Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Why is it, that in America we continually take away from the family unit? The American Family is constantly under attack. I remember when I was a kid I looked forward to Family meals, Family get togethers, Family celebrations, Family worship, and the existence of the Family. An individual hardship was even shared by the Family, but America, today, has taught us different.

First of all, why on earth would we celebrate any holiday in public schools? Now before you say "WHAT?", think about what I am saying and why I am saying it. Think about the word "school." Americans used to send our kids to "school" to learn the basics that would give them a good foundation for the future. Now, many of our kids cannot even do simple math or spelling after they graduate from high school. Many do not know how to figure a pay check, or figure taxes, or how to look for a job, or how to ask for a raise, or, what a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk costs, or how much car repairs cost, or, even how much it is going to take to exist on their own. They are wrapped up in movies, cell phones, ring tones, hit songs, movie stars, designer clothes, parties, and the list goes on and on. And now, just for good measure, let's throw in school plays, class trips, Christmas decorating and parties, exchanging gifts, Halloween decorating and parties, dress up days, and, well you get the picture. Heck, with all of this, most adults wouldn't learn anything either.

My point is, that shouldn't "school" be for learning? Learning the things that will actually benefit them when they get on their own. The celebrations should be reserved for the Family. The Family needs this "glue" to help unite it. Kids would actually look forward to the Family celebrating holidays, religious or otherwise. And, and this is least important, we as taxpayers would save money. Our schools need to be streamlined. Education is the key word. What does the word "education", for our children mean to you? Does it mean we ignore teaching our kids the things that will make them "strong" in life. So do we ignore the basics? So does this mean that government takes over the job of the Family? Think long and hard about our "schools" and the Family.

Our "schools" are on a short road to disaster, if not already there. The constant bickering over who gets what and why is not going away. American principles are based on equality. In order for our schools to be truly equal, as they are trying to do now, we would have to celebrate every single religious holiday in America. Think about that.......................... Are you ready to celebrate Buddhism, sciencetology, Muslim, Hindu, Catholic, Baptist, evangelist, atheist, gothic, and many, many other religious holidays? Can't you see where this is headed? We have to be equal! We are America! So what's the answer? It's simple! The only way, in this situation, is to take every single holiday out of school and give it back to the Family! Let school get back to SCHOOLING, NOT PLANNING PARTIES AND DECORATING.

Well, that's my two cents worth. I hope I didn't offend anyone. I do believe in equality, but school's need some help, and sooner, not later. Oh, and help does not mean MONEY! It means COMMON SENSE in line with TRUE AMERICAN VALUES!

A few opinions from a DUMB OL' EAST TEXAS BOY.


  1. Just brace yourself! It won't be long before our kids are forced to bow down to Allah! Soon our kids will be learning muslim prayers (in the effort of fairness of course) and before long our girls will be asked to wear veils so that we don't offend the other reigions. Americans worry so much about offended everyone else and accepting everyone else that we loose ourselves and what OUR country is (or once was) all about.

  2. Thank you Jeanie. I think you might be an "outside the box" thinker.


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