Monday, February 9, 2009

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 AND YOUR OUT TH' DOOR!

This "Socialism Junk" is starting to get pretty scary. At first, I thought it was just "politics as usual" , but it's not. No sir, it's different now. These Village Idiots are starting to get their ducks in a row. It' starting to take shape without many Americans knowing what is really happening. Our eyes are blinded and our ears are clogged with "EMERGENCY" and "HEART STRING" pictures and sales talk. I would say rhetoric, but sales talk means th' same thing and it's easier to say and understand.

Okay, here is kinda the way this dumb ol' boy adds it up. See if I'm strikin' any nerves, okay?

Step One: Buy up big companies, using the taxpayers money(Stimulus or Purchase, whatever suits ya). Force these "bought up" companies to play by the new Socialist Republic of America's rules. That's right, it will not be your government anymore. It will be theirs!

Step Two: Hush any "voice of freedom"! Only allow media, with their goals in mind, to exist. Example: A Village Idiot, Senator Debbie Stabenow, was upset because several liberal radio stations went belly up. She, from what I can gather, wants to somehow force folks to listen to the "voice of Socialism". Also, the President himself has suggested that folks should not listen to Bill O'Reilly or Shaun Hannity.

Step Three: Get enough ill-informed voters to support THEIR agendas and shower them with financial gifts and protections. Example: The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act (CIRA S.2611) would allow over 100 MILLION illegal immigrants (under current law) into THEIR country, once again, not yours, over the next twenty years. That would be more than a third of the current US population. And, that would be on top of the 40 MILLION already here. These figures would more than insure enough votes to secure THEIR control.

Step Four: Insure that the new Socialist Republic of America will survive by indoctrinating the young minds with THEIR agendas. This is already being done before you very eyes. The majority of colleges and universities in America will absolutely not hire conservative professors. The High Schools are teaching outright lies. This has been documented. There are over one hundred and twenty five major falsehoods in your children's text books. Blatant lies!

So there you have it! Their Grand Design! If you do not stop this, then it will go on and on and on! Stop the lies! Stop the corruption! Stop the graft! Stop the bad morals! Get 'em out of office! Elect folks that won't LIE to you! In other words, no career politicians, no lawyers, no judges, no "bought and paid for" sweet talkers, and, well you get the picture. We need a few honest, hard working, family folks runnin' th' show! They sure can't do no worse!

Yeah it's Th' Dumb Ol' East Texas Boy spoutin' off a few opinions. Take care, oh and study hard on this, okay?


  1. "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." -Edmund Burke

    Socialism IS evil. For anyone to want to control what another does for any reason is evil. A good link to read here
    After reading you have to wonder what direction this country is headed. With what is being taught to our kids in college and what our "intellectuals" want to do for the greater good is scary.

  2. Hey JLH glad to see some folks are on the same page. Keep fightin', okay?

  3. All I can sa is:


DON'T BE TIMID! Tell me what ya think.