Thursday, July 1, 2010


First, the city of Maywood, California and next the country of America!  They are just seeping in like cock roaches in the middle of the night.  They have actually taken over some of our cities and are holding them by gunpoint.  Really!  They have gotten their foot holds.  Now it's just a matter of going from one city to the other as the weak fold like a
 deer from a thirty ought six.  The folks just set by and let them take over and the Federal government is their co-conspirator or "back-up force", which ever you prefer.  What am I talking about?  ILLEGAL ALIENS!  That's what!

Look, if these renegades take over just one of our cities, it is the same as taken over our country!  We cannot allow this.  They have even fired shots and hit the El Paso city hall.  In America, guys!  In America!  Man, as a vet and a patriot this brings me to a new low.  A low I thought I'd never see.  A chunk of America taken hostage!  Hmm, Hmm, Hmm.   Sure we've seen some rough times.  We have been attacked on several occasions.  Pearl Harbor and 911 among the greatest, but to actually have our land taken over by an invading force, well that's just too much, don't ya think?  I feel like getting my truck loaded up with my gear and then head to Arizona and start popping caps!  Seriously, I am that upset, but I hesitate because only one man cannot do any good.  I'd die, at the hand of some thug and the media would cover it up.  It would be all for naught.  Frustration cannot even began to cover the way I feel about our country right now.

Where was I?  Oh yeah, wanted to talk about the first liberal led, sanctuary city gone kaput.  It was Maywood, California.  The leaders were so sharp.  Arrogant so and so's!  They ignored the Federal laws on immigration and made Maywood a "security blanket" for illegals.  No one could touch the renegades and thugs!  So, guess what the illegals did?  Like all good renegades and thugs, who see an easy "touch", they moved in!  They completely sucked the life out of that town!  Broke it!  The town was forced to go into bankruptcy and they fired all government employees.  Course the leaders, like a bunch of leeches, probably went and sucked blood from another city somewhere.  I'm sure Obama would love to find a "position" for them!

Folks, please do not take this invasion lightly.  Remember, all you hear about is the Mexicans, the media never ever mentions the many muslims, who are crossing our borders.  Why do you think Obama leaves it open?  He needs his brethren for his civilian army, that he his building as we speak!  If we do not help our states get strong willed against the Federal government, we do not stand a chance.  STATES RIGHTS!  STATES RIGHTS!  STATES RIGHTS!  Get our states to tell Obama to stick it!

1 comment:

  1. There are also big corporations "fueling" this Madness. When the banks noticed that billions of dollars were being sent to Mexico through Western Union... the banks began to hire Latinos to lure in the illegals.

    And since they can't speak English-guess where they will be spanish speaking stores.

    Now we factor in the Pimps/Politicians and we have the "Trifecta" that is turning America into a third world country.


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