Thursday, July 1, 2010


Who put a burr in Obama's britches?  I mean, what is his problem, when it comes to Israel?  They have done absolutely nothing to him.  They have done nothing to us.  In fact, they have done nothing to the whole world, but either be supportive or passive.  No aggression.  No conflict.  Just went about their business and let everyone else be.  They have ALWAYS been a supportive neighbor to us.  A strong ally.  Now, along comes Obama and as if he knows
better than everyone, he picks a fight with Israel.  Insults them!  Insults their leader!  And even SUPPORTS their enemies!  And not just mere enemies, but folks, that want ALL Jews dead!  What's your reasoning, Obama?  You got a "game plan" behind your madness?  Or, are you, in fact, a muslim and want Jews dead just as much as their enemies?  In fact, are you sir, an actual ENEMY of Israel?  No?  Well you sure could have fooled me.  What's that "duck" thing? 

"Many saw the effort to deport Yousef as a two-faced move by the Obama Administration, which claims to be fighting terrorism, but at the same time tip-toes around groups like Hamas and their Palestinian supporters."  --  from Israel Today

Let me give you an example of Obama's deep concern for our friend, Israel.  The statement just above was taken from a July first article in Israel Today.  It was in reference to a very successful spy for Israel.  This spy had saved many thousands of lives for Israel.  He was a muslim and converted to Christianity.  Yes, he gave up the Islamic Cult for the REAL God.  He was a very righteous man, who put his very life on the line for Israel.  He should have been celebrated by us, but he was not.  As with virtually everything Obama does, he did the very opposite of what was right, decent, and honest.  Yes, his exalted Department of Homeland Security rejected him, when he sought asylum here in America, to keep from getting killed.  They wanted him deported!

Imagine that!  A real life hero and Obama was going to turn his back on him, knowing full well, that this man was going to DIE, when he did.  What a leader!  What a friend to our neighbor!  If Obama wanted this man dead, that bad, why didn't he just take a forty-five and do it himself, instead of letting his brethren do it?  Oh yeah, that might call for some courage.  What was I thinking?  Obama should have given this man asylum immediately.  After all, he has that Executive Order pen in his holster.  He could have used it.

Finally, they did grant asylum to this man, but it was not until a delegation from Israel had to fly over and FIGHT for the very life of this man.  Had they not done this Israel would have, more than likely, been cremating his body, if they could have found it.  I guess the concern over BAD PRESS may have changed Obama's mind, but one thing certain, it WAS NOT COMPASSION! 

Israel, I am not a Jew, but I consider myself a very good American citizen.  What Obama has done to you and your people is shameful.  What he has done to those, who support you is a disgrace.  He is not a man of honor and in saying that, let me, as an American apologize to you, on behalf of the president.  He should know better.  I'm very sorry.  Oh, and please know, that the majority of "legal" American citizens, would have NEVER acted this way towards you.  And as for Obama, well, a big ol', "QUACK!  QUACK!",  to you sir!


  1. I can tell that you wrote this from your heart. I am a Christian of Jewish descent and appreciate those who have discernment of the agenda of this regime. Every word you wrote is truth. May the L-rd bless you for your support of Israel and the Jewish people. Genesis 12;3: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

  2. Everything I write is from the heart. My folks taught me, that there is no other way. Thank you for your blessing. God only knows I need it.


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