Friday, April 8, 2011


“Are we really that frustrated? A few "sound bites" against Obama and everyone is jumping on board Trump's election bid. Do you really think that this self-absorbed, egotistical, braggart of a con artist will REPRESENT YOU? Dang guys, are we going to keep jumping from the frying pan into the fire forever? WE CAN DO MUCH BETTER THAN THIS, but frustration and rainbow chasing keeps getting in the way!” – POSTED ON FACEBOOK BY JOHN L SULAK on April 7, 2011

Yeah, I posted that to try to show folks that we cannot just jump on the first celebrity, tough talker and/or pretty face that says what we want to hear.  You know, kinda like the liberals did with Obama or other folks with Scott Brown.  Well, I guess I didn’t sell it hard enough or maybe folks are just shallow when it comes to who leads our country.  The comments I received were not only shocking, but frustrating as well.  I have intentionally left the names off them because I am not trying to crucify anyone, but here are a few of those comments:

“I would pretty much pick anybody other than BO. Anyone that knows me understands that I am an extremely conservative and do extensive research and much prayer before selecting who to vote for”
- Amazing!  Just any ol’ Tom, Dick or Harry as long as it is not Obama.  “Extensive Research?  Oh, you mean like the kind in your opening statement, “I would pretty much pick anybody other than BO”.

“Represent us? As opposed to all of the corrupt career politicians? and BO?”

- So, I guess this person wants to hurry up and replace the current corrupt politicians with another corrupt person.  I suppose some feel, as long as there is change, good or bad, everything will be okay.

“Just sayin...he's removed from the arena where handing out favors and paybacks is part of your career...”

- Trump is “removed from the arena”?  Trump helped build the arena!  Trump is “removed from handing out favors and paybacks”? Are you kiddin’ me?  This guy actually thinks Trump is squeaky clean!  You do not get elected to the GAMING HALL OF FAME by being squeaky clean!

“Trump is my pick so far.  Tired of being tired of politics.  Men, man up, do you like funny boys?”

- This person presumably thinks that all men should be like Trump.  Hey, if I’m in a back alley facing a bunch of punks, please do not give me Trump to back me up!  Please!

“I am not so sure Trump is even serious about running. He has enough wealth, fame and power to REALLY do some damage to BO's credibility. There is the possibility that he is just paving the way for someone/anyone to win against th BO.  Granted, that someone may be Hillary - as he was a supporter of hers in 08.”

 - You only get great political analysis, like this, on TH’ DUMB OL’ EAST TEXAS BOY site.  Do what?  Can you run that by me one more time?  Who are the folks behind these brilliant statements?

“He's better than Bamsta, John!”

- And there you go!  We now have two Tom, Dick and Harry voters!

“Without Trump confirming his candidacy until June, it's hard to say, for certain, who one will vote for, but I have to say, Trump would get my vote ANYDAY over Oblahblah. Could The Donald REALLY be any worse? I think NOT. Let's ALL keep our eyes and ears open during the next few months...could get quite interesting....”

 - “THE DONALD” Wouldn’t the press love this?  Instead of “The President” or “Mr. President”, the press could call him “THE DONALD” or “MR. DONALD”.  Remember the “Looney Tunes” cartoons?  Anyway, I think we may have another Tom, Dick and Harry voter.  No research!

“I won't say I will not vote for Trump but I will say I won't vote for him in the primary.”


“I know he will not represent me and I most likely would not vote for him. I would prefer him over Obama any day. He is at least funny and I don't think he wants us dead. Obama most likely does. He knows he cannot disarm the nation and if he cannot do that, he cannot go to communism or dictatorship. I think that is the reason.”

            - This fella “KNOWS” that Trump will not represent him, but he still “WONDERS” if he will vote for him.  So, now we have one that might vote for ANYONE as long as they do not “represent” him and isn’t Obama.

“John, I think Trump has spoken up and called Obama on everything we all know he needs to be called on. He has been the only one so far...the rest have made promises but Donald has delivered by going on TV and giving interviews stating the facts we all want answers to.”

- Hello, the only thing Trump has “called” Obama on is his birth certificate.  Now, that ain’t “EVERYTHING”!  “Donald has “delivered” by going on TV and giving interviews stating FACTS?  So, from now on I am going to look for a candidate that goes on TV and talks.  Yeah, that’s the way to pick ‘em!

You know guys, Glen Beck stated this for years, “….do not take anyone’s word for it.  Do your own research.”  He would actually beg folks to do it.  He beat his head up against this wall constantly, without giving up.  I admire him for that.  Now, after many years of trying to make a difference for my country, judging by these comments above, I wonder if folks will ever actually do what it takes to make our country great again.  Oh, and I am just a drop in an ocean compared to Beck.  It is even more frustrating for me….but it also makes me more determined!  These comments are what keeps me going:

“I agree John, it sickens me to see how easily so many people in this country are duped. First, it was Obeyme "the one" duping the left. Now it's Trump "the Donald" duping the right. What aggravates me are the number of people that say they've switched to independent because the democrats and republicans are the same, at yet they're willing to vote for Trump, just to get rid of Obeyme. Are they all so blind that they can see, they're both cut from the same liberal cloth?”

“I have serious doubts he'll do anything but talk until after the election is over, after which it won't matter and he'll drop these issues like a hot rock. But people are buying into it already as though he's actually done something to remove this usurper from office. I've even had people get so furious with me about this that they disconnected from me here on Facebook and that's seriously crazy.”

“We're still too early into this to be forming absolute opinions on anyone. There's too much room for things to "come up". Just watching and taking notes.”

“You know Michael Bloomberg is much the same sort of individual as Donald Trump as far as being a businessman is concerned; NYC Mayor Bloomberg as a politician has been everything under the sun; Democrat, Republican and Independent; that's how he's managed to be mayor more than two terms; I don't believe Donald Trump really possesses anything other than hot air and I don't think he's a very serious presidential candidate.”

“Trump is also a contributor to Democrats...The stakes are too high to feign a temporary quest for Truth..With Trump finances he could have easily helped expose Obama while he was running for president. But just like McCain he remained silent...Why ?...Sometimes a person can speak Volumes by remaining silent..."No Man Can Serve Two Masters."

“Trump is good at the tough talk. Now, I hope a real, viable candidate will follow and speak just as frank. We need the tough talk but a better candidate than Trump. I want Trump to continue the tough talk...its good for business. No "PR" is bad "PR".”

“John is concerned with lobbyists. There are gaming lobbyists, etc. If someone like Trump were to be elected it would be much of the same. John wants someone NOT attached to any particular idealog. As do I and many others. He wants us, as do I, to research and find someone new and who TRULY represents American values and morals.”

"I am very proud, that I pray to and worship our Judea/Christian, God Almighty. I am very proud to be an American, who loves all his family and all his fellow patriots. I will defend the original Constitutional. I will defend the rights and lives of patriots to the best of my ability and, if time and resources permit will even defend other Americans, who may fail to believe as I do, but I will never defend a quran practicing muslim. They are my ENEMY! 

Remember, be proud of, and promote, your beliefs! Be proud you're an American and promote that with pride! Be proud of your families and your fellow patriots and promote that with pride! And last, take some kind of real action and pray “everyday” for God to lead you correctly! Believe me.....this will lead to success.”” -- JOHN L SULAK 

...and there you have some more opinions from me, Th' Dumb Ol' East Texas Boy. Take care out there, okay. IN GOD WE DO TRUST!


  1. Bob...why are you spending so much time, negative energy on trying to prove to the world that Donald Trump is the devil himself. For crying out loud, we don't know if he's running. I see a select few of my friends on FB who have blew their lid over watching others commend Trump for what he's doing. It's my opinion, you are taking this overboard and to be mocked, ridiculed by you as a 'friend' here on FB? No friend of mine, that's not how us Yankees treat our friends up north. Let's see what Trump comes up the meantime, let's keep it in perspective.

  2. LAUREN - Who is Bob?

    Why is it, when I say something some folks do not want to hear, they always put in things I never stated?

    Unlike most folks, I have thoroughly INVESTIGATED Trump. He is not presidential material. Now maybe in this new, mixed up, dumbed down America, I am sitting my sites too high when making my choice for PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, but I do not think so. It really is that important!

    I WILL NOT relax my principals, my integrity, my honesty, nor my love of my country because you or anyone else does not agree with me. Believe me sugar, I am in PERSPECTIVE!


DON'T BE TIMID! Tell me what ya think.