Have we got a so-called leader, who has completely lost all of his marbles, or what? AMERICA! WHERE ARE YOU? I'm sorry guys, no, no I'm not sorry, not one bit, I gotta call 'em like I see 'em! This Obama fruitcake, is not taking our right to vote away, we
"white" Americans still get our one vote, but now, if you are Hispanic, then you get five extra votes. And Obama has the gawl to call Tea Party folks racists? I personally believe, that Barrack Hussein Obama is the most racist president, no, let's make that the most racist individual in America today. He's nuts! Don't laugh! I am not joking one bit. It is true. Now, if you are Hispanic, you get to vote six times to a "white" Americans one time.
At least, that is the case in Port Chester, New York. Yeah, according to the United States Department of Justice and a Federal judge, all Hispanic voters, about fifteen thousand, in Port Chester, get to vote six times in the ballot box. You got it! They pull the handle six times. Now Port Chester is made up of about half Hispanic and half white of it's thirty thousand residents, so that means, that now the Hispanic vote will increase from fifteen thousand to ninety thousand! Fair? No it's not fair, but what is with Obama? Just think, what he's going to do with his muslim buddies, if we let this fly? Heck, I'm sure, that the majority of Hispanic voters think this is just stupid because they see where it is headed. In fact, here is what one gentlemen said, "That was very strange," Arthur Furano, 80, said after voting. "I'm not sure I liked it. All my life, I've heard, `one man, one vote." See, he knew it was not right, but he was forced to vote six times. Unbelievable!
Barrack Hussein Obama is DESPERATELY trying to pit groups against each other. Next it will be blacks, then it will be Chinese, then Vietnamese, and eventually, our greatest threat, muslims. Right now, there are whites, in Port Chester, who, and I hate to say this, are mad at Hispanics for getting more votes. That is stupid thinking guys. If a parent gives a one kid bubble gum and the other nothing, it is not the kids fault. It is the parents. Well Port Chester, shocker, it's not the Hispanics fault. It's the Barrack Hussein Obama administration! We all need to remember, this thing that Obama is doing will end badly, if we fight each other. This is what he and his merry band of radicals want! So be cool. Be very cool. Beat them at their own game. Do not give them what they want, but fight them through the states. He has the FED locked up!
Thank you Lynn Askea, for sending me this link. Here is some of them "good" writers views:
Right on dude! I'm with you 100% down here in South Florida!
ReplyDeleteThanks Dude! I need all the help I can get.