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It’s official. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid aren’t just plotting and scheming to ram the DREAM Act -legislation that grants Amnesty to millions of illegal aliens - through the current lame duck Congress....
Pelosi and Reid, after huddling behind closed doors, have now made the DREAM Act a top priority. According to a report in Politico.com: "Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid vowed Wednesday to move the immigration bill to the floor during the lame-duck session."
And, unless patriotic Americans like you and me make our collective voices heard right here and right now, Pelosi and Reid could very well get away with it.
That’s because according to a report released by Michelle Malkin on Thursday, at least five GOP Senators "haven’t made up their mind on whether they should oppose a bill that amounts to a 2.1 million future Democrat voter recruitment drive." For the record, those Senators are
John McCain, Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski and Sam Brownback.
John McCain, Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski and Sam Brownback.
Make no mistake, Pelosi and Reid and the rest of the pro-Amnesty crowd aren't simply ignoring the will of the people... despite the very clear message sent on Election Day, they’ve decided to continue to thumb their noses at the American people and do what THEY WANT.
But as you already know, we have stopped Amnesty before and we can stop it again. We only need 41 Senators to stand firm and with your help we're going to make that happen.
Hats off to Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL). On Thursday, he outlined ten reasons why the DREAM Act must be stopped. Here are some of the highlights.
For starters, the DREAM Act is not limited to illegal alien children as Reid and other pro-Amnesty proponents so proudly proclaim. According to Sen. Sessions, the DREAM Act "includes a requirement that aliens be under the age of 35 on the date of enactment to be eligible... hardly the 'kids' the Act’s advocates keep talking about."
And what if an illegal alien is over the age of 35... According to Sen. Sessions, the DREAM Act will actually provide "safe harbor" for ANYONE who applies: "The Act protects ANY alien who simply submits an application for status no matter how frivolous."
You read that right... ANYONE ... even some illegal aliens who are criminals. As Sen. Sessions notes: "The bill forbids the Secretary of Homeland Security [DHS] from removing 'any alien who has a pending application for conditional status' under the DREAM Act — regardless of age or criminal record — providing a safe harbor for all illegal aliens."
Furthermore, Sessions claims that certain criminal aliens will actually "be eligible for Amnesty" anyway under the DREAM Act: "Certain categories of criminal aliens will be eligible for the DREAM Act amnesty, including alien gang members and aliens with misdemeanor convictions... alien absconders (aliens who failed to attend their removal proceedings), aliens who have engaged in voter fraud or unlawfully voted, aliens who have falsely claimed U.S. citizenship, aliens who have abused their student visas, and aliens who have committed marriage fraud."
And, as if that wasn’t reason enough to oppose this blanket Amnesty bill, according to Sen. Sessions; "DHS Is Prohibited From Using the Information Provided By Illegal Aliens Whose DREAM Act Amnesty Applications Are Denied To Initiate Their Removal Proceedings or Investigate or Prosecute Fraud in the Application Process."
The DREAM Act will send a clear message to illegal aliens already in the United States and the millions who are just waiting for another Amnesty to sneak across the border. Come one... come all.
If you're not eligible, apply anyway and you'll get legal status while Uncle Sam slowly processes your application... at the taxpayers' expense.
If you've committed a crime... no problem... apply and you'll get a stay-out-of-jail-free card while good old Uncle Sam processes your application and, what the heck, your application might just be approved anyway.
And... in the unlikely event that your application is denied (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)... no problem... the information you provided can't be used to deport you... stay as long as you want... you won't be touched.
Suffice it to say that the DREAM Act is no dream... it's a nightmare... it's insanity. It must be stopped and it can be stopped. All we need is for 41 Senators to draw a line in the sand and say no.
Unfortunately, we're not done yet. If you're under the delusion that the DREAM Act will only grant Amnesty to a paltry 2.1 million illegal aliens... think again.
Truth be told, no one really know how many illegal aliens will apply directly for a path to citizenship under the DREAM Act. And, as Sen. Sessions points out, the unknown millions of illegal aliens who will apply for Amnesty under the DREAM Act is just the tip of the iceberg: "Aliens granted amnesty by the DREAM Act will have the legal right to petition for entry of their family members, including their adult brothers and sisters and the parents who illegally brought or sent them to the United States, once they become naturalized U.S. citizens."
And who's going to foot the bill? For starters, U.S. taxpayers will be on the hook for the "application process" for millions of illegal aliens. Sen. Sessions again: "The DREAM Act requires that DHS/USCIS process all DREAM Act applications (applications that would require complex, multi-step adjudication) without being able to increase fees to handle processing...."
And, once U.S. taxpayers pony up for the Amnesty application process, they will get hit with a bill for taxpayer-subsidized college tuition and other benefits for illegal aliens - some of which are not even available for U.S. citizens. According to Sen. Sessions: "The DREAM Act will allow illegal aliens to qualify for in-state tuition, even when it is not being offered to U.S. citizens and legally present aliens living just across state lines."
And would you believe these applicants don’t even have to complete a degree to get permanent resident status or citizenship in the United States? Senator Sessions notes: "The DREAM Act Does Not Require That An Illegal Alien Finish Any Type of Degree... If the alien is unable to complete 2 years of college but can demonstrate that their removal would result in hardship... the education requirement can be waived altogether." In other words, apply for a few classes at the local community college... no need to attend class though.
Of course, there are all the other welfare goodies that Uncle Sam doles out, courtesy of U.S. taxpayers: food stamps... health care... public school education for the kiddies... the list goes on.
Fortunately, however, there is good news. The American people changed the game on November 2nd. When this lame duck session of Congress is over, a new Congress will be sworn in and the days of Amnesty will be over for the foreseeable future.
Many of us are tired... hurting... battle-weary... but victory is close at hand... it's within our grasp. Let's take one last stand against Amnesty... let's win this battle once and for all. Please join us and stand in the gap one more time.
WANT TO DO YOUR PART? IT’S EASY! CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW! Or, write and compose your own letters and faxes. Either way, Patriots need to get this ball rolling…NOW!
“Remember, be proud of, and promote, your beliefs! Be proud you're an American and promote that with pride! Be proud of your families and your fellow patriots and promote that with pride! And last, take some kind of real action and pray “everyday” for God to lead you correctly! Believe me.....this will lead to success.” -- JLS
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