Thursday, July 1, 2010


Once again, them purdy talkers, way, way, down there at The New York times are spoutin' off their "theories".  Take this Robert Wright cat.  He's one of their, how do you say it like they would, oh yeah, eloquent writers.  He "thinks", that folks like you and me, "hang" on is every word.  In his lil' imaginary world, he thinks he means something to the little fellow.  As he sips his glass of gourmet wine, that tastes like stale grape juice and a lil' alcohol soaked with some West Texas mesquite chips, he
dreams of being the savior of the "small" folks.  The workin' fella.  The gal hangin' her wash on a clothes line.  He is at peace with his thoughts!  Awwwww.

Well, the ol' boy might be at peace, but he ain't got a clue of what's going on in the REAL world.  This, "appear to know it all", sucker actually believes, that if we pull all the troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, the jihad against America and all non-muslim believers will stop.  Yeah, just disappear!  Vanish!  Go away like corn shucks in a Kansas twister.  Uh huh?  Robert Wright, you are dreamin' all right sucker!  You gotta be to write something about jihad going away.  These liberal, muslim lovin', all just get along, cats just don't get it.  Muslims HATE non-believers!  Fact!  Not fiction!  There book demands it and they believe their book.  Robert Wright you need to read the Quran.  Jihad has NOTHING to do with Iraq or Afghanistan!  I mean NOTHING!  Jihad is war on non-believers and as long as there are non-believers, the threat of jihad will hang over us like the fog in Robert's brain! 

Ol' Robert's article is called, "The Myth of Modern Jihad".  Do you notice anything funny about that title?  It's something liberals do all the time.  Notice "Modern"?  Yeah, to him, this is now "Modern Jihad".  It is no longer jihad.  Naw, that would make it ancient and evil, so he does a little word play, 'CAUSE HE THINKS WE ARE REALLY THAT DUMB!  These cats like Robert really make me want to vomit.  They just do not get it and never will.  Heck, he probably looks upon Sean Penn as a hero.  Anyway, I've provided the link to his article, just in case you might need a greater lesson on stupidity.  Enjoy.

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