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JOBS. A whole lot of folks think, that this lil’ word is all inclusive. They think, “Hey, a job’s a job, right?” A butcher, a baker, a candlestick maker, a highway foreman, an auto worker, a nurse, a trucker, all just jobs. WRONG! You see, my friends, today when you hear the word “job“, you have to know how to separate. Kinda like tellin’ the difference in clothes. You have your “designer” clothes and you have your regular ol’, everyday, clothes. I mean, they both cover your privates, but I
think even the thickest minded of us, me included, know that there are some huge differences. And so it is with jobs.
think even the thickest minded of us, me included, know that there are some huge differences. And so it is with jobs.
We all need to train ourselves on the two major job groups. Politicians know the difference all to well! Take B. Hussein Obama, for instance, I know where I’d like to take him, I’d like to take him to where the sun……oh, but I digress. Where was I? Oh yeah, B. Hussein Obama and different jobs. Look y’all, when Obama talks about jobs, all that most folks hear, is “JOBS”, but Obama isn’t talking about just jobs. No sir! He may be saying, “jobs”, but he’s thinking and meaning, “UNION JOBS!” Please remember that! And remember this: If you are not in a Worker’s Union (SEIU, AFLCIO, TEAMSTERS, etc), then B. Hussein Obama wants you to lose your job and his actions completely bear this out!
Did you know that today, there are more GOVERNMENT JOBS, than there are good ol’ everyday, salt of the earth, what America was built on, NON-GOVERNMENT JOBS? Did you know today, that virtually ALL government payroll jobs are UNION JOBS? Did you know, that UNION BOSSES get a very enormous cut of every single UNION worker’s pay? Did you know, that most of these UNION BOSSES are multi-millionaires? And some are billionaires (GEORGE SOROS)? Did you know that Obama gave Soros over seven hundred million dollars of our, yours and mine, money? Did you know that today, the government OWNS one out of every three acres of land in the entire United States of America? Think about how much land that is. 1 out of every three acres! That’s over thirty-three percent (33%) of all American land!!! Did you know that we, me and you, are paying for everyone of these UNION jobs, UNION bosses, SOROS slush fund(s) and, mostly stolen (eminent domain or executive order) AMERICAN LAND?
Guys, here is the PROGRESSIVES (thieves) plan:
First, they want to destroy or reverse everything Americans have thought, taught or done in the past. They want us to go from TRUE American history to NO history! They want us to go from great morals to NO morals! They want us to go from being responsible for ourselves and our actions to the government being responsible for us, which is almost NO responsibility because they don’t care. And last, but certainly not least, they want us to go from having and worshiping GOD in our EVERYDAY lives to having NO God at all, or to worshiping some ridiculous, imaginary, collective, human “thought up” god!
Second, all the while they are tearing down or replacing everything normal in America, they want to build up and GROW the government, which is just another word for PROGRESSIVES, which is just another word for thieves! They will use UNIONS for jobs and a government WORKFORCE and they will use muslims, illegal’s, felons, and other thugs as their ARMY, if it should be warranted.
They will succeed in using Union members because these members are such an easy TOUCH. I mean, they are already being controlled. They have already sold out for a few more coins. When this all hit’s the fan, they will FALL in line and stick their hands out. Just like good lil’ SUBJECTS!
Now, the muslims will be the major part of the army because they think they are going to gain. They think they are USING politicians to increase their power and the politicians are letting them think that. Both are thinking they are going to outwit the other. Guess what muslims? The big money boys and what they gain will beat you idiots all day long. Oh, you think your numbers are great? Have you ever heard the term, “Nuke the suckers.”?
Third, once the first and second part are complete, the boy’s with the big bucks, who are controlling this whole thing, will take charge of America! And when they do, they will have the money, the weapons, the technology, and the entire world! They will SQUASH all the folks they used to get their plan complete. We will ALL be slaves to their every whim and our FAT, LAZY, LIFESTYLES will be history and so will America!
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Now, that’s only if they COMPLETE this plan and boy do they have a HEAD START! Look, if we cannot stop them through peaceful, legal means, then you guys better get ready for one hell-uv-a bloody fight! NO! I know that any SANE person does not want blood spilt, but if life has taught us anything at all, it is this: WE DO NOT ALWAYS GET WHAT WE WANT! Regretfully, Sometimes it is FORCED upon us. Just be VERY prepared, okay?
“Remember, be proud of, and promote, your beliefs! Be proud you're an American and promote that with pride! Be proud of your families and your fellow patriots and promote that with pride! And last, take some kind of real action and pray “everyday” for God to lead you correctly! Believe me.....this will lead to success.” -- JLS
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