Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Th' wife and I were watchin' a movie th' other night it had one of them PG ratin's. Don't remember th' name, but it was a pretty good "who dun it". There was a car chase in it. Th' bad guys made a sharp turn and th' good guys crashed. As th' bad 'uns drove off, th' fella on th' passenger side gave th' good guys th' finger, as they sped away. Of course you couldn't see th' finger 'cause it was blurred out, but th' fella's arm was bent upward real high with his hand out th' window, so you knew what it was. Now later on, there was a scene where a couple were in bed havin' intercourse. They were naked, but you couldn't see their privates and they were all sweaty and movin' all around that bed. Later, there was another scene where one of them exotic dancers (very artistic...) was wrappin' herself around a pole, almost naked.

Now let's add this up,okay? In this PG movie th' finger is blurred out, but they show th' couple rollin' round th' bed. No blurr! No shadows! Oh, and that dancer? Well first, she shouldn't be called a dancer. Second, erotic ought to be replaced with slutty. And third, anyone that calls this stuff "artistic" needs to paint a house or somethin'! And this thing was on "prime time" too. Right there for all th' kiddos to see. It don't matter though. This is America, right? Hollywood and them so-called entertainers are just a part of it, huh? They are "real good" folks, don't ya know? Their not tryin' to change "Family Life", are they? No, not our great stars! Give me a break!

Folks our American "buildin' blocks" are crumblin'! Good morals, Responsibility, Honor, Compassion, Justice, Freedom, and Dignity is bein' torn down by Obama, th' Demolitioncrats, and th' "do what ever feels good" idiots! Yes siree, Ol' Nancy, Harry, Barney, Joe, and th' rest of their crew are wearin' them "Socialistic Hard Hats" and they're bangin' away with their "Marxist Jack Hammers"! One destructive bill at a time, America is vanishing! Th' good Ol' American values are bein' squashed by one movie or show or text book at a time. To most folks these "entertainment bombs" are just blurrs that blend in with other blurrs on th' same screen! Th' kiddos don't know no better and NO, you cannot just change th' channel 'cause it's on all of 'em! Heck, even cartoons or kids shows have violence, sex, racism, and/or, almost undetected messages that lil' minds just absorb!  Oh, and if you want to boycott something, why not boycott TV and movies?  These are at the center of everything EVIL in America!  You cut off their “ratings” and you cut off the funding of eighty percent of the EVIL in America.  Think about it.

Not to get off track, but I had to laugh th' other day when a Congressman replied to one of my inquiries. It don't matter what was in th' letter, but what gave me a chuckle was th' way it was signed. The Honorable so and so. The Honorable! Can you believe that? What "honorable" thing can Congress attach to itself? Honorable! Boy that's a real killer, ain't it? I just couldn't get over it. Honorable.  This is why I call myself, THE HONORABLE JOHN L SULAK, and you should put HONORABLE in front of your name every time you write to Congress or any politician.  I mean, who is more honorable than a patriot?  Surely you consider yourself more honorable than ANY politician.

It's all backwards, ain't it? Good is bad, bad is good, right is wrong, wrong is right! Is this madness ever gonna end folks? You know, I ain't no angel myself. Don't claim to be. And I sure ain't no predictor, but th' Big Man upstairs has to have a tear rollin' down th' cheek and he might be justa 'bout ready to END IT FOR US.....

"I am very proud, that I pray to and worship our Judea/Christian, God Almighty. I am very proud to be an American, who loves all his family and all his fellow patriots. I will defend the original Constitutional. I will defend the rights and lives of patriots to the best of my ability and, if time and resources permit will even defend other Americans, who may fail to believe as I do, but I will never defend a quran practicing muslim. They are my ENEMY! 

 Remember, be proud of, and promote, your beliefs! Be proud you're an American and promote that with pride! Be proud of your families and your fellow patriots and promote that with pride! And last, take some kind of real action and pray “everyday” for God to lead you correctly! Believe me.....this will lead to success.”” -- JOHN L SULAK

 ...and there you have some more opinions from me, Th' Dumb Ol' East Texas Boy. Take care out there, okay. IN GOD WE DO TRUST!


  1. I agree with EVERYTHING that you said. The problem a lot of people have is they just DON'T REALIZE that what is happening NOW is in the Holy Bible and MUST happen to fulfillthe end times....I am not at all surprised by what this country has turned into , but when you have a nation of people that DON'T CARE and WON'T do anything about it and reject the most Holy God , what do you expect? We will NEVER recover beause THAT is NOT in God's final plan...

  2. FED UP IN TEXAS - thanks for your agreement, but remember. Many times, throughout history folks just knew it was the end of times, but it was not. I always tell myself, "You shall not know the day nor the hour.." A whole lot of things must take place before we get there. However, when we do, you'd be correct in what you are saying.

  3. Many of our problems started back in the sixties, after the black racial card was starting to be played. Every
    idiotic thing that went on in washington, we the people had to obey.Instead of looking forward, we started to look back. Malcolm X, Louis Farrakhan, Jesse jackson, michael king, etc. ad nauseum. Entitlement became the norm, and was expected. How much money could be made daily if these idiot school buses were abolished? Billions. How much higher would our schools be if we just ran the tests. Worried parents who are into dumbing down, would be accountable. I am white, and have been watching this mess take place, right here, right now.
    I am ashamed that my brothers and sisters have joined the liberal crap, RIP America! The Honorable Thomas...

  4. THOMAS - most of what you are saying is true, but what you need to realize is that there are plenty of black Americans who feel the same way. There is no color among patriots! There is only America!

  5. Right John, i dont think too well when on my soapbox! I think I get too worked up and dont remember that this is being looked at...

  6. TOM - You're tellin' me about "worked up"? I got ya beat mu friend. If it wasn't for my wife editing my articles, I'd probably be in jail by now. LOL


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