AH DINK, AH DINKY DOO, AH DINKY DOO................ Hot diggity dog let's talk 'bout National Healthcare! Or, as some folks like to call it, "Senior Citizen Death Warrants". Yeah, I can see him now. Just close your eyes and let your imagination run wild. I know mine does! Anyway, it's a small country town. Sheriff Obama is walkin' down th' middle of th' main street. He's all dressed in white with his big ol' white ten gallon hat. You can almost see th' twinkle on them big shiny teeth, as he smiles and says, "I'm th' new sheriff of this here town partner and I hears that there are folks among us that are just not pullin' their weight. You know who you are. Don't ya? Yeah, you are th' old and weak and you have become a burden on this town! We got to thin you out! So here's what I'm gonna do. I've instructed Ol' Doc Johnson, not to treat anyone over age 65. We gonna let y'all just fade away accordin' to attrition. I know y'all don't know what that means, but it's kinda like thinin' th' herd as dem ol' cows die off. We just kinda gonna speed things up by not wastin' good medicine. You see? So y'all go on 'bout what you were doin' and just let me handle this."
Yeah, it's a neat lil' story, but let me lay some REAL stuff on ya. First, this is a quote from Tom Daschle according to Bloomberg, "health-care reform will not be pain free. Seniors should be more accepting of the conditions that come with age instead of treating them." Th' new Sheriff is a movin' quick, uh? Oh, and Ol' Tommy Boy is a former Senator, tax cheat, and the author of the "rationin' of healthcare" part of th' stimulus package. He's a lil' darlin'. ain't he? Hey, but that's not all folks!
Remember this! Please remember this! Senators and Congressmen have their own healthcare plan that is first dollar or very low co-pay which they are guaranteed the remainder of their lives and are not subject to this new law if it passes. Yes siree! I told ya dem boys are slick! Didn't I? Right now, in England, if you are over fifty-nine (59) you CANNOT, I repeat CANNOT, receive heart repairs, stents, and/or a bypass because it is not covered, as being too expensive and not needed. Fifty-nine mind you! 59!
You know that actress, Natasha Richardson? Well, she was skiing in Canada, just enjoyin' herself with friends, when she fell. Now remember, Canada has that "Senior Death Warrant" Insurance too. That NATIONAL piece of garbage! It took eight hours to DRIVE her to a hospital. DRIVE! Not Care Flight! DRIVE! Anyway, she died because of NATIONAL HEALTHCARE! It was just not COST EFFECTIVE to get her out by helicopter, which would have taken thirty minutes! Can ya believe it! Oh, and remember those words, COST EFFECTIVE. Especially, if you are over fifty-nine!!!!! You will be hearin' them a lot!
IT IS TIME TO WRITE, CALL, EMAIL, OR HAND DELIVER this message to your governors and local officials (the Feds stop listenin' a long time ago): "As a citizen of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, I want you to TAKE CONTROL of our state! We do not need Federal Handouts and/or aid! You should make us a sovereign state within the UNITED STATES. Tell Obama and his cronies to SHOVE their NATIONAL HEALTH CARE where th' SUN DON'T SHINE! Yes, use those EXACT words! You DO NOT give liars and thieves RESPECT! We LOVE OUR senior citizens and want to VERY MUCH take care of them. DO NOT let Obama KILL them in misery!"
..............and there you have my solemn opinions, TH' DUMB OL' EAST TEXAS BOY.
PS - I'd sure like to know what Ol' Jimmy would be sayin' 'bout TH' GOVERNMENT, if he were alive today.
Amen! People think "cost effective" sounds so good. But it means cutting cost, which means cutting services. It's exactly what Hitler did!
ReplyDeleteJeanie Helpenstell
Obama appears to be breakin' laws almost daily. Now they say that appointing czars is ILLEGAL unless approved by Congress! Folks had better get MEANER & TOUGHER!
ReplyDeleteOh this a good one! 'Ol Jimmy....
ReplyDeleteNo kiddin'!!
I beleive that our families and friends, who have passed before us, would be rolling in their graves right now.
Obama is the biggest terrorist we have and the biggest THREAT to OUR country.
I like what 'ol Ron White says,
"It's not THAT the wind is blowin'........
It's WHAT the wind is blowin'"
Let's get it together and stand AGAINST this "hurricane wind"!
GREAT COMMENT! And th' WIND outta th' whitehouse STINKS! I mean a dead skunk on th' highway for seven days would smell better.