Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Obama is playing every single "legal" citizen of the united states of America as a bunch of complete fools!  He is a mad man after a dream.  A dream of world power!  He is completely obsessed!  Oh, and make no mistake, my friends, it don't matter one iota, if you are conservative, liberal, black, white, yellow, brown, red, Christian, Jew, atheist, agnostic, rich, poor, union, non-union, or any thing in between any of those, he will use
you and then abuse you.  His communist machine will roll us over like Mike Ditka on a punter!  This measly lil' punk!  This impostor!  This obsessed insane lil' man, wants it ALL!  He will do anything to get it!  It is this writer's belief, that he will even have folks killed, and there have been reports to that effect, to get what he wants!

In light of that last statement, here is a very good example of just what he and his arrogance are capable of.  As you read the attached article, please keep in mind, that George Soros, Obama's puppet master, owns PETROBRAS (Petroleum of Brazil) and Obama just sent twenty BILLION of our money to Soros owned Petrobras.   Soros will profit greatly if this Gulf disaster continues and Obama is allowed to stop oil production.  The article explains how Obama could use and could have used steps to completely stop and/or clean-up this tragedy.  Here they are:

1. Waive the Jones Act:
2.  Accept International Assistance:
3. Lift the Moratorium: 
4. Release the S.S. A-Whale: 
5. Remove State and Local Roadblocks:
6. Allow Sand Berm Dredging:
7. Waive or Suspend EPA Regulations:
8. Temporarily Loosen Coast Guard Inspections:
9. Stop Coast Guard Budget Cuts:
10. Halt Climate Change Legislation:

Please read how Obama is unbelievably letting us down, on purpose.  He is protecting and advancing his and his minions and his supporters, especially Soros, agendas!  He will not stop, but he has to be stopped!  He is a shill, a plant, a traitor, a despicable excuse for a president!

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