Obama! Yes, our lil’ punk, Obama! He sure is a funny sort. I mean, the ol’ boy, and I use the term “boy” in it’s strongest sense, can get up there on his podium, which he considers a throne of some sort, and spout off ‘bout how evil the rich folks are, all while he is chargin’ $35 grand a plate just to listen to HIM!
Please, let me go on. This same lil’ punk can go on and on and on ‘bout how the government has discriminated against the minorities, when in America, we have a black president, well half black, a black Attorney General, Muslim Czars, Muslim soldiers and 18% of all federal workers are black and the whole black population is only 12%! Go figure. Da boy’s math skills ain’t all that impressive!
Now, this lil’ punk has done even more folks. Listen up! He put two proven tax cheats in charge of our taxes and tax laws. Yep, ol’ Mad Scientist Head, Timmy Geithner, head of Treasury and the most innocent man on the planet, just ask him, Charlie Rangle, ways and means committee. Yep, both of these saints want higher taxes, just like the lil’ punk. Now let me ask ya, you ain’t worried ‘bout our money just a lil’ bit?
I must continue! Since the lil’ punk has been in office he has heard, listened and watched our citizens and soldiers being slaughtered, raped and murdered by Muslims and what does the ol’ boy do? Nothin’! Not one damn thing except, of course, apologize to, finance and sympathize with the bastards! In fact, he even stated that he would side with the Muslims should times become difficult. Well punk, times are difficult and you are certainly true to your words because you side with the animals every chance you get!
Now lil’ punk, with all the crap going on in America , you actually have the gall to call us folks, who believe in the Constitution, Extremists! Obama you are just plain ol’ mad, aren’t ya and for the life of me, I just cannot figure why our military and law enforcement have not had you arrested, tried and convicted by now! Nope, I just can’t figure!
Movin’ on here folks. This punk also has done everything in his power to empower fraudulent voters. He got his wife and kids involved in this one too. Yep, wifey and the yard apes went to Spain with about twenty friends and family, rented a five star resort, ran up millions in expenses and met with a Spanish vote counting company, who are friends with the whole “punk” family. Now, we will have this firm counting the votes! How ‘bout dem apples? Oh, but that’s not all! Think on this. We have to have ID’s for damn near everything in this country, from stayin’ in a motel to drivin’ a car, but we do not have to have an ID to vote! No sir and the punk has made sure that as long as he is in there, we never will!
Okay, here is another gripe that the punk has about rich folks. He can actually get in front of all of America and say that the rich are not paying their fair and he has gotten all his Welfare and Food Stamp leaches to believe that. Well boys and girls, let me give you a lil’ FACT! The rich in America provide virtually all the jobs, except for Obama’s minions, and they pay over 86% of ALL FEDERAL INCOME TAXES! That’s 86% guys! This means that the rest of us only pay 14% and the folks doin’ the gripin’ like Federal employees and Welfare roaches, don’t pay a damn thing! NOT ONE RED CENT!!!!
Oh, and since we are on the “job providing”, “tax paying” rich folks, get this! The lil’ punk has called for and is doing investigations on oil companies for possible price gouging, when it is the punk’s regulations, that is driving up the costs. You see, once again this punk, his traitor, is protecting his Muslims. Yep, because of Obama, we are forced to buy oil from the ragheads, when we have more oil than the entire Middle East right here in America ! Yes we do!! Here is another FACT! Nike shoes makes more profit than most oil companies and has way fewer regulations. Obama might want to investigate Nike for price gouging!
Hey, now get this one! The lil’ punk is actually accepting campaign donations from, you won’t believe this, OSAMA BIN LADEN! Oh, and not only has the deceased maniac donated to the punk’s campaign, but the punk is actually askin’ him for more! How’s that for a real “class act”? Yes there is proof! Check it out: “Bin Laden” is currently set up on the official campaign website to contribute more to Obama’s campaign. The name is also registered as a volunteer. Since the “foreign” contribution was sent, “Bin Laden’s” email address has received several solicitations from Obama’s campaign asking for more donations.” http://www.wnd.com/2012/10/obama-accepts-osama-bin-laden-donations/
Okay, I’ll quit after this one more thing! While the punk has been in office he has collected more tax dollars from us than any other nation has from their folks in recorded history! That’s a bunch of coin! Yep, the punk spends over SEVEN MILLION DOLLARS of our money per minute and all he does is gripe that he does not have enough money and must raise taxes. I’ll tell ya one thing he always finds money for though! Yep, he still manages huge lobster dinners, million dollar vacations, country club rentals and more rounds of golf than most golfers have tees! He is one piece of work alright! Of course, I call him a piece of something too, but it ain’t work!
Y’all have a good ‘un, okay!
EPILOGUE: Obama, you insignificant lil' flea, you cannot defeat me! I am backed by a fella, who had spikes driven in both hands and feet, then he was hung on timbers and the only thing holding him up were those spikes, then he was stabbed and given up for dead, then he was entombed, then he walked out of that tomb and ascended up into the sky and after all of that he still lives today! Yes, this is my backing! What's yours? George Soros? I am laughing whole-heartily right now! How small you really are Obama! Oh yeah, if you think this fella backing me is something, I just can't wait 'til you meet his father! Good luck, hehehehehe!
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