Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Where is Eric Holder?  Has anyone seen him?  The sucker gets caught red handed giving guns to our enemies in Mexico, and then, allows them to ship tons of drugs into America, and then he goes into hiding.  Progressives use this tactic all the time.  I think they call it, “STAY LOW AND THE DUMB CONSERVATIVES WILL FORGET!”  Well, Eric my boy, this dumb ol’ East Texas boy ain’t forgettin’!  No sir!  You little worm.  You need to come on out of that hole you’re hidin’ in and do some explainin’ and RIGHT NOW, sucker!

Now, the illegal guns to the Mexican drug cartel and then allowing them to “FREELY” transport drugs into America are just what we know.  Imagine what we don’t know!   Like the fact that Hezbollah (Muslims) is building up an army in Mexico.  Yes, they are shipping weapons to Mexico!  Oh, and not just a few guns and pistols, but rockets, land to air missiles and other heavy and more sophisticated weapons.  

So what does all this mean?  Well, let’s add it up LOGICALLY!  Boy that’s something liberals will not understand, huh.  Logic!  Anyway, here goes.  Obama believes in a bunch of “isms” like, Socialism, Communism, Marxism, Maoism, Noworkism, just to name a few.  He thinks that China’s Mao is a hero. Oh, shut up!  Read his books!  Research the internet!  Look at the peeps he hangs around with!  See, I told y’all that they wouldn’t understand LOGIC!

…and we’re moving on.  Look, Obama wants to “transform” America.  He has stated that many, many times.  What do you think he means by “transform”, given his beliefs and background?  Do you think he wants to bring back America to the rich and fertile country it used to be?  Do you think he wants to build up private sector jobs, so Americans can feel the independence that our ancestors fought for?  Do you think he wants to get government out of our lives so we can feel free again?  Do you think he really wants America to be a free and sovereign nation? 

If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, then Bubba, you ain’t been doing your homework or you’re the most naïve person on the planet.  Obama wants America to be part of a global government.  He wants America to COME DOWN to all the other countries levels.  He wants all countries and all peoples to share in everything with everybody; of course, he means everything that’s left over after he and his WORLD REGIME take their cut!  In fact, if it were solely up to him, he’d want the whole world to be governed like China.  Once again, shut up and do some research…LIBERALS!

Okay, you have muslims in our military.  There are muslim strong holds in Mexico.  There are many muslim terrorist cells within America.  There are muslim terrorist training camps in America.  There are muslims in our government, including Homeland Security.  We have a muslim president.  Oh, get off of it already!  Do you think he chose a muslim name because he was Christian?  Give me a break!  Are you liberals really that naïve?  Obama has spent our many to a greater extent that any president in history.  Obama has run up the largest debt in history.  Obama has passed a disastrous health care program.  Obama bought out banks.  He bought out car companies.  The cardinal rule for any of the “isms” to work is nationalization!  That means the government OWNING industry.  Obama is building up a civilian army.  There are FEMA camps set up throughout America.  Yeah, they even have the guard towers and barbed wire!  America, for the first time in history, has been downgraded.  The stock market is crashing.  Does this sound like a “RECOVERY” plan or a “DESTROY AMERICA” plan?

Obama knows what he is doing.  He is sticking to his plan!  He does not care about all of this!  In fact, he relishes it!  His is why we have not heard from him.   He is celebrating by playing golf and taking vacations.  I would like to be a fly on the wall, as him and Michelle just laugh about how dumb they think Americans are.  Oh, and when and if he does talk, he will blame Bush, The Tea Party, The Tsunami, the weather, gridlock, Congress, etc.  Hey, and I wonder how many times we’ll hear, “bump in the road”? 

Once he talks about this, he will appear sincere.  He will appear confident.  He will appear to have answers.  He will appear to console.  He will say that he never said it would be easy.  He will appeal for your patience.  He will do all of this, but make no mistake, IT IS JUST AN APPEARANCE!  An illusion!  Deep down he is pleased!  He will simply try to buy more time to continue his plan.  Think long and hard about this.  How much more time are we going to give him?  How much time does America really have?


 "I am very proud, that I pray to and worship our Judea/Christian, God Almighty. I am very proud to be an American, who loves all his family and all his fellow patriots. I will defend the original Constitutional. I will defend the rights and lives of patriots to the best of my ability and, if time and resources permit will even defend other Americans, who may fail to believe as I do, but I will never defend a quran practicing muslim. They are my ENEMY! Remember, be proud of, and promote, your beliefs! Be proud you're an American and promote that with pride! Be proud of your families and your fellow patriots and promote that with pride! And last, take some kind of real action and pray “everyday” for God to lead you correctly! Believe me.....this will lead to success.”” -- JOHN L SULAK ...and there you have some more opinions from me, Th' Dumb Ol' East Texas Boy. Take care out there, okay. IN GOD WE DO TRUST!


  1. Every time I hear Obama start the "blame game" I get very angry. I am so sick and tired of hearing how it is everyone elses fault but his own. I don't think 2012 can come soon enough!

  2. - Hang in there Sue. We'll get him out!


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