from conducting an audit or investigation.” This means that a President, through his appointed chairman, can either investigate or NOT investigate a person to his liking. Guess what folks, can you look ahead? Yep, Republicans, Independents, and conservatives WILL BE investigated. Democrats and liberals WILL NOT be investigated. Sneeeeky! But that's th' way he rolls!
Okay, you've heard this before, but it needs to be emphasized. Obama's first call to a head of state was to Mahmoud Abbas, Fatah leader (http://www.palestinefacts.org/pf_1991to_now_plo_fatah.php/). Obama's first interview was with Al-Arabia television (Saudi owned). Obama's first executive order was to release OUR funds to allow abortions, not only in the US, but around the world. Obama ordered GITMO closed and all military trials halted. Who's this guy protectin'? Americans? C'mon. Obama ordered ALL overseas CIA interrogation centers closed. Boy, now that's protection, brother! Obama withdrew ALL charges against those behind the USS Cole and, yes, even the 911 attack. DROPPED! Hey Mr. O, heck why stop there, you might as well go ahead and let Charlie Manson outta jail! Are you startin to get th' picture folks? Is there a pattern here? And now he's going to bring in thousands of Hamas supporters to OUR COUNTRY while he attacks Israel! What does it take? Do you need to ACTUALLY be slapped in th' face, to wake up from your dream? Anyone that thinks this SMOOTH TALKER has OUR best interest at heart needs to see a shrink!
It's hard to stop. There is so much more of this BALONEY, but there'll be another day, I hope................ Anyway, that's my opinions for today. Check ya later.
I remember reading these headlines on Obama's orders when first in office. I remember thinking that "we are screwed...what have we done?" But those headlines soon were replaced with stimulus and bailouts and just disappeared. Thanks for reminding me of just who this guy is and how slick both he and the media are. This guy is dangerous!
ReplyDeleteAnd I agree with you that Republicans have got to stop playing the political game. They have to really get to work (we're talking hard labor) to earn our trust and vote or they don't have a leg to stand on with real Americans!
Thanks Henry and, please, spread th' word. There is even worse news commin'. The majority of folks just do no realize what they are about to face. I wish MORE would get involved, but, HEY, we dang sure got a good foothole! Now, it's time to move up th' Mountin.