Okay, if you had a big ol' drunk man layin' down on your front porch sleepin' and you tried to get him to move by ticklin' his big toe with a feather, well he might move around a bit, but he'd never wake up. Naw, you'd probably have to poor a big ol' pale of water right on his face, then he might move.
My point bein' that this Recovery, Save th' Nation, Stimulus, or whatever you want to label it, is goin' to have 'bout th' same effect as that feather! It just ain't gonna move this country or it's folks much! I mean, good gosh, a bunch of folks a lot smarter than me said that only 12% goes to th' folks. 12%! Imagine that. We need a big ol' bucket filled to th' brim with 100%! Yep, then we can wash th' stench of this economic nightmare off of us.
Anybody thought about th' 88% we ain't gonna see? Where's it goin'? Well, it's goin' to Arts and Crafts, walkin' trails, swimmin' pools, politicians cars, and rainbows, lollypops, and visions of sugar plums, and th' Wizard of Oz and Dorothy (or is it Nancy, can't remember)! Man, we've come a long way Baby!
We are actually gonna set by and let this fiasco happen! Unbelievable! It is th' fleecin' of America. Thank God a few of us are still allowed to Speak Out 'cause that'll probably be gone soon too. They are already tryin' to hush folks up. Oh, and they don't have no qualms about it 'cause they know we have really become that passive. Just feathers in th' wind and they can blow us in any direction they want to. And they got plenty of hot air!
Yep, I'm opinionatin' again!
My point bein' that this Recovery, Save th' Nation, Stimulus, or whatever you want to label it, is goin' to have 'bout th' same effect as that feather! It just ain't gonna move this country or it's folks much! I mean, good gosh, a bunch of folks a lot smarter than me said that only 12% goes to th' folks. 12%! Imagine that. We need a big ol' bucket filled to th' brim with 100%! Yep, then we can wash th' stench of this economic nightmare off of us.
Anybody thought about th' 88% we ain't gonna see? Where's it goin'? Well, it's goin' to Arts and Crafts, walkin' trails, swimmin' pools, politicians cars, and rainbows, lollypops, and visions of sugar plums, and th' Wizard of Oz and Dorothy (or is it Nancy, can't remember)! Man, we've come a long way Baby!
We are actually gonna set by and let this fiasco happen! Unbelievable! It is th' fleecin' of America. Thank God a few of us are still allowed to Speak Out 'cause that'll probably be gone soon too. They are already tryin' to hush folks up. Oh, and they don't have no qualms about it 'cause they know we have really become that passive. Just feathers in th' wind and they can blow us in any direction they want to. And they got plenty of hot air!
Yep, I'm opinionatin' again!
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