Boy, isn't it gonna be a great week-end to celebrate America! Okay, to start you off right, here's th' deal. First of all, all of you, c'mon, I mean everybody. Y'all all take a deep breath. Dang y'all, I mean really suck in hard, through them nostrils and take a big whiff! You smell it? Well, do ya? Awful, ain't it? It's Obama's beautiful New World Order American Rose. Whew wee! Dat sucker sure does stink! Don't it? Smells like a kinda like, uh, um, a, B-O! Yeah, that's it! B-O! Man, somebody wash dat thing up or spray some deoderizer on it, or splash on some Aqua Velva! That thing makin' our house smell awful bad. We just gotta PLANT somethin' else. "Becky Lee! I said, "Becky Lee, could you run down to REAL America and get us a new PLANT?" And here, take this thing with ya! I just can't it handle no more! This house needs a CHANGE! And when you get back, me and you both gotta clean this whole dang house up. It's rotten! Whew! Hurry yourself up!"
AMERICA! Land of th' freeloaders and th' home of th' barely gettin' by! Oh, and why are y'all botherin' to write your reps in Washington? I mean, how many times you gotta bang your head into th' Political Door before you wake up and go, "Hey, this hurts!" And did you move th' door? Not no, but heck NO! They are not your friends! I keep sayin' it because some folks think that it is doin' some good. IT AIN'T! They do not care. Now, if you are a lobbyist, well, Katy bar th' door. They gonna listen to you! Yes sir, they are your representatives. Not ours. They gonna listen to you 'cause they know some how some way there's gonna be some "back door" rewards a comin' their way. Yep, you lobbyist, just love dem Washington puppets, don't ya? They mind real good. They follow your orders. They sit, roll over, put out their paw, and beg, at your command. They make you look good 'cause you can go back and report to th' wheel at all th' things you got that lil' puppet today. So, you're a puppet too, but you think you're not.
Now brother Obama, he be th' main puppet. Just a few folks pull his strings. You know some of 'em. You have ACORN, SEIU, PELOSI, FRANK, SOROS, GORE, and a few real secret ones. And some of y'all thought that Barrack Hussein Obama stood on his on two feet and made decisions, all on his own? Poor babies. I sure hate to burst that peachy vision you have, but he's screwin' up my country. Gotta do somethin'. Anyway, Obama got a bunch of smaller puppets attached to his strings. They are called Czars. Obama gets to yank there strings some, but th' others have th' control. Now, just so you will know, here is a definition of Czar right from th' dictionary:
(zär, tsär)
(zär, tsär)
1. also tsar or tzar (zär, tsär) A male monarch or emperor, especially one of the emperors who ruled Russia until the revolution of 1917.
2. A person having great power; an autocrat: "the square-jawed, ruddy complacency of Jack Farrell, the czar of the Fifteenth Street police station" (Ernest Hemingway).
3. Informal An appointed official having special powers to regulate or supervise an activity: a racetrack czar; an energy czar.
Now, here's how this plays out. First, you might ask, why do we need Czars? We don't! Obama does though. There part of his way of gettin' around th' checks and balances that we are supposed to have in the Federal Government. That's what keeps all them crooks in control, so they don't get TOO MUCH power. Well, You see Obama, found away around that. He found one of them LOOPHOLES that he is always bad mouthin'. He is kinda forming an Imperialistic government like they have in China. I mean, these Czars can do almost anything they want, within the industry, they control AND without approval of Congress! Ain't that a knee slapper? You see, even if your reps did wanna help ya, but they don't, it wouldn't do a dang bit of good.
Yeah, you can have a small town dealership, that's been in business successfully and that Ol' Car Czar and can take away that business virtually overnight! And they have, too! Didn't pay th' folks they snatched it from, one red cent, either. Oh, and they even ask for their client list. Free of charge of course. THEY ARE STEALIN' AMERICA FOLKS!!! Stealin' it! And do not think for a minute that Islams/Muslims doesn't have somethin' to do with it. Do not be that naive. Can you say, "I'll be a good foot kisser, ayatollah?"
The local STATE governments have GOT TO GET THE FEDS OUT OF OUR BUSINESS!!! We have got to be The UNITED STATES again!! Not a SOCIALIST REPUBLIC or even worse! WORLD SUPREME DICTATOR! Our states must remain sovereign! If you just have to write, email, and/or call someone. Call you governor! Bombard your state officials! They might be able to put pressure on th' crooks! I mean, ya see how upset th' lil' Washington sweethearts get when a governor won't accept money. Hit 'em where their weakest. State sovereignty worries them, big time! They know that they have to make every single state BROKE, TO GET WHAT THEY WANT! It's a plan! California thinks like OBAMA and look where they're at! Don't that tell ya ANYTHING?
Okay, last thing, Walmart fell in bed with ACORN, SEIU, AND OBAMA! Please look this up! In my opinion, if you shop at WALLY WORLD you are an AMERICAN TRADER! In fact, if you do business with any company that TOOK bailout money you are contributing to th' problem and not th' solution. Hit 'em in th' pocket book! Break their CRONIES!!!!
................and there you have some opinions from TH' DUMB OL' EAST TEXAS BOY.
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