Monday, September 6, 2010


“First, as I always do, let me say, that I am proud, that I pray to and worship our Judea/Christian, God Almighty. Second, I am very proud to be an American, who loves all his family and all his fellow patriots. And last, I will defend the original Constitutional rights and lives of those patriots to the best of my ability and, if time and resources permit will even defend others, who will be shocked to learn, that what they once believed in, was false”. -- JOHN L SULAK
Well, we can all rest easy now. Yeah, I heard it this morning on the news. Tuesday, tomorrow, B. Hussein Obama is coming out with his three pronged (R,R & R) program to completely turn the economy around and create jobs for everyone. Isn't that great? We will all be saved from
utter disaster. All will be hunky-dory in this little ol' country of ours called, America. I got goose bumps when I heard this good news. My heart raced and my face was flushed. It was definitely on a politically correct "rush"!

Now, that first paragraph, up there, was just kinda what I thought a naive liberal might say, had they heard the same news, I heard. Those words sure weren't what I was thinking. No sir.

You see the news was given a sorta "sneak peek" at B. Hussein Obama's plan. I stated it was three pronged (R,R & R), and it is, but remember, "PRONGS" can also make you bleed, if turned toward you. You be the judge, which way his "prongs" are going and what good they are going to do.

FIRST PRONG: ROADWAYS - Ol' B. Hussein is gonna suggest throwing many of our hard earned dollars at our so-called crumbling roadways. He believes this will add several thousand highly paid (double paid), union, government jobs and will help our economy and outrageous jobless numbers. We will all have smooth and sturdy roads to travel on and the government will gain more folks on the payroll. Peachy huh?

So, we are going to get a bunch of brand new roads to travel on, in cars we cannot afford any longer because there is no JOBS! And, for those of us, who still have cars, we will really enjoy the new roads, while are cars are parked in the driveway because we cannot afford any gas because it is going to skyrocket because B. Hussein Obama stopped the drilling in the Gulf and oh yeah, because we don't have JOBS! But hey folks, you be the judge.

SECOND PRONG: RAILWAYS - once again B. Hussein Obama is going to suggest we throw a bunch of our money at trains. No, not those cute lil' ol' trains you see in the store windows at Christmas time, but those great big, diesel burning, trains you will see running beside the new roads and highways. B. Hussein figures, that if he can improve the railway system and add new trains, well, that will get more folks to ride on the trains and put a whole bunch of highly paid (double paid), union, government folks to work improving the system. This way, there will be more money flowing into the economy because of train ticket sales and the few thousand jobs required to work on them. Trains?

Gotta study this one a bit, folks. Let's see. We gonna get a whole bunch of new trains and new railroads to put them boogers on. Uh huh. Trains? First of all, I don't know about you guys, but the last time I bought a ticket and actually rode in a train was when I was about twelve years old. In fact, I didn't even buy the ticket. You see, I threw a paper route back then, after school. Two nights a week, I had to go door to door making collections and trying to get new subscriptions. Well, I got the most subscriptions for the month in South Fort Worth, Texas and won a trip to Dallas to see the Cowboys play. It was an all expenses paid trip and even included lunch. Boy, I was in hog heaven! Anyway, I really wonder, what percent of Americans actually ride trains. I bet it's less than five percent.

Okay, I'm with ya. Some will say, but trains carry food, goods, and equipment and they'd be right, but with the economy so bad will our need of trains really increase? I mean, afterall, we still have the same amount of trains and tracks, that we had when the economy was booming. Now the econonmy is way down, but for some reason B. Hussein Obama thinks we need more trains and tracks. Shouldn't we put that off until the economy starts, a, booming again? I'm just sayin'.

New trains, that we don't need, burning diesel which we cannot afford to use because supply will run low because B. Hussein Obama cut off drilling in the Gulf, train tickets,that we cannot afford because there is no JOBS, and more workers on the government (our) tab, boy, sounds like a plan to me! A very bad and foolish plan! Oh, but that's just me. You be the judge.

THIRD PRONG: RUNWAYS - Yep, B. Hussein Obama is going to suggest, that we need more aiport runways and also improve the old beat up, delapidated and crumbling ones. He's gonna make our airports runways so much better. He's going to bring in a bunch of highly paid (double paid), union, government workers, pay them our money and put them to work on our runways. This, together with the other two MAJOR prongs should surely fix our entire sagging economy, while putting thousand to work.

Last time I checked, isn't DOMESTIC airline ticket sales down? Aren't smaller airlines merging with larger airlines because they cannot make a profit? Aren't some very large airlines merging with other very large airlines because they can't make a profit either? Aren't jet fuel prices going up, thus making ticket prices go up? Isn't there going to be a short supply of jet fuel because B. Hussein Obama has cut off drilling in the Gulf and will not allow drilling on the HUGE oil deposits throughout the United States? Does this sound like GOOD reasons to fix runways, which probably need only slight normal maintenance repairs? And why can't the PRIVATE airlines fix their own runways? Hey, I'm just asking, but please, y'all make up your own minds. 'Kay?

BOTTOM LINE: B. Hussein Obama is going to suggest, that we add more ridiculously highly paid, double paid, union, government workers to our tab, yours and mine. He will suggest throwing millions of our, yours and my, tax dollars at both private industry and non-productive projects, so he can boost union jobs and make money for his union BOSS supporters. He will smile, grin, read his teleprompter, add in cute lil' quips and sayings, probably blame Bush and try to make you believe, that all of what he is suggesting will greatly improve your lives. Then he, regardless of what the overwhelming majority of "LEGAL" Americans think, will go ahead and implement his plan and not a single attorney general or Congressman will stop him!

Well, all this ol' boy can say is, "DON'T BUY HIS HYPE!" If a person ever wanted to devise a PLAN to take down a good, successful REPUBLIC, like America, all they would have to do is follow B. Hussein Obama's lead, to the letter. He's doing it and our, yours and my, time is rapidly running out. Keep pushing guys and do not ever give up!
“Remember, be proud of, and promote, your beliefs! Be proud you're an American and promote that with pride! Be proud of your families and your fellow patriots and promote that with pride! And last, take some kind of real action and pray “everyday” for God to lead you correctly! Believe me.....this will lead to success.” -- JLS


  1. oh, John If you wasn't already married I'd propose to you. You bring new light to really right on target subjects but it just makes me smile and sometimes makes a tough day great! Kiss your wife and have a great evening. I'm a faithful reader. Jackie "pepper"

  2. Easy Jackie. My wife reads these. LOL. Seriously, I really do appreciate your very complimentary comment. Oh, and I kiss my wife at least three times a day, whether she wants me to or not. I've been trying to run her off for 38 years, but she ain't budgin', for some reason.

  3. To TH' NOT SO DUMB OL' EAST TEXAS BOY, I got dizzy picturing 'o' chasing his tail. We'll stop him some way,some time and some Nov. day. God willing

  4. John, the previous anonyous is me; Sharon Agregaard, didn't have any of that other stuff so just went anon. lol

  5. BO has to be doing this stuff intentionally! It is so blatantly obvious to anyone with a lick of common sense, that what this administration is doing, is no good for America. He is intentionally breaking America!! God help us stop this madman! We gotta vote some good guys in come November...we just gotta!

  6. I would never want your wife of 38 years to get mad at me but I'm sure you two probably have the same kind of marriage that I shared with my late husband. we were married for 35 great years and I thank my Lord that I was graced with that wonderful blessing. Good marriages are almost a thing of the past these days. that said after reading the last posts on fb I'm seriously concerned with where our government is heading with Sharia Law John. My question to you is how do we fight it and do we wait till November? I think we are like minded on this subject so I will defer to you for further comment. sincerely and again, kiss your wife! Jackie Pepper


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