Tuesday, January 20, 2009


You know that research has shown that there are 24 things that are about to become extinct. Some of them are th' Family Farm, News Magazines, TV news, Honey Bees, Drive-In Movies, Wild Horses, Hand Written Letters, The Milkman, Swimmin' Holes, Classified Ads, and The Yellow Pages. Yes, "Like sand in an hour glass....so are the days of our lives." Remember that one? Yeah, real America's droppin' off one chunk at a time. Some folks see this as a good thing, and maybe so, but it makes me wonder if we ain't goin' a lil' too darn fast. Ya know? I mean how many chunks gotta fall off before we're on that list. I mean as a country........ we become extinct!

If you really examine your brain, I think you'll find that just four things have become more important than any thing else. Think on it a while and see what ya come up with. Be honest. It's money, power, comfort, or fun. Look at the commercials..........everything revolves around fun and/or comfort. You don't just need a car. You need a car that turns you on! You don't just need a phone. You need a phone that has TV! You know, so you can take out your readin' glasses and watch it. Heck, I remember when I got my "Big Screen", now that was progress. Now it's not cool anymore! Oh, and it ain't no more talkin' to your neighbor, nope, now you got to text, email, or blog! Blog? Sounds like somethin' from a horror flick! BEWARE! THE BLOG IS COMING TO A THEATER NEAR YOU!

Heck, even some lil' darlin' made national TV 'cause she could text 14,000 messages in a month! Th' Dad looked almost proud! "Course, bein' on national TV, had nuthin' to do with th' fact that most of the network's sponsors were phone companies. Naw, couldn't be that! In fact, now that ya mention it, it don't take much to get on TV at all! You just gotta lie to a jury, commit a crime, don't wear panties, be a crooked politician, molest or kill your wife, disgrace God, and so on and so on. Anyway, you get my drift. All ya gotta do is write a book, or have someone write it for ya, after you do somethin' bad, and BAM, you're famous and rich! What an incentive for our youngin's.

Funny world alright.

Okay, I'm ramblin', so I'll quit. See ya.


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