Thursday, January 22, 2009


Ya know what truly amazes me? The fact that so many Americans get shocked when an Illinois Governor, Rod Blagojevich, tries to sell a Senate seat. I mean you have got to realize, by now, that this is business as usual in today's politics. It's not Rocket Science folks! Do you seriously believe that this country would be in the shape it is, if all those politicians were good, honest, hard working folks with the American Citizens interest at heart? Of course you don't! I mean, how much history do you need? Nixon and Watergate! Clinton's abuse of our great Whitehouse and then lying on Television right to our faces! Bush virtually ignoring our illegal immigration problem, while appearing cozy with Mexico's politicians! Obama's questionable citizenship, associations with criminals, radical extremists, and his refusal to release college papers (they would probably show that he took funds as a foreign national), political canidates virtually calling everyone running against them, at election time, criminals and nut cases and after the election is over congratulating the winners and then stating how good they are. These are LIARS folks and we just except it! Let me repeat: We are electing and re-electing LIARS!

It's all right before our eyes, but we keep electing the same ol' liars, attorneys and politicians! We need to change the system where just an average guy can run for office, even if he/she is not "loaded" or doesn't have "loaded" friends! It's time to start fighting these poor leaders with every means we legally have at our disposal! We need to elect folks with business backgrounds. Folks that know what the term "BOTTOM LINE" really means!

But will we do what it takes to make this country great again? NO! No, not us, because we are too busy fighting over black and white, how the school is mistreating my little angel, why this group got this, but we didn't, the word Christmas, red ink on school papers, they beat me to th' Wal-Mart sale, suing over hot coffee, religion, politics, the word God, gay or not gay, and th' list goes on and on and on...............................!

Ya know what this baloney does? It keeps us separated! Yep, separated! You know what the cops do if they confront an angry mob? They separate them. You know why? They are easier to control that way. You know what corrupt leaders do? They separate us. Oh we think they are fighting our lil' causes because they care, but they are separating us! You know how the Average Joe's can get powerful again? Yep, don't let them separate us! Don't buy the "we are th' downtroddin' hype". Government by the people and for the people is easy. It takes one thing...............THE PEOPLE HAVE TO COME TOGETHER ON BIG ISSUES! We need to put aside all those petty lil' fights above and get some real problems solved first! Like are we going to keep eating!!!!

Well hell, this is just one ol' dumb East Texas boys opinion and I ain't to worried 'cause I know how to survive! Do you?

Good luck to y'all.

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