Wednesday, November 18, 2009


OBAMA!  The almighty savior of the world!  All bow to OBAMA!  Yeah, a lot of folks sincerely believed just that.  This tall skinny runt with nice suits and a smooth tongue, just had to be the one.  He spoke of change, and salvation, and a new beginning, and a bight future with money, cars, and happiness for everyone.  The only catch?  Well, you had to turn over the "reigns" of America to him.  Trust only him.  Just down right believe, that he would not lead you astray.  No sir!  Not the Almighty OBAMA!  He was going to bring America, into the most prosperous era, in all of World history!  Can I get an Amen from ya, brother? 

So, how's that been workin' out for you?  You like your brand new FREE home?  With all the bills paid?  Lord have mercy!  Have you got a house full of groceries?  Eatin' good, huh?  How 'bout that new car your driving?  Run good?  No payments either, right?  Free insurance too?  The kids?  They all have brand new clothes for school?  How do they like them free Nike tenny shoes?  Wooo!  They are sharp!  Fit good?  Hey, it's starting to get cold.  Them brand new, free jackets gonna keep your lil' boogers warm?  I bet hubby got a raise in pay too, right?  And You?  You get to quit your part time job?  Less taxes too, huh?  Take home pay went up, didn't it?  Life sure is good since the Almighty took over, right?  Ain't he a darlin'?  Obama!  He done changed it all for you, right?  No!  What's a matter?  Not like he promised?  What do you mean?  Oh, you might have mis-voted, huh?

Mis-voted?  Isn't that what an Obama supporter says, if they find out, that they may have, made a mistake?  "Well sir, I merely mis-voted."  It sounds so much better than, "I am a complete idiot and should have seen through this, self proclaimed, Islam believing, Socialistic, treasonous traitor!"  Yeah, mis-voted, much easier and cleaner, huh?  In fact, don't you guys, liberals, have a neat lil' word for almost anything unpleasant or painful?  TERROR equal MAN MADE DISASTER.  LIE equals MIS-SPOKE!  "I did not take a leak."  "I drained an organ."  "I did not go poop."  "I performed a significant bodily function."  Just like myself, I am a man, but that is not correct.  Oh no!  PC laws states that I am a PERSON OF GENDER.  Oh, and so is a woman.  Yep, same thing.  A PERSON OF GENDER.  This is fun.  Let's, by all means, go on.  Okay, now if you are ignorant, well, you have ALTERNATE WISDOM.  I kid you not!  This is right out of their manual.  Oh yeah, they have a manual.  Hey?  Know what a bum is?  He is a DISPLACED HOMEOWNER and a PERSON OF GENDER.  Okay, I'll get off of it, but just one more.  You know what a lousy, no good, prisoner is?  He is a GUEST. Anyway, here is a link, for more of them "neat" words:

Now, let's get into POLITICAL EXPERIENCE.  That little phrase has been tossed around for years and years.  What does it really mean?  Where does it come from?  Webster's defines political as: of or relating to government, a government, or the conduct of government.  Experience is defined as: the fact or state of having been affected by or gained knowledge through direct observation or participation.  So, I guess, if you break it down to it's simplest form, it would be the knowledge of government or better yet, the knowledge of, the conduct of government.  Yeah, I like that better.  The conduct of government?  Now, that conduct........could be good or bad, huh?  The conduct of them boogers in DC, don't look so good, today, huh?  Nope.  So, if you have political experience you'd have knowledge of how to have bad conduct in government.  Sounds about right to me.

Let's see, I'm going to apply for a job.  I've got my resume in hand and I'm just as bouncy and perky as I can be.  I just know they are going to hire me.  I bounce in to the bosses office.  Shake their hands.  Smile and say, "Hello, I'm John, and you guys need me.  Yes you do!  I have experience!  Great experience!  I can help your security company immensely!  Please, by all means, browse over my resume, please.  So, they look it over and then tell me to get the heck out of their office and do not come back!  WOW!  Didn't see that coming.  Well, I went across the street to SEVENBUCKS and bought a cup of Joe.  I sat down and began to browse my resume.  Right there, in black and white, was my experience.  It stated that I was an expert liar, that I had even cheated my own grandmother, and, I was proficient at stealing.  I thought that big business would love me.  Just knew I was a "shoe in." 

Anyway, you folks catch my meaning.  POLITICAL EXPERIENCE is not a good thing.  IT IS A VERY BAD THING!  They have learned how to lie, cheat, and steal.  You know, like I stated above, "the knowledge of the conduct of government?"  Yes, we can live with honesty experience, integrity experience, hard work experience, and even business experience, but never, ever, POLITICAL EXPERIENCE!  No sir.  In fact, I had a friend, ask me today, if I would support a certain person running for office.  The first thing out of my mouth was, "Is he a politician or an ex-politician?"  I asked about his credentials.  They appeared all good, except he listed three years of Whitehouse experience and that his dad had been a Senator.  Well, that did it for me.  I'll pass, unless, of course, he had been in my district and there was no other choices.  Then and only then.

Personally, I want to see, garbage collectors, plumbers, electricians, cashiers, waiters, anybody, run for office.  I don't care, as long as they are HONEST!  Folks, can they do any worse?  Really!  Can they do any worse?  Are we going to have a government of POLITICAL EXPERIENCE deadbeats and crooks or a government with HONEST men and women?  It's your call.  Keep on doing the same o' same o', year after year, after year, or GET A FRESH START!  Kick these bums, no, that is way too nice!  Kick these useless, POLITICALLY EXPERIENCED, deadbeat, no caring, men and women, OUT OF OUR HOUSE!!!  Do you really want to keep going down the same tired, old path?  Do you?  Really?  Like Smokey the Bear once said, "ONLY YOU CAN PREVENT CORRUPT POLITICIANS!"  Oh shoot, he talked about forest fires.  Hey, you know what I meant!  I missed my GERITOL, this morning, okay?  Anyway, GET 'EM OUT!  Just GET 'EM OUT!

"History affords us many instances of the ruin of states, by the prosecution of measures ill suited to the temper and genius of their people. The ordaining of laws in favor of one part of the nation, to the prejudice and oppression of another, is certainly the most erroneous and mistaken policy. An equal dispensation of protection, rights, privileges, and advantages, is what every part is entitled to, and ought to enjoy." --Benjamin Franklin

...and there you have some more opinions from TH' DUMB OL' EAST TEXAS BOY.   


  1. It was rather interesting for me to read this post. Thanx for it. I like such themes and everything that is connected to them. I definitely want to read more on that blog soon.

  2. Thank you very much. More will come. I promise.

  3. Good Rant and worth passing on. And I have one too. With your permission, I'll leave it here:

    The democrats will shove the Health bill through and go on to the drastic commie take over of our Educational System and illegal immigrant citizenship . Or maybe they will double down on the Cap and Trade which promises to not only bankrupt America but usher in International rule under Obama's and the UN'sreign.

    Obama does understand the incremental nature of legislation, but he also has been taught the Chicago way (dirty tricks) of doing business in politics. He has backers and handlers that understand and practice it even more. The dirty tricks dept not only extends to elections, false registrations and vote fraud, but to Chicago dirty tricks in the Senate and the House, and extends to the back rooms of lobbyists, progressive support groups such as Acorn and now also Corporations and Unions Boardrooms.

    In the LAST 15 or so years, it took an out of control federal government spending our money and lots of it to FINALLY get (some of us) our attention. It should have gotten our attention over these last fifty or so years, it didn't because it was a slow and steady drain of our liberty and stealthy building of government theft and accumulation of powers.

    There are still millions of Americans that don't know or care a twit about politics but just vote the party line or even worse...don't vote at all, and it is getting worse every election cycle.

    Our Founder's not only warned us against all this, but wrote rules and regulations in our Bill of Rights (and it's Preamble), our Constitution meant to warn, prepare and enable us to protect the Republic for which they stood, died for and wanted for all of their future generations of Americans.

    So over these years, we have allowed the slow destruction of our Founder's vision, their plan and their hopes for our Republic- by our inability to understand and stop those like Pelosi, Reid, Obama and their host of radical thugs. By just not paying attention and/or caring about "politics".

    Now we are at the point where all of the years we neglected and forgot our responsibilities to our Republic are going to finally crash down and allow the complete destruction and END of our Republic. If you don't see this, you are part of the problem.

    But there is a ray of hope, Americans attention has been not only raised, but also their long held anger. They can call us the extreme right, the radical right or whatever they wish, but they have seen nothing yet. Soon they will see the real power of the right. But it will take all of us working in our communities to get out the vote and educate those who still don't understand. Yes...that mean you. You must help, it is not just your future at stake here, but your children's and your grand children's.

    I pray in the next year or so there are many millions more Americans that will voice their opinion and vote accordingly, so that our Republic does not perish. But before that is allowed to happen, the below quote will be something more than just to be read. It will be something to be acted upon.

    Papa Ray
    Central (used to be West) Texas

    The Second Amendment is a doomsday provision, one designed for those exceptionally rare circumstances where all other rights have failed - where the government refuses to stand for reelection and silences those who protest; where courts have lost the courage to oppose, or can find no one to enforce their decrees. However improbable these contingencies may seem today, facing them unprepared is a mistake a free people get to make only once.
    2009 Judge Alex Kozinski


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