Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Eighty courts!  Eighty of 'em, guys!  That's how much "trash" has been spread throughout England!  Eighty  muslim sharia law courts and more being added virtually daily.  England's laws and banking is being taken over by this sharia law.  What is sharia law?  Well, just in case you do not know, it is a "special" law just
for muslims, BUT, and this is a huge BUT, the muslims actual want everyone under it.  No joke!  They want, in fact, it is their HOLY mission, to make the entire world subject to sharia law!

Now here is the "book" definition of sharia law:   •S: (n) shariah, shariah law, sharia, sharia law, Islamic law (the code of law derived from the Koran and from the teachings and example of Mohammed) "sharia is only applicable to Muslims"; "under Islamic law there is no separation of church and state"

I'm way ahead of ya cowboy!  The first thing some of you nit pickers are gonna say is, "Well, it states right there, that it is only "applicable" to Muslims!"  Okay, ya got me!  Ha, not really.  It also states, that the law is derived from the koran and the teachings and example of Mohammad.  Well hot rod, if you'll read the koran, it states, that it is the duty of all muslims to either convert, kill, or enslave ALL non-believers!  Oh, and not just in sheet head town, but in the whole dang world.  You with me now?  They want you either bowing to the west on your lil' magic carpet or they want your lil' noggin on a platter!  Ain't no "in betweens" with these guys.  They do not bargain. 

Oh, and sharia law?  The cute lil' definition just don't do it justice.  Not by a long shot.  You see, this law wants women to breast feed their husbands.  Yeah, you "way out" gals might think, well, it is my husband.  Oh brother, that's just weird, but sharia does not stop there.  No, you gals would also have to breast feed complete strangers, if your husband demanded it.  They say, that this stops cheating.  Hello!  Are these sharia believers insane.  Let me see.  YES!  But hold on sunshine, there's more.  Let's say that you decide to go on a lil' shopping jaunt, all wrapped up from head to toe, with your veil and all, in the middle of summer, and it's one hundred degrees outside.  Every thing's going great, besides the body order, and you stop to talk to a gentlemen, who was making casual conversation.  Guess what darlin'?  You just broke sharia law.  This means, that your husband and a bunch of other men can gang rape you and after all that, your a convicted of "casual talk" and sent to prison.  Bet you just love muslims now, huh?  This ain't a joke.  It's real and it's going to happen here, if we don't stop them at our borders.  Both legal and illegal!

You ain't seen male chauvinistic pigs yet, sugar!  You ain't even scratched the surface.  The slickest New York con man couldn't treat women worse than these muslims.  In fact, after muslims get through with you, you'd think that New York con man was your prince charming, white horse and all.  I just cannot believe, that there is not more screaming and yelling from women's groups, hollywood, Oprah, The View, and all the left wing rags and stations.  They are always taking up the cause for women's rights, yet nothing about sharia.  Uh.  Even Glenn Beck, who I admire very much, doesn't mention sharia's evilness towards women and non-believers.  It's a shame, that a very few smart folks, and an East Texas hick like me have to take up some of the slack.

The important thing about Sharia law is that it is perfect and sacred. Law based upon democratic process is offensive to Islam because such law is based upon people. Sharia law is based upon the Koran and Mohammed, the only perfect guidance.

Therefore, it is an offence to Islam for Muslims to have to live under democratic constitutional law. This is the reason that Muslims want to replace our banking laws with Sharia law and replace our family law with Sharia law.  from The West, Islam and Sharia --  a good source for research  --

Okay, like always, here are some links from folks, that talk prettier than me.  Please check 'em out and start fighting this muslim cult!  Oh, and before I forget remember, WE WIN THROUGH THE STATES!  Keep on your state legislature and governors!  They can pull this out.  STATES RIGHTS!  Don't forget.!v=XvsnwA6zbXQ    

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