Monday, February 2, 2009


Definition: A conflict of interest occurs when an individual has an interest that might compromise their reliability. Some examples are:

1. Self policing or investigating of any group is a conflict of interests. Sound familiar?
2. Taxation without representation
is a case where one body has the ability to levy taxes, fees, or charges on another, separate group. (Our leaders levy taxes on Americans! We are two separate groups now) It is thus in their interest to levy heavy taxes, limited perhaps by the ability and willingness of the other group to pay without resorting to violence.
3. Representatives, in general, have different interests than their constituents. You think? Thus, accepting bribes to vote a certain way is in their interest, while not in their constituents' interest. These actions are sometimes illegal, but often not, as in the case of a politician accepting large amounts of money for a political campaign, and in return, granting the contributor access to political leaders. Oh, they have never, ever done this..................
4. Elected officials quitting public service to go to work for the companies they used to regulate. Can you say FREDDIE MAE or maybe FREDDIE MAC? Regulators are accused of using inside information for their new employers (FREDDIE, FANNIE, and a host of others) or compromising laws and regulations in hopes of securing employment in the private sector.

It is this writer's opinion that virtually every high ranking political official, with the exception of a very, very few, has a conflict of interest! And, I further believe that virtually everyone of them has taken part in one or all of the examples listed above. Our leaders are despicable. They are in violation of the very laws they swore to uphold. They are now so consumed with greed, power, envy, hatred, and self promotion that they have lost their ability to run OUR GOVERNMENT properly. It would be in every single REAL AMERICAN'S interest to change our leaders as soon as possible. We need to get away from this new form of government and get back to the government our founding fathers intended. FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE!

Remember, if you don't stand for something, then you'll fall for anything. Start using your noggin'! Start thinking about who you REALLY want in office. Don't get caught up in the "we need someone with political experience" HYPE! Political Experience is a Virus! It is eating you up! Get some fresh folks in there! Folks that aren't lackies for some FAT CATS! Start encouraging butchers, bakers, candle stick makers to run for office. Anyone, for that matter, that has both business experience and real integrity. That's what our For Fathers did. They looked for integrity, not crooks! They've got you fooled that only experienced politicians can run this country, when, in fact, nothing, and I mean nothing, could be further from the truth!

Yes sir, these are this Dumb Ol' East Texas Boy's opinions and I'll stand by them.

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