Friday, February 20, 2009


Okay folks, here goes. Oh no he's not? Oh yes I am. I'm gonna go ahead and do it. Yep, I'm gonna talk about skin color. It's time somebody did. No, not "Race". "Race" used to be a contest, but now it is a little word folks use to make discrimination prettier than it really is. Now discrimination, in it's simplest form, is just folks not likin' a persons skin color. Can you imagine that? I mean today! Some of us are still doing that. Fightin' over "Skin Color". Keep sayin' that over and over again. Fightin' over "Skin Color". Fightin' over "Skin Color". Do you see how stupid this is starting to sound? We are talkin' 'bout a simple different shade of skin! Skin color! It sounds like a room full of kindergartners fightin' over crayons. And yes I'm an ol' white boy sayin' this, although technically, my skin is kinda a light tan and not white, at all.

You wanna know why this stupid baloney is still going on? You see, a group of light tan folks, none of 'em alive today, came to this country and fought a bunch of reddish tan folks and forced them to give up their land. And that was wrong. Anyway a bunch of light tan and dark tan folks needed workers to build their new country, so they went to another country and brought some very dark tan, brown, and black skin folks over as slaves. They didn't give a darn about their "skin color". No sir, they knew that these folks were uneducated and unprotected and very easy to take. Just like today, they were very greedy business people willing to STEP on any one's freedom, to make a fast buck. Color didn't have anything to do with it. Anyway, they were very, very wrong! So the country was built on the backs of captured folks and we all know the rest of the story. A bunch of folks, that are all dead now, committed two wrongs and in so doing we all came together and built a great country. And we should be glad that some good came out of a very EVIL act. Now, everywhere, we live together, we eat together, we play together, we are in business together, and we survive............TOGETHER. Yes, and this may sound goofy comin' from an ol' hick like me, but we are all like a rainbow after a terrible, terrible storm.

Well, now th' storm is over and you "hard liners" on both sides (I hate that word "sides") have got to catch up with reality. Your lil' agendas are about to go down th' drain. You know who you are and your ranks are gettin' smaller and smaller. Folks like the Reverend Wright and the KKK. I despise them both! No, not for their "skin color", but for the "skin color hatred" they instigate and promote! They are despicable! Yeah, these so-called friends that keep perpetuating the hatred of the other fella 'cause he has different "skin color", should all be shunned. You got to watch 'em and don't let 'em get you wrapped up in their "profitable" agendas. They are embedded in all facets of our lives, regardless your "skin color". A good rule of thumb is this. If they are making money or gaining politically off their organizations, churches, or coalitions, then they are probably not sincere. "Sincere" folks are just sincere about the folks. You know, our great multi-heritage country and all the people in it..

Now, having said all this, remember this one thing. Discrimination will never be 100%, completely cleared from the United States. We will still hear "whitey" or "nigger", and other words like that, occasionally, but do your dead level best to ignore it. Those folks are in the minority now and for every ten that utters that junk there are another hundred that do not. And that hundred will soon be two hundred and so on and so on. In fact, I'm almost certain, after this writing, that I'll be hearing a few "skin color" remarks, but I can handle it, because I know how to stick to my principles and defend them verbally and simply ignore the ridiculous. Now, let me finish with this. If you "give in" to the hatred, then you are just as responsible for adding fuel to the "skin color" fire, as that bunch that fought the Indians and brought the slaves over here long, long, long ago. I know, for some old timers, it will never be long enough, but they to will be gone soon. So let it go............................

Some serious opinions from TH' DUMB OL' EAST TEXAS BOY. Y'all work together now, okay?

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