Well here we go again. They just got to keep this black/white thing boilin', even though most of us have moved on. Yeah, your "ain't got nuthin' better to do" Senate just passed a vote to adopt a resolution to apologize for slavery. Did you ever have a slave? I never did and not one single relation of mine did either! I looked it up. In fact, I imagine that there may be only a handful, if any, alive today that owned slaves. Let them apologize. I have NEVER apologized for something that I did not do and I'm not going to start now! But hey, while you politicians are at it and your just bent on openin'' this can of worms, why not vote to adopt a resolution, for black people, to thank Republicans for freeing the slaves? You see, a lot of y'all just will not grab hold of it, but them Democrats are some slick folks. Real slick! They have had a lot of time to MASTER their art. They started slavery, by th' way, and the FACTS bear it out. Don't live in complete denial! Don't be like Jesse who lives (AND PROFITS!) to keep th' "race pot" stirred! Look it up! Even Wikipedia, which I consider, very liberal, will tell you about Democrats and slaves. Just look it up! I'll make it easy for ya. Here are some more facts. All you gotta do is click or are you too SCARED to face th' TRUTH. Do you just want to keep shootin' th' messenger? Check 'em out:
If you dare, take th' history test: http://www.nbra.info/index.cfm?fuseaction=pages.DYK-HistoryTest
Now this fella Tom Harkin, a slick Democrat in his own right, introduced this bill and stated, " You wonder why we didn't do it 100 years ago. It is important to have a collective response to a collective injustice." Well Tommy Boy, you Democrats didn't do it a hundred years ago because y'all were too dang busy using slaves, while the mean ol' Republicans were trying to abolish slavery. That's a fooler, uh? Look it up. Just look it up. You see, back then the Democrats were enforcin' segregation laws, and poll taxes, which a lot of blacks couldn't afford and therefore couldn't vote. A hundred years ago ALL the Klu Klux Klan members were Democrats. In fact, it was started by a Democrat! No Republican, let me repeat this: NO REPUBLICAN HAS EVER BEEN A MEMBER OF THE KLU KLUX KLAN! Remember George Wallace, th' governor? He was probably the most racist politician in the history of the United States. Yep, a Democrat. You just can't believe this, can you? Look it up!
What President freed th' slaves? Abe Lincoln, a mean ol' Republican. Who shot him? John Wilkes Booth. A liberal, kind hearted, flower child, Democrat! The Republican Party, not the Democrats, amended the Constitution to COMPLETELY abolish slavery. In fact, those "equal rights" saints, The Democrats, actually fought against the amendment! Just think what would have happened if they would have had the MAJORITY back then, like they do today. And the Democrats kept on trying to keep freed slaves under their thumb. Now get this, when the Democratic Party was first formed, take a guess at why it was formed. Give up? It was to defend and increase slavery! You still like Democrats? Do you know why the Republican Party was formed? IT WAS TO FREE SLAVES! Didn't know that one either, did ya? Oh, and there is a ton more that will surprise you if you don't slip into denial and keep shootin' th' messenger. Look it up!
Okay, now let me give you a more current episode of th' slick Democrats pullin' th' wool over African-Americans and you white boys eyes too. Barrack Hussein Obama is not a black man! I repeat: BARRACK HUSSEIN OBAMA IS NOT A BLACK MAN. He is not your first black President! No sir! I've stated this before. Under law, in order for a person to be considered "from that race" they have to be, at least, twelve percent blood. Barrack Hussein Obama is less than seven percent black. He is fifty percent white. So, there is no way that he can be the first black President, but YOUR DEMOCRATS packaged and sold him that way and you bought th' hype! They knew a polished, well spoken man with a black appearance could win if he had enough bucks behind him. So they played ya! Look it up! Just look it up! Obama may be a white President, but he sure ain't no black President. Not that I give a hoot one way or th' other. You just don't know a book unless ya read it and I've been doin' a lot of readin' on Obama and the Democrats. The story ain't pretty!
Yeah, th' Democrats kept a lot of slaves and, thank God the Republicans freed them, but now they are tryin' to enslave EVERY SINGLE American that is not in their ELITE! These folks are not your friends. History keeps provin' it over and over and over again and you keep buyin' th' hype! It's like a drug or liquor to ya! You just can't get your fill. And just like an addict, you push all reason and/or facts aside. You're just not going to let anyone take that hallucinating vision away from you. Wake up folks. Oh, and look it up! Please look it up! Hey, and remember that song "Smilin' Faces"? Ol' Obama sure got a pretty smile, don't he?
.............and that's some more opinions from TH' DUMB OL' EAST TEXAS BOY.