Sunday, June 20, 2010


"PUBLIC."  Don't ya just love that word?  Now ol' Webster defines "public" as, "1 a : exposed to general view : open b : well-known, prominent c : perceptible, material.  2 a : of, relating to, or affecting all the people or the whole area of a nation or state b : of or relating to a government c : of, relating to, or being in the service of the community or nation."  Hmmm.  "Exposed to general view"?  Uh huh.  "Open".  Okay, that's enough
of this baloney!  There is nothing "open" about public schools!  In fact, there is nothing "public" about public schools!

The entire Public Independent School System (PISS) is one big joke..........on us, me and you!  We need to learn these politician's "word games".  To us, "public" means "people" and to the politicians, "public" means government, or THEM!  The entire Public Independent School System should be changed to the Government Socialist Indoctrination School System (GSISS).  There is no "people's voice" in the entire Department of Education!  And, for that matter, there is no "America", in the entire Department of Education!  It should be called The Department of Indoctrination and Greed!  It is the MAIN "tool" of the future SURVIVAL of all socialists!  It is merely a socialistic stepping stone to college and virtually all college teachings have, no demand, socialism, communism, and marxism!  The future of our children and young adults are no longer IN OUR HANDS!

You all know, at least one, college student of recent college graduate, who has fallen under the spell of socialism, don't you?  They have been severely brainwashed, most to the point of no return.  Oh sure, thank heaven, there are those, that had good, moral, "stand on your own two feet" upbringing, but they are few.  Each and every day more and more join the ranks of the "brain blocked" socialist.

Within five minutes of a debate with these "walking shells", you sense the hopelessness of their situation.  You can ask them point blank questions and they avoid it.  All good conservatives have learned to question and question again, until you get a yes or no answer, but these walking shells do not comprehend those type questions.  They are taught to "always" be right and in order to do that the HAVE TO AVOID yes and no questions.  So they move on, avoid, try to confuse and finally get upset and call names and avoid the debate all together.  Time after time, just about all of us have seen it.  They are constantly in defense mode.  Must be hard to live that way.  You know, with all those "buts", "what ifs", and "you're a ______'s"!  "Yes, that is correct" or "No, that is not correct and hear is why." is just not in their vocabulary.

Guys, the quicker we SHUT DOWN The Department of Education, well, the quicker we can begin, once again, teaching our children and young adults the facts surrounding REAL AMERICA and not the garbage they've been taught.  The lil' boogers deserve more from us!  They deserve the truth!  Not the SLOP, that the DOE has been making them digest!  Wanna get America back?  Do you really?  Okay then, fight the DOE at every turn.  No matter how it may sound, coming from the DOE, it's bad!  It really is!  You need a "front" on which to fight on?  Take the DOE on before you lose your kiddoes to communism and corruption.  Yeah, it's worth the effort!

"See if you can follow this political syllogism. President Obama and his Education Secretary have repeatedly promised to support "what works," regardless of ideology. The teachers unions adamantly oppose school vouchers, whether or not they work. Ergo, Messrs. Obama and Duncan decide to end a D.C. school voucher program that works and force poor kids back into schools where Messrs. Obama and Duncan would never send their own children. What a disgrace."  from The Wall Street Journal  --  link below

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