Wednesday, June 1, 2011


If we discuss immigration, we are helping Obama!  Yes we are!  Get back here!  Don't you leave yet!  There's more.  In fact, if you discuss any of the following:  health care, unions, gangs, felons, muslims, islam, koran, oil spills, oil slicks, wildlife, global warming, climate, cap&trade, and virtually anything and everything you are angry about.....YOU ARE HELPING OBAMA!  Yes siree Bob, we are falling right into his TRAP!  Uh huh!  No mistake about it.  Why else would he and his lil' boogers keep doing the things they are doing?  I mean, c'mon!  Nobody is that ignorant!  Not even Obama.  Okay Sulak, you're so darn smart, how are we going to get things corrected, if we can't even talk about them?

Well, first of all, I never ever stated, that I was smart.  Hello!  My column title, "Th' dumb ol' East Texas boy".  Second, I never even suggested, that we don't talk about these things.  Oh contrar', my good friends.  You should talk and discuss everyone of these things, BUT, and this is one huge but, as you are discussing, always remember, and never forget, that all the things mentioned are a "side show".  A distraction.  An evil magician’s trick!  These things are not their plan, but they are means to getting their plan completed. 

They are banking on us to discuss all the items I mentioned above without us knowing their full intentions.  In fact, it is A REQUIREMENT FOR THEM TO WIN!  Make no mistake about this too; they are AFRAID of the Tea Party!  The Constitution!  The Founding Fathers!  They fear the UNAFRAID AND DETERMINED!  They fear the Constitutional Traditionalist! And they prey on the WEAK minded and weak at heart!  Finally, you know the one big thing they FEAR the most?  I know some of you are saying to yourselves, "God Almighty?", but you'd be wrong.  They are too smart to go on FAITH!  Faith to them is a myth.  A fairy tale.  Just so much hot air.  That is how much they absolutely love themselves, above all else.  They are unteachable.  Hopefully, they are not unsaveable, but I gave up on them some time ago.

Oh yeah, I got on a roll there.  Sorry.  Let's see, "the one big thing they fear most?"  Well, it is THE STATES!  At least, the ones, which will go AGAINST the federal government and their plan.  Some twenty or so, are already doing it and more are getting meaner and leaner each day.  These vermin lay awake at night and toss and turn over Arizona.  They toss and turn and worry, "What if other states join in?  What if they form a coalition between multiple states?  Oh my gosh, what if they all got together and formed The united states of America, all over again, with the original Constitution as their base?  We'd be lost?  Washed up!  This can't happen!  We cannot let it!"  Yes, take it to the bank, folks, they are worried about this.  Really worried!

So finally, what is their plan?  Well, my friends, it is the complete breaking down of America and yes, even the world, so they can shape it into the socialist monstrosity they dream of.  Please remember that, as you watch Greece fall!  Remember it, as you watch Spain fall!  Remember it, as you watch France and England change before you eyes!  This is happening now, guys.  Remember this, as you watch Islam continue to grow and soon be enforcing their Sharia law here!  Remember it, as you send your kiddos off to school, thinking they will receive an UPRIGHT education!  They won't!  Remember it, as you send your young men and women off to college, only to have those fresh young minds changed into something horrible and twisted!  Remember it, as more and more churches close their doors and as you see the visual images of God and his teachings disappear from your sight!  Please remember THEIR PLAN!   It is not our plan.  It is not the plan of our Founding Fathers.  It is not the plan of all the fallen soldiers turning in their graves!  No, it is just THEIR PLAN and they are few and we are many, as long as we fight this EVIL together under one aim, and that is to, DEFEAT THEM AND THEIR PLAN!  
"I am very proud, that I pray to and worship our Judea/Christian, God Almighty. I am very proud to be an American, who loves all his family and all his fellow patriots. I will defend the original Constitutional. I will defend the rights and lives of patriots to the best of my ability and, if time and resources permit will even defend other Americans, who may fail to believe as I do, but I will never defend a quran practicing muslim. They are my ENEMY! 

 Remember, be proud of, and promote, your beliefs! Be proud you're an American and promote that with pride! Be proud of your families and your fellow patriots and promote that with pride! And last, take some kind of real action and pray “everyday” for God to lead you correctly! Believe me.....this will lead to success.”” -- JOHN L SULAK 

 ...and there you have some more opinions from me, Th' Dumb Ol' East Texas Boy. Take care out there, okay. IN GOD WE DO TRUST!


  1. good article John,what i cant understand is why cant someone and a whole bunch of someones(there is alot of us who are against"them")march right into offices of illegal legislature and put restraints on them and march them out. The system is broken and Constitutionally speaking it is We the People who must do something about it. ummm,do i top your title of "dumb ole",yet?

  2. ANONYMOUS 9:56 AM - Thanks for your comment. Believe it or not we still do not have enough to do that. We need at least 67%. Still, after all Obama has done to them, over 70% of Jews will vote for him again. It is beyond comprehension! Almost 90% of college educated women will vote for him. Over 80% of blacks will vote for him. Virtually all union members will vote for him. It is a nightmare!

  3. Good one John. The best one yet. To those who think there aren't enough of us vs them, think back to the American Revolution. 1/3 were on England's side, 1/3 were Patriots ane 1/3 sat on the fence, willing to go with the side that won.
    So, 1/3 of the population that inhabited this land THEN, fought, died and won our independence. Think about that.
    They were brave men and women. The only thing stopping us now is the bravery.

  4. ARIANNE - We now have over one third, who are brave and ready. We are just not organized enough under one banner. It goes like this: One patriot does not know how far the Tea Party will go, another does not know how many cops will go with us, still another does not know how far our troops will go, yet another is worried about his neighbor and so on and so on...


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