Friday, February 6, 2009


Introduced January 6, 2009. Now think about that just a minute. That's only about thirty days ago. Didn't our leaders tell us that we are in the worst economic times since the Great Depression? So what do we need in these horrible times? Tax breaks? Food? Gas? Lower utility bills? No, those are not important! Not now! We'll get to that trivial stuff later. Right now, what we need is a new museum. A museum! Now, that will really give this ol' "horse drawn" economy a boost. Right? Wrong!

The Bill H.R. 202 was introduced by one of our VILLAGE IDIOTS, Mr. Cliff Stearns of Florida. It's called the Museum of Ideas Act of 2009. Catchy uh? Anyway this thing will supposedly establish a Museum of Ideas Commission to develop a plan that will put a museum in Washington, DC, why of course, to present the evolution of human ideas. I've got an idea for ya! Why don't you build a museum dedicated to the history of poor folks? Or maybe a museum for the "out of touch". We could call it THE MUSEUM OF CONGRESS! What is this guy thinkin'?

There are over 17,000 museums in the United States. You think that might be enough for right now. I mean that's one museum for every 18,000 of us. Now, don't get this ol' boy wrong. I'm all for protecting some of our artifacts and traditions, but aren't we carrying this museum thing a little to far? It's all about PRIORITIES! The priorities in America today are eating, housing, paying your bills, and trying to just keep your dang head above water. You know surviving!

Anyway, y'all remember this bill and be sure and vote it down. It's H. R. 202. We need to keep sending messages to Washington, letting them know that we are upset with their disregard of the TRUE AMERICAN LIFE! You can do it! You know you can. So go right now and write a letter, or send an email, or go to a website that'll do it for you, but dog gone it..............DO IT! Please?

Now you know that I always close stating that these are my opinions. You see, in this country, you can still state your opinion without getting in trouble. You can thank a soldier for that! Of course, the new SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF AMERICA might even change that soon.

So in closing, let me just say that these are a few opinions from TH' DUMB OL' EAST TEXAS BOY.

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