Monday, May 24, 2010


Okay, we are going to tie two stories together.  You will not get this on any major television network, not even Fox.

First, that good ol' California boy, George Miller, decide, on his own (tongue in cheek), that the poor municipal unions needed more money.  Municipal unions make up workers in each state like teachers, garbage collectors, street cleaners, office clerks, state staff, etc.  Now, of course, what ol' Georgie boy don't tell you is, that the money, 100 billion dollars to be exact, won't go DIRECTLY to the workers.  Uh huh.  Like just about all money, that goes to unions, it will go to the union's big bosses.  Now, you figure out what happens then.  There won't be any shavin', skimmin', misallocatin', unaccountin' for, missin' funds, mishandlin', or anything like that, will there?  Naw!  These union bosses are just everyday folk, like you and me.  They gonna treat you right.  Or, like a real wise fellow, told me once, "They gonna CHEAT you right!"  Oh yeah.

Now, here is the kicker.  It's really not that hard to put two and two together, if the media really WANTED TOO.  You see, these same ol' union bosses, that are supposed to get this 100 billion dollar windfall, well, it just so happens, that they have announced, that they would donate 100 MILLION DOLLARS to Obama's minions, the Democrats, campaigns.  Yes they are!  Those boogers gonna take care of their own and with our money.  Of course, none of this 100 Million will come out of the 100 Billion, that ol' Georgie wants to throw at them.  Heck no.  Them union folks would not even think of MIXING those funds up, would they?  I mean, that would be, like using PUBLIC FUNDS to finance campaigns' and I think that's illegal.  Course, who would know?  It's gonna have to be a trust thing and you trust them..........don't you?

Now, here is where it gets weird.  The unions are in money trouble, right?  I mean, that's what ol' Georgie's bill is about.  So, if they are broke and need $100 BILLION, according to Georgie, then how in the world can they come up with a cool hundred million to help fund the upcoming DEMOCRATIC campaigns?  Inquiring minds would certainly like to know!  Smells like a big ol' SCAM to this ol' boy.  Of course, I'm not the sharpest tack on the wall, but I didn't fall off the hay trailer yesterday either.  Can you folks help me out.  Am I missin' something?  While your pondering it over, here is some more stuff on the subject:

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