Wednesday, June 30, 2010


FAITH UNDER SURVEILLANCE!  Are you kidding me?  Here we go again!  The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) strikes again.  They are organizing an event called, "Profiling Islam: Faith under surveillance".  Ha!  Good one aaacluuu!  You seriously believe, that REAL Americans believe, that Islam is faith?  Put down that "joint" my friend, you are hallucinating!  How 'bout changing the title of that event to something just a bit more believable?  I don't, "Blood thirsty CULT under surveillance?  Guess y'all haven't read the Quran either?  Y'all
"aclu'ers" must take after your savior, Obama.  Don't bother reading and learning the facts, but try and make life miserable for those, who do.  Does that about sum it up?  Oh shoot, why I'm I asking y'all?  I know I won't get a straight answer from you.  ACLU?  That ought to stand for:  Another Clueless Left Union!

Hey, but why I got your ears, I'm talking to the REAL folks now AAACCCLUUU, so set down and be quite!  Anyway, why I've got the ears of you "common sense" folks, have y'all ever gone to the ACLU website?  It's a booger, let me tell ya!  They got cute lil' events like, "Putting the "F" in Free Speech".  Let's see, where did I hear about using and promoting profanity?  Oh yeah, number 24 of the steps to communism.  How'd that go again?  Here ya go:  Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.  Oh, and don't forget numbers twenty-five and twenty-six either.  Can't leave them lil' suckers out.  The ACLU might pooch their lips out.  Here is what they stated:   Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography, and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio and TV.  And this one:   Present Homosexuality, degeneracy, and promiscuity as "normal, natural, and healthy".  But let's not forget, that free speech, is important y'all.  Yeah, I will, I will as long as it remains somewhat civil and goes along with the traditions, which our founders set up.

Oh, and while we are on the subject of obscenity, I just got to share this with you.  The other day, on one of the many sites I look at, I noticed a picture of some very trashy garbed girls holding a huge American flag on a lone hill and pretending to reenact Iowa Jima.  They were in what appeared to be torn and raggy bikinis or underwear.  There bosoms were actually hanging out of the bottom of these outfits.  It was posted in an attempt to rally female patriots.

Anyway, I made a comment to the young lady, who posted the picture.  I told her, that I was a veteran and I found the picture very trashy and offensive.  She replied back, that the photo was not offensive and actually defended it as being patriotic.  She seemed to be a conservative, but her vision of civil and mine were worlds apart.  We bantered back and forth and she was not going to change her position, so I moved on.  I chalked it up to some liberal college professor, who got to her brain.  I mean guys, if she wants to be patriotic, she needs to look at and post REAL pictures of  Iowa Jima.  I can assure her, that those soldiers would not have disgraced our flag in their underwear with their body parts hanging out!  Our flag needs to be honored.  Many, many soldiers died and are crippled today because they were protecting that flag.  Good gosh!  Have a little decency.

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