Friday, October 19, 2012


Folks, “responsible” patriotic Americans have been warning you for years!  This is happening gang and right here in your lifetime.  Imagine what your children’s lives will be like under this malignant cult!  Even Hitler used the Muslims to conquer the world and he almost succeeded!
“Communities across the US are starting to pay the price for their apathetic attitude toward the rapid growth of Islam in America. Mosques in America have increased by 74% in the first decade of the new millennium. Even small communities are experiencing the spread of radical Islamic teachings…
Muslims are serving in senior level positions on the staffs of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Secretary of Homeland Security. This is reflected throughout the rest of the federal government. For example, Senior Fellow at the Center for Security Policy Claire Lopez says that since a 2010 directive, the texts of more than 700 documents and 300 PowerPoint presentations having references to “Islamic extremisms” were purged. Lopez says that the State Department is working to criminalize any criticism of Islam and wants to bring US law into compliance with the Islamic law on slander.”  READ MORE HERE:
EPILOGUE: Obama, you insignificant lil' flea, you cannot defeat me! I am backed by a fella, who had spikes driven in both hands and feet, then he was hung on timbers and the only thing holding him up were those spikes, then he was stabbed and given up for dead, then he was entombed, then he walked out of that tomb and ascended up into the sky and after all of that he still lives today! Yes, this is my backing! What's yours? George Soros? I am laughing whole-heartily right now! How small you really are Obama! Oh yeah, if you think this fella backing me is something, I just can't wait 'til you meet his father! Good luck, hehehehehe!

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