Thursday, November 12, 2009


"Muslims are not all bad."  Muslims are not all bad."  Whaaa!  Whaaa!  Whaaa!  Somebody get these, head in the sand, wait for the government to "tuck" them in, no fact finding, no "own ears and eyes" believing, Obama praising and bowing,  sugar plum and lolly pop eating, lala land living folks, a baby bottle or a pacifier, please.  I'm begging ya!  They're lack of, plain ol', everyday, common sense is driving me out of my gourd!  I know, "that might be a short drive."  Ha Ha Ha!  You know what I mean though.

I cannot count the number of times folks have told me, "Oh, but you are soooo wrong.  The Quran doesn't say to kill non-believers."  Well, all I can say is BALONEY, my dear little, whining, Muslim loving friends!   I got on the internet, did a little research, all of ten minutes, and I found, on page 1761, of the translated Quran, these words: 


Sounds like some REAL AMERICANS here, huh?  Yes sir, let's welcome that BELIEF into our hearts and souls.  Uh huh.  Sure, let 'em play and sing with your kids.  Invite them over for burgers.  Catch a movie.  Heck, bring them boogers to your next family reunion.  Just get all cozy with them GOOD Americans.  "Cause they are a PEACE LOVIN' bunch.  Yes they are too.  Uh uh.  Don't you feel so safe and secure when they give you that big ol' grinning smile?  Folks, that talk so nice and can smile so big, just can't be bad.  They have to be good!  I'm just going to put what this dumb ol' East Texas boy is saying, out of my mind.  There now.  That's better.  I can move on and not insult my dear old Muslim friends.

Yeah, some folks, will just never catch on.  That's a given.  Hey, but that's not all I found, virtually every other page has some wording about non-believers, killing, war, etc.  Oh, and it's even okay to lie, deceive, steal, or anything, as long as it promotes or defends the religion.  How 'bout that?  In fact, it appears, that this Religion, or Rules of Engagement, or Combat Manual, is all wrapped up, in doing harm to non-believers.  You know, me and you, Christian/Judeo believers.  Unless, by chance, some Muslims could be reading this.  You think?  Hey, if y'all are, I hope you are paying attention.  "Cause we ain't gonna believe them smiles and grins no more.  No sir.  We have thrown political correctness out the window.  We are on to you.  We will be watching and waiting.  Uh huh.  We will.  Obama cannot protect you much longer. 

Now, if you would, don't let the kiddos read this next part.  Okay?  Let's do some "Straight Talkin'."  Next time you might decide that you want to FALL IN LOVE with some Muslims, well, think about those smiling faces, tying you up, then grabbing you by your hair, then whacking your neck with a very sharp blade, until your head rolls.  You know, like the verse out of their book teaches.  Think about it.  Can you feel the hand on your neck?  Grab your neck and imagine it.  Seriously!  Pull your hair straight up.  Do not forget this image.  Feel that cold steel blade on your skin.  Here them babbling and wiggling their tongues back and forth with that screeching, eerie, sound.  Imagine what you'd do to survive it, even if you could.  Imagine your children, your folks, your friends, other "non-believers" being slaughtered, before your eyes?  Can you feel their pain?  Can you hear them crying out.  Tough times call for tough talk and action.   The political correctness is over.  We need to get REAL and get out of LALA LAND.  Time is short.  Each day they take a brick out of the American Wall.  Each day, they grow more powerful and Americans seem to grow weaker.

Can you even come close to imagining, what the world be like, if every religion believed in killing folks that did not believe their particular way?  Can you imagine the devastation?   The outcome?  We'd all be dead.  There would be, virtually, no one, on the face of the earth alive.  It would be one huge blood bath.  Oh sure, maybe a few hundred strong folks left, but what would they have?  The women and children, more than likely, would be gone.  The race would not be able to multiply.  The only thing that those few would have is the right to say, "Our God is the greatest."  And what God would condone such violence?  Such brutality?  Such hatred?  Those few would be, after they died on earth, doomed to HELL.

 "Muslims are not all bad."  Muslims are not all bad."   Let's go with that, and say, that ten percent of all Muslims would not kill a non-believer.  That leaves ninety percent, that will.  You gonna guess which ones they are?  After everything, that I described above, are you going to take that chance?  With children, family, friends?  Are you?  Really?  Just throw caution to the wind, huh?  Go back to the soccer fields and the Starbucks and forget about it, huh?  Just too much to think about, right now, correct?  The country will take care of you, right?  You do not have to get involved.  Just take it day by day.  You just cannot have anything disturbing your life, at this moment.  Sure.  I understand.  Sorry I bothered you.  Maybe I'll ask you about this next week.  Or the week after that.  Or next year.   Sure, okay.  Thanks for taking time out of your busy life to, at least, listen.  Musta been difficult.  See ya.

.....And there you have some more opinions from TH' DUMB OL' EAST TEXAS BOY.  God bless ya, guys.  




  2. On my first trip to the Holy Land in 1979, I went with a group of 120 pilgrims and we went to the top of the Mount of Olives to look inside the gold-domed mosque, Al Haram Esh Sherif. Going up the steps to the mosque, I was suddenly aware that the people around me seemed far away, the bright sun gave no light, all was darkness and the feeling of such oppression and downright evil that when we got to the top and were to go inside the mosque, I remained outside. I could not go into the building.

    When I returned home, I told my sons about this. All three today are theologians, and they were all very much aware of the Lord and the Bible. When I told them of my negative reactions to the mosque, they said what I had become aware of is the god of Islam, Allah.

    That got my interest up and with their help, I began to study Islam. All my friends in Israel are Arabs, mostly Muslims. Only one would I really trust; a woman.

    They were all charming; great hosts and very friendly. I went over many times in the years following and into the mosque, with no problem. As my son said, "You've been warned."

    I know a good bit about Islam; I own a Qur'an my youngest son gave me -- One a Syrian acquaintance in college gave him.

    It's not only 'all right' to lie to us 'infidels,' it's considered meritorious. There are very friendly Muslims, intelligent, kind hearted and peace-loving. And afraid to take up for a Christian or a Jew. Fear is how they live, how they cope with it can vary -- but it's not just selfish fear. They fear for their families, their children. The fanatics will kill them if one member of the family should go against the teachings of Mohammed.

    Mohammed's hadiths (sayings) carry equal weight with the Qur'an. His last hadith is what the terrorists are acting on today, and they are sure they see victory in the not distant future. In fact, Mohammed taught that they would fight only when they see a good possibility of winning. That they are so militant today tells us that our "Post Christian" world is within their reach, for the simple reason that the only One who can win over Islam is Jesus Christ. As we turn our backs on him, as we allow God to be kicked out of our lives and the lives of our children, as lose him to fight for us against Islam. Not because he no longer loves us, but because he has given us the freedom to accept or reject him and he will not go where he is not wanted.

  3. Even if just 1% of the 1.2 BILLION muslims in the world were radicalized, that is A LOT of people who mean to do us harm. I too, have been to the Middle East and yes, they are very friendly which is OUR downfall! We believe that the smiling Muslim is can be our "friend" when the Quran strictly forbids it! I am reminded of the smiling and waving Muslims that pulled up along side the USS COLE and then blew it up. How can ANYONE trust people who use lying (taqiyya) routinely? Answer: YOU CAN'T! for some really good info and to do something about it!

  4. Guys, sometimes I get a little too tough for some folks, but this really needed to be put in context! STRESSED! It is really that bad and that threatening. Thus the "kiddos" warning. Thanks for listening and please spread the word every chance you get.

  5. What's funny is that when you talk with basically anyone that I know (friends, acquaintances and family) down here in South Georgia, I get the same reaction. Unfortunately, we still have a Senator and three Representatives who have publicly stated that Islam is a religion of peace. Every time I hear that, I'm always trying to find out what that thing is that someone is trying to stick up my @&%. I was definitely convinced after reading STEALTH JIHAD by Robert Spencer and (lately) MUSLIM MAFIA by P. David Gaubatz and Paul Sperry (all authors were vetted and verified as legitimate sources). Makes for some eye-opening reading and definitely helps you understand what was driving the Islamic major @ Fort Hood (I refuse to post his name) to perform the atrocities that he is guilty for.

  6. I think that the crazy part is that most people in the west do not appear to realize that this a war that threatens the rule of law. The radicals want to replace the laws that have been based on the Judeau-Christian values and have been accepted around the globe with so called Islamic law. This would basically redefine what is meant by "civilized". They are not just against us, they are against everyone who follows the rule of law. They have attacked sites all over India, Africa, on the high seas, and yes, they appear to have infiltrate our armed forces as evidenced by the Fort Hood incident. I do not understand why our government does not see this or has chosen to look the other way.
    I take comfort in the fact that our Lord Jesus is in control and His Grace is sufficient for us.

  7. There is no such thing as a "moderate" or "modern" Muzlem. They are either jihadis or closet jihadis. Even the man sitting in the Oval Office of the White House has admitted to being a Muzlem and wrote in one of his books that he would side with the Muzlems.


  8. The President, or non-qualified President, IS A MUSLIM! He is not looking the other way, when it comes to his people. He is HELPING THEM! He is RESOURCING THEM! He is PROMOTING THEM! It is not rocket science. It is there for all to see, if your eyes are opened. Thanks to all you PATRIOTS!

  9. Just check out "Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam." Very foreboding if even part of it is true.

  10. I have been warning, commenting about Islam since early 2002. So far not many Americans understand the threat. Many refuse to because it goes against what they were taught. They were taught that another man's religion is his business and not theirs.

    Well, Islam is not just a religion. It is an all encompessing cult that instructs, guides Muslims from the cradle to the grave.

    What others have said here in this thread is true, I won't repeat them except to say that it needs to be repeated and told to anyone and everyone who will listen.

    There is a saying going around, it goes something like this:

    The Islamics want to destroy America, but they better hurry because Obama is way ahead of them.

    Be prepared, get prepared because between these two evils the next years are going to be bad. How bad? Prepare for the worse.

    The six Ps: Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.

    Papa Ray

  11. Great Article John and many eye's are closed and I fear will never see what is coming when it hits the fan. My own son has prayed in a moscue and thinks they are all very close to Christianity. He has spent time in Egypt and Africa and i feel has been brainwashed by the college in Potsdam. I am so tired of arguing and trying to open his eye's for the hold of evil brain washers is strong on our young at heart. All I can do now is pray and hope he see's before all the heads aroll!

  12. I pray your son will see the Muslims for what they are, Joe. So many young folks are so easily swayed, when it comes to choices on faith. We have experienced it in our family also. Hopefully, something will click and he will return, but until then just pray for him.

    My young life was that of a rebel. I ran with pretty rough crowds and, all of a sudden, one day, things clicked and here I am.


DON'T BE TIMID! Tell me what ya think.