Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Alright, I believe it's time that we all got a little fire under our butts!  We need a little inspiration.  We've been whining, crying, afraid, angry, sad, worried and, just all around, wondering how we are going to win this thing.  Well first, we are going to win because we have God Almighty behind us, but he wants us to do some of the work ourselves.  So, he provides us with timely motivation every once in a while because he understand, that we are not as strong as him and we need a shove sometimes.

You see, I wrote the following article back on January 23, 2009.  You can read it for yourself and find, that a lot of the things have already come through.  Yes, it talks about various things, but the motivation really is not about my article.  It is about the link that is attached and the title above sums it up.  If this don't make the boys and girls, MAN-UP, well, I don't know what will.  Please open and watch, even again, if you've seen it.
POOF! IT'S GONE!  --  Friday, January 23, 2009, 11:16:46 AM
noreply@blogger.com (DUMB OL' EAST TEXAS BOY)

Y'all know that I don't send much of this "mushy feely" stuff, but I couldn't resist on this one. This is what "REAL AMERICAN'S" need to do, you know th' MAJORITY! You've been sittin' on your duffs too darn long! This country is 'bout to become th' SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF THE UNITED STATES! You like th' sound of that? Are our petty lil' differences more important than keepin' this country strong? The government, not your government any longer, is about to own all of our banks and insurance companies. Really! They are goin' to do it like a magician. POOF, right before your eyes. Didn't someone say somethin' one time 'bout a "thief in th' night"?

Now, let me fill ya in on what's happenin' here. You know, in plain talk 'cause that's all I know. Whomever or whatever owns th' banks, owns th' money. Now whoever owns th' money basically owns you and me. Yes I said owns!!! You will be "SLAVES" to th' whims of an ELITE few! This is th' ultimate dream of corrupt politicians................COMPLETE CONTROL!

Now, once they own th' money, well then they gonna go after health care! Yep, you gonna have to trust your precious health to someone that owns all th' money. Do you think they want to spend it on you, as much as it will take to make you well? You are very, very naive if you say "yes".

So watch this thing and think of Americans as the star of this show. After you watch, ask yourself, "we ready to come together and be strong or are we gonna lay there and pout?

Some more opinions from th' dumb ol' EAST TEXAS BOY.

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