Thursday, October 4, 2012


Folks, there is nobody on the planet, who wants a third, fourth, fifth or sixth political party more than I do!  I mean it!  Americans deserve a much greater choice in choosing their leader than what we have now.  TWO LOUSY CANDIDATES!  We need to be able to choose from many!  Not just two!  Politicians have "SCAMMED" us far too long with their "RIGGED" election process.   We need choices, but guess what?  We ain't gonna get 'em!  Not this year anyway!

I have been preaching, "Change the election process!  Change the election process!  Change the election process!" for years.  Folks laughed at me, they got down right mad at me, they ridiculed me, they blocked me and they called me a fool!  Well guess what?  Until Americans follow this fool and change the "RIGGED" election process of today, you ain't gonna have anything you want in a country!  Now put that on your Nabisco and eat it too!  We have been set-up and the crooks in charge have had the last fifty or so years to put it in place!  Now you third party "rainbow chasers" think you can turn this crap around in just one election.  Are you kiddin' me?

Oh, and don't get me wrong, Romney dang sure ain't the answer to our prayers.  No sir, not by a long shot, but he's better than Obama and if you "rainbow chasers" vote for a third party wanna-be, well, you may as well vote Obama in!

Look, changing this "RIGGED" election process is not going to be easy or quick!  We need to start now.  We need to organize.  We need to put pressure on the right people.  We need to draw up a plan, that will replace what we have now and we need to be slow, steady and get it right.  Then you third party guys will actually have a shot at turning rainbow chasin' into reality!

Please don't hand Obama this election because I really do not want to live in a bunker in the mountains!

EPILOGUE: Obama, you insignificant lil' flea, you cannot defeat me! I am backed by a fella, who had spikes driven in both hands and feet, then he was hung on timbers and the only thing holding him up were those spikes, then he was stabbed and given up for dead, then he was entombed, then he walked out of that tomb and ascended up into the sky and after all of that he still lives today! Yes, this is my backing! What's yours? George Soros? I am laughing whole-heartily right now! How small you really are Obama! Oh yeah, if you think this fella backing me is something, I just can't wait 'til you meet his father! Good luck, hehehehehe!

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