Guys, I just have to start this article with a letter, direct from the lil’ impostor himself. I know it’s hard, but please force yourself to read this very poor and ill thought out “SALES PITCH”. After you have finished, that is, if you can finish, I’ll try to interpret what this PLEA actually says. With your permission of course. So here you are. I give you, Barrack “HUSSEIN” Obama:
Good afternoon,
Over the past few years, many Americans have seen their health insurance premiums skyrocket, while the quality of their health care declined. One of the reasons I pushed so hard to pass health care reform this year was to make sure that American consumers get what they
pay for when it comes to their health care.
Today, we're launching a new provision of the Affordable Care Act that does exactly that. Next year, insurance companies will be required to spend at least 80 percent of the health insurance premiums you pay on your health care, instead of overhead costs like advertising and executive compensation. If they don't, they will be required to give you a rebate or cut your premiums starting in 2012.
I asked Nancy-Ann DeParle, the Director of the Office of Health Reform here at the White House, to break down what this means for you and why it's so important:
This new rules will make our health care marketplace more transparent and ensure you get the best value for your premium dollars. And it is just one of the many parts of the Affordable Care Act that are already making our health care system stronger. Here are just a few ways the Affordable Care Act is helping you and your family: This new website helps you find private health insurance coverage that's right for you and your family and now allows you to compare pricing for the options available to you. In 2014, there will be many more affordable private plan choices.
Patient's Bill of Rights. Insurance companies can no longer place lifetime limits on your care. If you're a young adult under the age of 26, you can stay on your parents' plan, and if your child has a pre-existing condition, insurance companies can't deny his or her coverage.
Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan. If you have a pre-existing condition and are having a problem finding coverage, the Affordable Care Act created a special insurance plan just for you.
Help for Small Businesses. If you're a small business owner, you may be eligible for tax credits to help provide insurance for your employees.
Free Preventive Care. If you're purchasing a new plan, you’ll get preventive care like cancer screenings, well-baby and well-child check-ups, and blood pressure or diabetes tests for free.
These aren't just talking points. These changes are saving people’s lives and saving you money, and we will continue our work to implement this landmark law and make our health care system better for all of us.
President Barack “HUSSEIN” Obama
P.S. Nancy-Ann's video follows a few others from the Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, Austan Goolsbee, who explains some important economic policies. You can see them all here:
Was that a humdinger or what? I know, I know, I almost busted a gut when I read it too. He really does think that we are all idiots.
Here’s the straight skinny. Let’s say you owned an apple stand. It was a large stand and you had five employees. You grew and harvested your own apples. You costs included employee salaries, gas, truck expenses, accounting, insecticides, freeze prevention equipment, utilities, cleaning equipment, just to name a few. Now, let’s say when all is said and done, it cost you about thirty cents per apple just to get them ready for sale and to stay competitive you could only charge seventy-five cents per apple. You earn forty-five cents per apple. It’s a tough way to earn a living, but if you sold three hundred apples per day, on average, you come out with one hundred and thirty-five dollars in profit per day or about thirty-three thousand per year. No extravagance, but comfortable.
Now let’s say the ruler of the land, George Soros, whoops, I mean Barrack “Hussein” Obama comes in and decrees to all the peasants of the land that he must have eighty percent of all the money they take in. What happens to the apple stand guy? Can he stay in business? Can he afford to sell his apples? The answer is NO!
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The guy in the apple stand takes in seventy-five cents per apple. If you take away eighty percent of seventy-five cents, you are left with fifteen cents. After this ol’ boy pays expenses, he is left with nothing. In fact, he is in debt for fifteen cents per apple. Remember, his overhead is thirty cents per apple. He has to try another, cheaper crop, or go out of business. So what happens? Well, George Soros, I don’t know why I keep doing that, I mean Obama gets nothing, the apple guy gets nothing, and the people get nothing from either one of them. Uh! Doesn’t make much sense does it?
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No, it makes no sense at all, UNLESS, you are trying to cripple the working people, so they will have to come to the supreme ruler of the land for help! This is why many insurance companies are canceling their Major Medical polices on January 1, 2011. They simply cannot afford to sell their APPLES, I mean policies, and make a profit. Therefore, the government looses millions in tax revenue, some companies go out of business, employees loose jobs, Walmart looses customers, and on and on and on. Any IDIOT can see that this type of action serves one purpose, CRIPPLING AMERICA, so American’s have to go to George Soros for help. Yes, I meant to say it here!
"I am very proud, that I pray to and worship our Judea/Christian, God Almighty. I am very proud to be an American, who loves all his family and all his fellow patriots. I will defend the original Constitutional. I will defend the rights and lives of patriots to the best of my ability and, if time and resources permit will even defend other Americans, who may fail to believe as I do, but I will never defend a quran practicing muslim. They are my ENEMY! Remember, be proud of, and promote, your beliefs! Be proud you're an American and promote that with pride! Be proud of your families and your fellow patriots and promote that with pride! And last, take some kind of real action and pray “everyday” for God to lead you correctly! Believe me.....this will lead to success.”” -- JOHN L SULAK
...and there you have some more opinions from me, Th' Dumb Ol' East Texas Boy. Take care out there, okay.
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