Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Well, here is some good news for you.  The folks in the government are saying that Social Security will not last too much longer and I wonder why?  Medicare is supposed to go south too.  In fact, do any of y'all know when was the last time that any government program REALLY worked?  Could the reason be that you cannot remember when was the last time a politician worked?  I mean, other than campaigning, of course.  Do you really think that any of them, both sides, REALLY care about us?  Think about it.  All we see is a bunch of GROWN men and women, acting like a bunch of four year olds, and fighting over who's gonna get the biggest slice of cake.  These people are supposed to be educated.  Our representatives!  Our employees!  I know that if they worked for me, I'd fire all their butts!  It is a shame.  A disgrace.  My poor country!  With the entire world watching, this is what represents America.  Wooo!  Weee!  Don't it make you so proud?

Now let me get back to this Social Security thing.  You see, politicians can't get too concerned about this program because they are not part of it.  Well, except for borrowing money from it, so it can go broke faster.  That's it!  They personally do not pay anything into it.  Some of y'all may have not known that, but they don't.  Seriously.  They have their own "special" plan that they designed and funded with OUR money.  Oh, and make no mistake about it, it is a FLUSH little sucker too.  It has to be.  I mean, if we are actually STUPID enough, to hand all them CARING politicians, a BLANK CHECK, and let them spend as much as they want on a retirement package, then what do you expect?  Honesty?  Fairness?  I don't think so.

How is their package different from OURS?  Well, with their "special" plan, when they retire, they get exactly the same pay as when they were working.  Did you get that?  Same pay on or off the job!  Well actually, it's not the same pay.  No sir, they were tricky enough to throw in a cost of living increase too.  Oh, and I almost forgot.  They snuck in a little clause where their cute little darlin' wives would draw some freebies too, whether they ever lifted a finger on any job or not.  That's neat, huh?  What's this plan cost 'em?  Well, unlike us dummies that have to actually pay into our plan, their plan costs them nothing.  You heard me right!  IT COST THEM NOTHING!  In other words, not only do we have to pay into Social Security, but part of the tax money we pay in, goes to pay for their "special" plan.  Yep, we get DOUBLE HIT!  The little boogers are so "special", aren't they?  And there are people out there that actually still think these politicians are honest, fair and really, really care.  Aw, bless your little gullible hearts.  Get you another sip of that great tasting Kool Aid!

Now wait!  There's more!  To top all of this juicy "HAM" off, well they added a few scrumptious "PINEAPPLES."  Oh yes they did!  Obama, the CARING for each and every one of us, President that he is, just approved a two percent SALARY INCREASE for every single Federal employee.  All of 'em!  This is ON TOP of the AUTOMATIC pay raise that the CARING little Congress folks get!  Yes, it really is!  Hey, there is still more.  ON TOP of all of this CARING, for the first time in history, since the inception of Social Security, there will NOT be a cost of living increase.  You heard me correctly.  You ain't gonna get no increase folks because they CARE!  In fact, there have been predictions that you folks on Social Security will not get any cost of living increases for years to come.  Want to bet on those?  Okay, I'm almost finished.  There's more?  Yes there is.  Those of you on Medicare will have to pay MORE premium.  Uh Huh.  In 2010 it will INCREASE to $104.20 per month and in 2011 it will GO UP to $120.20 per month!  Don't you think they care? 

So hear is America, broke and with a debt that we will never be able to pay back and this gang of caring politicians are soaking up the syrup!  The juice!  The sunshine!  The punch!  The gravy!  Folks, we gave a bunch of spoiled brat, four year olds,  OUR credit card, AND without a spending limit.  Yes sir, that's what we did!  And they are at the UNITED STATES MALL buying up everything in site and making sure they get cash back on every purchase!

So how do we fix this very big problem?  Simple!  We take their credit card away and their HUGE perky plan, then make them pay into our measly little plan, and, we shouldn't, but we'll give them the same kind of benefits that we get.  NO MORE, NO LESS!  Only because we are FAIR.  More than fair!  Wonder if Social Security might get a little more attention after this happens?  I bet their greedy imaginations will run wild.  I can hear the halls of Congress now, "Oh my God, we can't let Social Security go broke!  What will we do?  We have to fix this, guys!"  Oh, and when we get this fixed, their "special" health care plan will be next.  Hey, now that we're started, lets throw in some PAY CUTS.  I'm close to retiring.  I'll work for a hundred and forty thousand and won't ask for any perks.  I'm just sayin'.

....and there you have some more opinions from TH' DUMB OL' EAST TEXAS BOY.


  1. Smoke is coming out of my ears I am so mad!! How did we allow all this to happen? It is sickening!! Change is definately coming...the way we vote will never be the same! They all have to go!

    My only concern is that if we all vote for a new guy (one that isn't a career politician) whether it is local, state, or federal, will anything really change? Will our votes be spread out all over the place, allowing the same corrupt politicians to prevail? How do we get organized so that the majority of our votes are united?

  2. The next election, just as the last, will be "fixed" by Acorn, or whatever they change their name to. We have to prosecute the election law breakers first, at the state levels. Only then, can we elect the good ones.

    Next we have to get rid of every single Congress member, that has been there more than 5 years. They cannot be trusted.

  3. NO COLA and an increase in Medicare?

    Well, there went my drinking money.

    Guess I'll have to start a still. I hear there some good instructions on the internet.

    White lightning...ain't had any since I was a boy.

    Improvise is what my Daddy taught me. He was right.

    Papa Ray


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