Thursday, June 3, 2010


DUE PROCESS.  Ha!  Not when it comes to exposing "The Lil' Impostor". Barrack Hussein Obama!  No sir, there are a whole separate bunch of "illegal" laws concerning this cat.  He is way above us mere mortals!  His britches magically float on boat his legs, at the same time, when he gets out of bed.  No, it just would not be right for his MAJESTY to obey the same laws, which we do.  He is an "untouchable."  An "elite."  The "chosen one."  He is above all!  BALONEY! 

Normally, when someone is arrested and goes to trial, they have to PROVE, if in fact, the defendant  committed a crime.  FACTS are presented.  This means ALL FACTS, which can PROVE the defendants guilt or innocence.  Now this is in NORMAL circumstances, but not in the case of distinguished ARMY LTC, Terry Lankin versus our chief cook and bottle washer, OBAMA. 

You see ol' Terry refused to obey an order because he, resonably, given the facts, believed, that OBAMA was not actually qualified to be The President of the united states of America.  In fact, Terry believed, that OBAMA had actually obtained the presidency illegally.  He, like millions of Americans had had enough.  He wanted answers.  He wanted proof.  This was not believed, by the majority of Americans, to be an UNREASONABLE request, but nothing is reasonable when it comes to The Impostor!

Now here is the latest on Terry's position:  The Army (under Obama's command) is refusing Terry's request to have Obama testify as to his eligibility to be commander in chief.  They are also refusing to allow Terry to produce ANY witnesses and/or evidence from Hawaii or anywhere else, for that matter, in regards to OBAMA'S eligibility.  Can you imagine that?  In other words, they have stripped Terry of any right to any evidence, yet they are proceeding with his trial.  Due process under the law?  I DON'T THINK SO!  Obama, "The Lil' Impostor", getting very preferential treatment?  MOST DEFINITELY!  Obama, once again, using his self-perceived power to break our laws?  YOU BETCHA!  Catch a bit more about this here:


  1. Dumb ol' East Texas Boy seems to be hitting on all cylinders! Who owns all the Judges in America today? Seems someone does! How can the Communist New World Order control all our courts? What has happened to our Republic? Damn! America should be rioting in the streets and carrying lit torches in mass toward the White House! I'm a Texas boy also and this BS does not set too well with me. Maybe we should get Rick to pull us away from these homosexual Communists that have taken over Washington DC! We still have the Texas national Guard, Confederate Air Force, lots of oil & gas, and we got the Houston Space Command. We control the satellites and any launches. Maybe when we are a sovereign nation we can seal up the Mexican Border arrest those here illegally and make them work for free! How many of the 50 States do you think will want to join us? We defeated the British back in 1787 we can defeat the Communists in 2010! We can't wait till 2012! Keep typing! old1

  2. Well ?, you said it right! However, secession should be a last resort. We need to form a group of "traditional value" STATES and take back contol of the FED! STATES RIGHTS! We can win through the states. Communicating with the FED is like pissin' in the wind! Communicate with the states! Tell them to get tough with the FED or get someone who can.

  3. "Someone who has no respect US Law or for the dead..."

    Those words were uttered by a state spokesman after Mojave Desert Cross disappeared.

  4. Jesus is Near, thanks for your comment. That sums up Obama in two words!


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