Monday, May 31, 2010


Boy, I'll tell you, I'm liking this Benny Netanyahu more and more each day.  He may be the only man in the entire world, who has the fortitude to stand up to "The Lil' Impostor", Barrack Hussein Obama!  I certainly admire his spunk and sand!  I mean, here is lil' ol' Israel right smack dab in the middle of all these sheet heads and ol' Benny don't fudge.  Obama, during his whole so-called presidency, has given Benny nothing but grief.  And what does Benny do, when Obama calls him to a meeting?  Does he say, "Oooooh, it's the president of America.  I better watch my P's and Q's."  No sir, he comes straight out and states to Obama, in so many words, "Naw, can't make it sunshine!  Unlike you, I've got a country full of folks I care about.  I'm going to tend to their needs during this rough patch.  I'll meet with you, when I get a chance."

Now, that is a REAL LEADER guys!  Hey, and I'm not Jewish, but I sure do admire a good leader when I see one.  He don't do no BOWING!  He don't do no APOLOGIZING!  He don't break down his COUNTRY!  He don't let illegal aliens jack with his country!  He don't submit to demands unless they help the folks in his country!  Hey Obama!  You learning anything here?  Naw, you ain't!  Open the link and catch the sophisticated story:


  1. Good points, John. We need another "Benny" at the helm here in the good ol' US of A. You thinking of running anytime soon? :-)

  2. Only thought, at this point, ServiceBrat. Only thoughts. But I sure appreciate your support.


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