Thursday, February 5, 2009


"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of "Liberalism", they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." He went on to say: "I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democratic Party has adopted our platform." This was stated by Norman Mattoon Thomas (Nov. 20, 1884-Dec. 19, 1968) a leading American socialist, pacifist and six time presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America.

Well, I was listening to the news this morning. I seem to be doing a lot of that lately. Do you think that it's because I might be concerned about our country? You think? Anyway, they were interviewing a government official from one of our cities. They asked this guy, straight out, if he thought that spending one point two million dollars ($1,200,000), to renovate tennis courts would stimulate the economy? Of course he did not answer the question, but here is what he said. He stated that the folks have a low opinion of the government and that improving these tennis courts would boost their confidence. No he didn't? Yes he did! Now John and Mary are trying to feed their kids and pay the necessary bills and this guy thinks this will give them more confidence in their government. TENNIS COURTS!!!!!!!! What planet do these village idiots come from? What are they smoking? TENNIS COURTS! My gosh! The sad thing is that I think he actually believed his statement. Where is the ambulance and the guys with the white coats? Oh, and on the same show they mentioned another city wanting a million hold on to you ready for this? FRISBEE GOLF. Yes you heard me right. FRISBEE GOLF. Wow.

Folks I've said it over and over again, you just have to get involved. You have to start writing to anyone who will listen. Do you see how silly our government officials have become? If you took the entire population of the USA, I just wonder how many actually play tennis? Oh, and let's go ahead and throw frisbee golf in there too. You think it's less than 51% (that used to be the majority, by the way)? I think I could venture to safely say that it is probably less than 1%. Oh, but in our country today, 1% always trumps 51%! Common sense, common sense, common sense! When are we going to start seeing things for what they are and quit being blinded by rainbows or lights at the end of the tunnel? They ain't there folks! Not now, anyway!

Yeah I'm sharin' my opinions again, but I really am sincere about our country's dilemma. Help out okay?

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