Monday, May 24, 2010


You want unions?  Here are your unions at there best (worst)!  On "PRIVATE PROPERTY"!  In a local neighborhood.  Their buses virtually blocking the street.  Your neighbors are frightened!  They call 911, but nothing!  The cops show up, but do nothing!  No arrests are made!  In fact, they assisted the union thugs!  A lone fourteen year old boy, so scared, that he locked himself in the bathroom.  America?  You bet it was!  Right here in the United States!  I'm sorry, but if I had been a cop, I'd of lost my job because I would have been making arrests left and right!  Where are the LEADERS in this country!  This is despicable!

  "The only person inside the Baer home when the demonstrators and D.C. cops arrived was one of Baer's young sons, who locked himself in the bathroom until his father arrived to rescue him after bravely forcing his way through the crowd."   Read more at the Washington Examiner:


  1. Shocking!! I never thought I'd see anything like this in America. I want to cry because the country I love is being run by an anti-American who does not follow his first and most important duty: to protect the American people and the principles our country was founded on.

    Susan B

  2. I am generally opposed to frivilous lawsuits, but in this case I think the family should sue the union as a while for terrorizing a minor. This is disgusting.

  3. I too oppose goofy law suits. In fact, I really do not have any real use for attorneys, at all. Lasw use be simple enough without them. They are only complicated to create loopholes. You do not need a lawyer for the Constitution. But yes, in this case SEIU members should be aressted and held for trial and then sued for civil damages!

  4. Susan - The most shocking part is, that it is all a part of their EVIL plan. It is also a test to see, if law enforcement would follow EVIL orders. They did and, that should be a great concern. Shocking yes, but hopefully awakening!


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