Friday, March 15, 2013


Now boys and girls, them ol’ boys at the "Investor's Business Daily" knocked at a pretty tellin’ article, which gives us some very interesting stuff from a survey done by the United Nations International Health Organization.  Yep, right from our own enemy’s mouth, so to speak.  It talks about the difference between America, Canada and England, in regards to folks’s health.  For instance, in America, sixty-five percent of the folks survived the big “C” five years after they were first diagnosed.  Only forty-six percent of ‘em survived in England and only forty-two percent survived in Canada.  Hmm.
Here is some more stuff:
The percentage of patients diagnosed with diabetes, who received treatment within six months is:

93% in America
15% in England
43% in Canada
The percentage of seniors needing hip replacement, who received it within six months is:

90% in America
15% in England
43%  in Canada
The percentage that were referred to a medical specialist, who see one within one month is:

77% in America
40% in England
43% in Canada
The number of MRI scanners (a prime diagnostic tool) per million people in:

America is 71
England is 14
Canada is18
The percentage of seniors (65+), with low income, who say they are in "excellent health" in:

America is 12%
England is 2%
Canada is 6%
Now y’all pay real close attention to this last one!  Accordin’ to the despicable UN, National Health Insurance is:

NOT present in America…yet! (NO)
present in England! (YES)
present in Canada! (YES)
Now why in the world would ANYONE with an ounce of brain left, want National Healthcare, when you have ALL this history to look at and get research from?  WHY?  Yet, the lil’ drug soaked punk in OUR house, not only proposed it, but his sheep in Congress actually passed it and even more surprising, half of all Americans believe that it is a good thing!  Are these people just zombies playin’ follow the leader?  Is being “COOL” really that important to them that they would give up a great American way of life?
Okay, let’s look at another set of percentages showing of each of the past president's cabinet members, who actually had worked in the private business sector prior to their appointment to the cabinet. Y’all do know what the private business sector is; it’s a real-life business or profession and not a government job. Here are the percentages.
T. Roosevelt.................... 38%
Taft................................ 40%
Wilson ........................... 52%
Harding........................... 49%
Coolidge......................... 48%
Hoover............................ 42%
F. Roosevelt..................... 50%
Truman........................... 50%
Eisenhower................ .... 57%
Kennedy......................... 30%
Johnson.......................... 47%
Nixon.............................. 53%
Ford................................ 42%
Carter............................. 32%
Reagan............................ 56%
GH Bush.......................... 51%
Clinton .......................... 39%
GW Bush........................ 55%
Obama............................. 8%
The figures might help y’all understand why there is total incompetence of the current administration.  Imagine, only 8% of them have ever worked in a REAL job!  You got it folks!  Only eight percent of the lil’ punk’s hand picked morons, the least, by far, of the last nineteen presidents, and these people are trying to tell our private businesses, big and small, how to run their business?
So, how can this president, of the number one nation and society in the world, the nation one with the most successful economic system (right now) in world history, actually stand and talk about business when he's never worked for one in his whole pathetic life?  How can he talk about jobs when he has never had one he has earned?  How can he justify any actions on America’s businesses when 92% of his senior staff and closest advisers have never held a real job either?  In fact, if it were not for government corruption, him and his staff would be just another insignificant “JOE” tryin’ to scratch out a buck!  "Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress, but I repeat myself." - Mark Twain
FOOT NOTE:  Barry, you pathetic lil' punk, you insignificant lil' flea, you cannot defeat me! I am backed by a fella, who had spikes driven in both hands and feet, then he was hung on timbers and the only thing holding him up were those spikes, then he was stabbed and given up for dead, then he was entombed, then he walked out of that tomb and ascended up into the sky and after all of that he still lives today! Yes, this is my backing! What's yours? George Soros? I am laughing whole-heartily right now! How small you really are you lil' arrogant imposter! Oh yeah, and if you think this fella backing me is something, I just can't wait 'til you meet his father! Good luck, you're gonna need it!

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