HOORAY! PAY DAY! Yep, it's pay day for the folks that bought our President. You know, "TH' GOOD OL' BOYS CLUB"! Folks like Soros, Rezko, Ayers, Wright, and Folks in th' Middle East. Yes, I said folks in th' middle east. You do not seriously believe that the record breakin' election amount was accomplised solely on folks with two hundred bucks, do you? C'mon, open you eyes! Quit followin' th' crowds and use your brain.
Anyway, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009(in plain language, that's the "payoff package") has in it one of Mr. Obama's pay offs. Remember ACORN? You know, that organization that forged all those voter registrations forms to help get Mr. Obama elected. Well, in this wonderful pay off package, there is four billion for ACORN. Yep, the first installment by Mr. Obama to pay his cronies! Oh, and there is more and they are not TRANSPARENT! Obama, Pelosi, and Reid will see to it that there is much more!
The magician is at work. Your hard earned dollars are goin' to disappear right before your eyes! First, we will become poor. We are easy to control that way. Second the government (elite few) will own the banks, and finally the government will own healthcare, but there will be no REAL CARE involved.
Folks it's comin'! Y'all better get used to th' idea! They gonna run you over and get what they want unless you stop 'em! Yep, THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF AMERICA! Has a nice cozy ring to it, don't it? Makes ya feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I can see billboards as I'm drivin' down th' road "Socialism, the American Dream!" with Mr. Obama and his big ol' smile! Man, it's gonna be great!
Y'all better wake up! C'mon now! You got it in ya!
Some more opinions from TH' DUMB OL' EAST TEXAS BOY.
Anyway, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009(in plain language, that's the "payoff package") has in it one of Mr. Obama's pay offs. Remember ACORN? You know, that organization that forged all those voter registrations forms to help get Mr. Obama elected. Well, in this wonderful pay off package, there is four billion for ACORN. Yep, the first installment by Mr. Obama to pay his cronies! Oh, and there is more and they are not TRANSPARENT! Obama, Pelosi, and Reid will see to it that there is much more!
The magician is at work. Your hard earned dollars are goin' to disappear right before your eyes! First, we will become poor. We are easy to control that way. Second the government (elite few) will own the banks, and finally the government will own healthcare, but there will be no REAL CARE involved.
Folks it's comin'! Y'all better get used to th' idea! They gonna run you over and get what they want unless you stop 'em! Yep, THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF AMERICA! Has a nice cozy ring to it, don't it? Makes ya feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I can see billboards as I'm drivin' down th' road "Socialism, the American Dream!" with Mr. Obama and his big ol' smile! Man, it's gonna be great!
Y'all better wake up! C'mon now! You got it in ya!
Some more opinions from TH' DUMB OL' EAST TEXAS BOY.
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