Tuesday, June 29, 2010


NUMBER 36:  Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.
NUMBER 37:  Infiltrate and gain control of big business.
NUMBER 42:  Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special interest groups should rise up and make a "united force" to solve economic, political, or social problems.
NUMBER 43:  Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.
NUMBER 29:  Discredit the American Constitution by calling it
inadequate, old fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

Yes, those are some more steps from the 1963 Communist goals and Obama is still following them like a rat follows cheese!  Guys, please tell everyone to read and memorize the forty-five steps to Communism.  1963!  It was written that long ago, but they have been squeezing into America like caulk into a crack.  Everywhere it will fit, they are there!  And if it won't fit, they find a way to cause some more of America to ROT, so they can squeeze in a little more.  And as long as we let them, they're gonna keep rotting and squeezing, rotting and squeezing, until all that's left standing is us......WITH NO PROTECTION at all!

The unions are their FOUNDATION.  Without the unions they have no way of controlling what goes on.  They need infiltrators, soldiers, community organizers, propaganda promoters, and all sorts of other dirty little folks that, in the name of a "fat" paycheck, will do virtually anything a union boss asks.  If they don't, they are "black balled" and the unions make sure they will not get hired.  Well, at least, that's what the union bosses makes them believe.  And, of course, you have a few of them, that don't need convincing at all. They just roll along and live in complete denial, telling everyone how sweet and rosy the unions are.  

Every single time a union member pays one penny in dues, that amounts to one penny of America washing away!  Blowing in the breeze!  Vanishing!  Now wait just a minute!  I know everyone needs income to keep going in this ol' world.  I'm not completely cold hearted, but we need to help these folks get out of their TRAP!  Oh and they are TRAPPED!  At least the good ones are and I'm hoping and praying, that is the majority of them.  You guys do realize, that there are more government employees now than private employees?  And you do realize, that just about every single one of those government employees belong to a union?  That's what Obama wants!  That's what the Communists wants!  Oh, and do you know who controls virtually all of those government union employees?  It's George SorosSEIU is probably the largest and most of you already know the corruption, that follows that bunch.

In fact, just today, a story broke on how Obama's aide, Patrick Gaspard, got paid forty grand, that's forty thousand dollars folks, from SEIU!  This guy is the political director for the White House and he gets forty large from some union scum representing SEIU!  How 'bout that?  I mean SEIU has both Obama's and Congress's ear and Obama's rat gets forty grand.  Wonder what was Obama's cut?  Heck, it was probably a four way splint....Obama, Rahm, Axlerod, and Gaspard.  What a bunch of thugs!

These unions, and especially SEIU, are everywhere and they are growing at an alarming rate.  Going to work UNDER a union is the same as going to work for Hugo Chavez!  You will always be under there thumb until the communist reach their goals.  Once they reach 'em, then all you union boys and girls will be holding our potato buckets waitin' for our grub.  Guys this is NO THEORY!  This has happened many times around the world throughout history and all those communist everywhere want it to happen here.  These are not sane folks.  You cannot deal with them like we do each other.  They are, like a rabid dog, OBSESSED!  Do y'all know what you have to do with a rabid dog?  I'm just askin'.

We need to work twice as hard at tearing down unions, as the union leaders are working to tear down America!  Try to convince union members to leave.  Maybe some good conservative "fat" cats can hire some away from the corruption.  Maybe some union members will find a way to get patriotic and leave the corruption.  Oh, and don't forget to keep building up your STATES.  STATES RIGHTS is key!  Thanks for your ear.  

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