Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Well, we've heard the ol' "branch by branch" theory since Woodrow Wilson.  Yeah, like a bunch of mutant beavers, they have been slowly and methodically been busy building their dam.  We too, since Woodrow Wilson, have been going about are "everyday" business, just like good productive folks do.  We have been freely drinking from the ol' stream of liberty for quite some time now and the taste has been refreshing, to say the least.  Now, however, completely unknown to most Americans, that ol' free flowing stream of liberty has slowed down to a small dribble.  There is not enough there to squelch all of our thirsts.  Many of us are in decline and we are scratching our heads saying, "How did this happen?"  The beavers have all but completed their dam.  There are only a few more logs they have to cut and place and they will be done and then, THEIR "WILL" BE DONE!

We have let some of our STATES, beginning with California, get destitute.  More will follow.  We have let the Federal government become a horrible, corrupt monster.  We have let communists completely take over the current administration.  We have allowed our children, from pre-school through college, to be indoctrinated with communism, alternate lifestyles, Godlessness, and a pretty much "anything goes" agenda.  We have let the FEDS become the largest employer.  We have let the FEDS become the largest owner of our wealth, when by law, they should own none.  We have let the FEDS dictate our health care needs.  We have let the FEDS steal our Social Security funds.  We have let the FEDS steal our Medicare/Medicaid funds.  We have let the FEDS steal our homes and land.  We have let the FEDS give away our money and goods to law breakers (illegal aliens).  We have let the FEDS give away our cherished citizenship rights to muslims.  Can you imagine how this makes our Jewish citizens feel?  Let alone, the rest of us.  We have allowed the FEDS to allow Jihadist training camps in many of our states.  We have allowed the FEDS to construct and maintain FEMA concentration camps.  We have allowed the FEDS to train and equip "civilian" armies.  We have let the FEDS put our soldiers in harms way, by allowing muslims to serve in our armed forces.  Yes, since Woodrow Wilson, we have allowed the FEDS to do so much to our cherished land ad all in the name of power, greed, and money.

So, what are we going to ALLOW the FEDS to do next.  Take our guns?  Control our food and water?  Burn our books?  Shut down our communication?  Steal our children?  Kill off our older or non-cooperative citizens?  "Oh Sulak, you're nuts!  That can't happen today!"  My friend, that is yesterday's thinking.  You had better get with TODAY'S thinking, which is.....anything corrupt you can imagine these so-called leaders in the FED doing, .......can and will be done, unless WE stop them!  Remember, WE WIN THROUGH OUR STATES!  The FED is no longer with us.  They are against us.  States Rights!  It's the key to victory!

With yesterday's thinking, this didn't make a whole lot of sense, but now, with today's thinking, it does.  Please open and listen to this:


  1. Lance M Hillier Sr6/06/2010 1:18 PM

    Excellent John, and oh so very true! And this asministration is not only following the Alinsky/Cloward-Piven rules to subvert this system. Omamba is following almost the exact steps taken by Mussolini in the 1920's and early 30's when he transformed Italy into a fascist country. Mussolini did it so well, and covertly, he served as the role model for all subsequent 20th Century dictators: Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Peron, Franco, Noriega, Papa Doc, Hugo Chavez...

  2. Thanks for comment, Lance. It is amazing how so many do not see his documented "game plan".


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